Sunday 1 July 2012



Life couldnt get any worse right now! I hate this life so much. Why does everything bad happen to me, to my family? Everything was fine until now..Mum and dad won't stop shouting downstairs, theyre always arguing, i should be used to this by now! But something tells me that this isnt just any old argument. I can hear smashing and banging of doors..I want to go downstairs to protect mummy, but im scared in case dad will hurt me..or worse her! He's always comes home drunk on a friday night, and im sick of it! Last time I talked to him about it he called me a bitch and i nearly ended up falling down the stairs because he pushed me to the ground! Im sick of this..I don't know what to do. I have no body to talk to, my friends wouldnt care, they'd just laugh in my face and tease me - well i guess that means they arent really my friends...I need to go for a walk, hopefully that will make things better, but i doubt it.

I was walking along the driveway in the middle of the street, tears streaming down my face, I don't want my mum and dad to get a divorce, who do I choose? Yes my dad can be an ass sometimes but deep down i do love him and I love my mum! This is going to be hard..I just want things back to normal..
I walked for another 15 minutes trying to get away from all the horrible thoughts in my head..I didnt even know where I was at this point..It was dark, and i was freezing! I now came to the conclusion that i was lost..I didnt know the way back home either, not that i wanted to go back to that place, mum and dad have probably killed eachother by now! I bet they havent even realised im gone.. I decided to take a seat on a bench, i couldnt keep walking..who knows where id end up! I just sat there, staring at the stars that were shining so brightly in the night sky.. I felt so lonely, and to be honest i was terrified - I didnt even know where I was, and this place didnt look too friendly at night time.

About an hour later I woke up..I must have fallen asleep on that cold hard bench and my back was killing me..but i wasnt alone this time..I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasnt dreaming..Nope i definately wasnt dreaming! There stood the most gorgeous boy on this planet..I could tell he was waiting for me to answer a question..but I was too busy focused on his amazing curly hair, his luscious green eyes and his dimples..He was just Wow!..but I looked a mess..and i had been crying making it even worse..
Boy: 'Are you okay love?' he sat beside me..he was amazing, oh my god i didnt even know boys could be this amazing!
You: 'Um yea thank you!' I didnt want to tell the truth..inside I was a mess, and so was my life! but I didnt want to barge eveything onto him, he was so sweet and nice.
boy: 'Youre not fine love!..why are you out here all by yourself?' he asked so nicely and sweetly, coming closer to me..oh my god i think im going to die here...
I couldnt hold in the tears any longer..I burst out crying and I was freezing..He must think im a real weirdo!
boy: 'Hey..hey! its here!' he said hugging me tightly..God he was so nice! and he smelt amazing, I probably stink since ive been out here most of the evening..
You: 'I-i am so sorry..i better go!' I got up and started to walk away, i needed some heat cause i thought i was going to freeze to death then i felt a warm, soft hand on my arm pulling me back..
Harry: 'please don't go love, now come here and tell me whats wrong!..Im Harry by the way!' he smiled..Wow, this boy was amazing, and he must really care if he pulled me back like that.
You: 'Im [yn]' i smiled
Harry: 'Beautiful please tell me whats wrong love...has something happened.? Has someone hurt you?'
I nodded, I could feel the tears coming back but i tried to be brave and tell harry what has happend to my life..
You: ' parents keep fighting, every damn weekend they are fighting, and my dad is a dangerous man when hes drunk, he nearly killed me last weekend because I told him to calm down with the drink and he called me bad things..then he pushed me, I nearly fell straight to the bottom of the stairs..They are at home fighting at the minute probably. I couldnt take it...I had to leave and be alone!' I was now in tears..and Harry pulled me in for a hug!
Harry: 'Its okay..shh, shh im here to keep you company [yn]! You can tell me anything! and ill listen!..its going to be okay..i promise!'
You: 'You dont get it Harry! Every night I have to put up with this..every single night! I have no one to talk to..And im an only child! Im sick of this, one day I wont have any parents...because they'll end up killing eachother and im serious! I dont even know why im still on this planet any more!' you cry

Harrys pov
She was just sitting there shouting at me as the tears streamed down her face. I could feel tears coming to my eyes too! no one ever made me cry like this..I felt so sorry for her! No girl deserves to put up with this...Shes so beautiful and seeing a girl as beautiful as this cry makes me cry too!..

