Tuesday 10 July 2012


#imagine you were lying in bed one morning after an amazing night out with your best friends Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall. You had a banging headache and you just wanted to stay in bed all day and do nothing, but you were desperate to see niall again!
You have been secretly crushing on Niall for months now! You love him more than anything and out of all the boys you felt that he was the one that cared about you most - well all of the boys cared about you, yous were best friends! But there was something special between you and niall, youve always felt that way! you love it when its just you and him! What you didnt know was that Niall liked you back and you also didnt know that the boys knew this also..
You lay in bed thinking about what you could remember from last night - you remember the boys finding out that you loved Niall and you remember them teasing you and nagging you to tell him your feelings throughout the night. You can remember dancing with niall, the way his arms sat perfectly round your waist and his smile and laugh as you danced like idiots under the laser lights for hours - yes it was just as friends but you felt as if it was more than that! You loved niall so much, you had to tell him sooner or later or it will just come out unexpectedly
Suddenly you heard your phone get a text from louis... it read
'Hey babe..last night was a blast! defo do it again some time! have you told nialler yet? we've been dying to tell him but we wanna wait till you tell him!' x
you replied: 'Hey Lou! Yes it was amazing but my head is sore now! and don't even think about telling nialler ok! I will tell him when im ready..has he said anything? x'

You lay back down on your bed and decide to watch some tv, you flicked through the channels when one of the boys' interviews came on from last week! You remember them taking about it when they came back!, you had to watch it!
You could hear girls screaming in the backround and them shouting 'I love you Harry!' and 'Marry me Niall!' which made you laugh. And everytime the boys even opened their mouths to talk the girls would go crazy and scream and shout! This made you feel really warm and nice inside, millions of girls would do anything to be in your position right now - being best friends with the boys and doing everything together! It made you feel really lucky to have them in your life and caring for you and looking after you when you needed them.
You continued to listen to one of the questions asked which was 'So, would you guys ever date a fan?'
Harry started off by answering..'Well, um I think..if you really like the person and they like you for who you are then..um yea! and if they're a fan of the music i guess its a bonus!'
Interviewer: 'What about the rest of you?'
Zayn: 'Yea I agree with Harry, If you like someone well then go for it! It would be great if they liked the music aswell!'
Interviewer: 'Okay, so who has girlfriends and who is single?'
Suddenly you see Louis and Liam high five eachother and put their arms round one another! which made you laugh
Louis: 'Me and Liam both have girlfriends!'
Liam: 'Harry, Niall and Zayn are single...so girls watch out!' he winks
Suddenly all you could hear was screams coming from the audience and all the girls shouting 'Im free!' and stuff like that.
Interviewer: 'So you boys seem to get a lot of female attention!' he laughs
Harry: 'Yeah we do..What's wrong with that?' he winks
Interviewer: 'So Harry, Niall and Zayn? What would a girl have to be like or do to win you over?'
Zayn: 'I like a girl who can show me what im looking for!'
Harry,Louis,Liam,Niall: 'Ohhhhhhh!' they laugh
Harry: 'I like a girl who has a great personality, who can keep the conversation going and who has a nice smile and someone you can have a laugh with!'
Niall: 'I like a girl who is always up for a good time, care free like myself and someone cute, nice eyes and a great personality!'
Then you noticed all the boys looking at eachother and laughing..
Interviewer: 'Something funny boys?' she laughs
Harry: 'Oh..um nothing, we cant say cause we dont wanna embarrass him..eh nialler?'
The boys burst out laughing
Interviewer: 'Aw! just tell us!'
Louis: 'No sorry, we cant say anything! as much as we'd love to we can't!' he laugh
'What is going on here..what on earth are they talking about?' you think to yourself

Interviewer: 'Okay then, so have Niall, Harry and Zayn got any crushes on a girl?'
Harry: 'I think you should let Niall answer this question?'
Louis: 'Go on then niall..!' he laughs
Interviewer: 'So niall, who is it that you have a crush on then?'
All the boys laugh..
Niall: 'Im