Harry: 'Im so sorry [yn]! I had no idea this is what youre feeling!..
You: 'Its ok..i should be used to it by now..thank you for caring harry! I better go back home, you know! make sure they havent killed eachother! Thank you..' I hugged him tight..I didnt want to leave the most amazing boy on the planet, but i couldnt stay here all night! It killed me to leave him...He was amazing, Ive only known him for a very short time, but it feels like ive known him forever..He is so amazing..I think i really really like Harry..I doubt he feels the same about me..i mean look at me! I look a mess!..
Harry: 'Wait [yn]! How about you stay at mine tonight..i mean if you want!'
You: 'Yea..that would be nice Harry thank you..but I have nothing with me! and i don't even no the way back to my house!' Inside I was dying..did he really just ask me if i wanted to stay at his house? oh my god...i wonder if he does like me! Wait No! He's just being friendly..yes thats it! nothing more than friendly..
Harry: 'Dont worry about that..I can lend you some of my clothes!' he smiles
You: 'Okay and thank you Harry..even though ive only met you..youre a great friend!' you kiss his cheek...
Harry smiles..'No problem let's go, your probably getting cold!'
You: 'Yea i am!' you laugh
Harry: 'Here, take my hoodie!' he pulls off his hoodie over his head, pulling up his tshirt with it showing his toned abs, I couldnt help but stare..and omg was it worth while!.
You: 'Thank you Harry!' I put on his hoodie and it smelt just like him, Amazing! and I was nice and warm now!
We were driving in his car to his house...I actually felt a lot better now! Harry was so nice and funny that I completely forgot why i was upset! I feel really happy that i met him, he's such an amazing guy!
Harry: 'You okay babe!' he asked
You: Yea, im feeling a lot happier now! thank you harry!' I smiled as I stared at him driving, he couldnt look back because he would obviously crash..but he was amazing and I didnt even realise that I was staring at his lush arms until he said..
'Oh i forgot to tell you, my 4 mates will probably be here too! i hope thats ok! There really nice guys! you will get on really well and they'll like you!' he smiled Wait! theres more hot guys! I think im in heaven..Oh my god just as i thought this couldnt get any better!
You: 'That's fine! I can't wait to meet them!' I smiled thinking how perfect this is going to be.
Harry: 'Here we are..'
You: 'Wow! this is incredible..its beautiful!' It really was amazing, just like him! I was admiring his home when I heard shouting and talking from upstairs as Harry closed the door shut, then they all came downstairs and oh my god, they were fit, every single one of them!
I started laughing as they all came parading down the stairs like elephants..
Harry: 'hey boys..this is [yn]! [yn], this is Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn!'
Liam: 'Lovely to meet you love!'
Niall: 'Hi hun!'
Zayn: 'Hello!'
Louis: 'So is this your new girlfriend Haz? jeez, we only sent you for Pizza and you came back with a girl! Typical!' he laughs
I burst out laughing, they were so funny! I looked at Harry and even he was trying not to laugh
Harry: 'no,no,no lou! I met her in the park..she was em..urm!'
You: 'I was upset and then Harry came and cheered me up!' you smile
Niall: 'Aww! why were you upset love?'
I looked up at Harry, I didnt really want to tell them my business and I didnt want them feeling sorry for me..I didnt know what to say.
Harry: 'You don't have to say if you don't want to babe!' he whispered in my ear..his warm breath tickling my neck sending shivers down my spine...God! was this boy trying to kill me!
I smiled..fighting the urge to kiss him, I desperately wanted them lips of his on mine..
You: 'I just had an argument with my parents..thats all!' i smiled..and i just remembered that there probably wondering where I am..thats if theyve even noticed im gone!
Niall: 'Don't worry about it will all get better!' he smiled
Louis: 'Yes it will! dont worry about it, im always arguing with my mum!'
Zayn: 'Thats only when hes not a mummy's boy!' he nudges him
I burst out laughing
Louis: 'What can I say..I'm a mummy's boy and proud!' he smiles cheekily
Harry: 'So..what do you wanna do?'
You: 'I don't mind!'
Liam: 'How about a game?'
Louis: 'Spin the bottle?'
Niall: Yea..'
Harry: 'You cool with that [yn]?'
You: 'Yep thats cool!' I smiled, for the first time in days I was actually having some fun and with 5 boys I had only just met! I really like all of them of them, they are so fit its unreal! and they seem to like me too! But I think ive got something extra for Harry..he is just something else..Oh my god he is amazing.
You: 'Is it ok if I use the bathroom?
Harry: 'Yea sure..just up the stairs, second door on the right!' he smiled
You: 'Thanks..' I went up to the bathroom..I couldnt help but take a nosy into what looked like Harry's room, cause the door was open, I had to! It was a mess, his clothes were lying on the floor and I spotted a few pairs of his boxers lying on the bed aswell which made me laugh

The boys POV
Harry: 'Shes amazing isnt she!'
Louis: 'looks like someone has a crush...' he laughs
Niall: 'Awwww!'
Harry: 'Shut up!'
Liam: 'If you like her, just tell her!'
Harry: 'I dont know if I should..I mean she is probably still upset about everything and stuff!..I really, really like [yn]!'
Zayn: 'Well just tell her Harry!'
Harry: 'I'll be right back..'

Should I tell Harry how I feel? What if he doesnt feel the same way...? Okay i need to go and tell him! I can do this! I just need to open the door and go downstairs and tell Harry I need to talk to hard can it be..
Oh shit,. He's coming up! Okay I can do this, but why is Harry looking at me like that?
You: 'Harry! I need to-'
Harry: 'Just kiss me alreaady!' he said in a deep, sexy voice! He pushed me against the wall and before I knew it his lips were pressed against mine kissing me hard..I kissed him back and it felt amazing! Our lips moving in sync and I could feel a huge smile spread across his face. His hands making there way to my bum as I playfully ruffled his curls..He lead me to his room not breaking the kiss and he laid me onto his bed.. I pulled away and smiled at him and he gave me that adorable cheeky smile that I fell in love with about 2 hours ago..
You: 'Harry..I-'
Harry: 'I love you too!' he winked..What the actual Hell? he said he loved me..Harry just told me he loved me! I lay there smiling like an idiot, admiring his amazing green eyes as they looked into mine..
Harry: 'Now..where were we?' he winked as he pressed his lips onto mine again, this time even harder and more passionate and it was amazing, he was amazing. He started kissing my neck leaving little love bites, then slowly making his way to my stomach then back up again..he was obviously trying to tease me and boy was it working! The butterlies in my stomach were now doing cartwheels..(You know what happened next) ;)

The next morning I woke up cuddled into Harry's chest as he laid next to me his arm round my waist...His body heat felt amazing against mine and he looked like an angel when he was sleeping..Then I realised that my parents were probably worried sick about me since I didnt even make an attempt to phone them last night..I started to get worried now! What if theyve called a search party looking for me...
I needed to ring them like Now! but I didnt want to leave the nice warm heat of the bed...Then I noticed Harry's mobile sitting on a shelf next to his bed so I reached over him to grab it when I felt a pair of warm hands around me, on my waist which made me jump.
Harry: 'Trying to escape are we?' he asked in his deep morning voice..
You: 'Well good morning to you too!' you wink
Harry: 'What are you doing?' he laughs
You: 'I need to ring my mum harry, theyve probably called a search party looking for me!' I laughed
Harry: 'oh okay, but dont be long, i dont like being kept waiting!'
You: 'Im not going to leave! Im just going to ring them now!' I smiled kissing his cheek teasing him...
Harry: 'You tease!'
I winked as I dialed the number into Harrys phone..he crawled over to me and wrapped his arms round me, sending shivers down my spine. He was so adorable..I placed a gentle kiss on his lips when I heard a voice at the other end..
Mum: 'Hello?'
You: 'Mum! its me!'
Mum: '[yn]! Where are you love?'
You: ' am at a friends house I slept over last night!'
Mum: 'Okay, and are you alright!'
You: 'More like are you alright! I couldnt take it any longer..I had to leave yesterday im sorry but I couldnt listen to you's two arguing!'
Mum: 'Its alright, im not surprised you left, as long as youre ok! oh and about me and your father...'
I could feel myself getting all teary..I knew what was coming, she was about to tell me that they were getting a divorce..I felt a tear fall down my face and looked at Harry and hugged him tightly, preparing for what was about to come
You: 'Listen mum, please dont get a divorce I dont want you and dad splitting up...please just dont seperate!' I started crying, I dont know why I got so emotional..
Harry: 'Shh..shhh its okay babe! please don't cry!' he hugged me, kissing my cheek
Mum: 'What on earth are you talking and your father are not getting a divorce! I was about to tell you that were have made up, and are happy again! nothing to worry when are you coming home?'
You: 'Youre not? thats great news mum! phewww!'
'I don't know when ill be home..soon i guess!' I finished looking at Harry, who didnt look happy that I said i would be leaving him soon
Mum: 'Okay dear..oh and was that a boy I heard on the other end? Who exactly are you with [yn]?' she laughs
You: 'Oh..I'll explain all later, bye mum! love you!'
Mum: 'Love you too!'

I hung up the phone..and smiled big at Harry who was smiling straight back at me..
You: 'Look, about last night..'
Harry: 'It was amazing..I love you [yn]! Ever since I saw you on that bench I knew you'd be the one! I love you so much!'
You: 'I love you too Harry!, come on lets go and get some breakfast!' I smiled at him getting up our of bed..when he suddenly grabbed onto me and pulled me back down..
I laughed at how cute he was being..
Harry: 'Oh no! youre not leaving yet!' he winked kissing me..
You: 'Come on lazy bum..lets go!' you laugh as you get up
Harry: 'Fine then..but next time you wont be leaving in a hurry!' he winks
You: 'Next time eh?'
Harry: 'Yes next time..Will you be my girlfriend [yn]? I love you so much!' he smiled wrapping his arms round me..
You: 'Of course I will Harry! I love you too!' I smiled calmly but inside I was screaming..
Me and Harry went downstairs and made some breakfast..then we came across a note on the table in the living room which read..
'Thanks for forgetting about us! Hope you's had fun, but not too much fun! But by the sounds of it you's were having a blast! ;) Lou, Nialler, Liam & Zayn x'
I burst out laughing reading this...and so did harry!
Harry: 'Well this is embarassing!'
You: 'Youre friends have such dirty minds!' I winked
Harry: 'Come here!' he wrapped his arms round me and once again butterflies started coming!
You: 'I love you Harry!'
Harry: 'I love you too!' he kissed me passionately our lips moving in sync, just like our first kiss but better..
Then it hit me...I was Harry Styles' girlfriend and he loved me and I loved him! This was the start of an amazing relationship just me and him! I guess Happy endings aren't only in fairytales!

Thanks for reading! I hope you liked this one! Please tell me what you thought! :)
Much love xxx

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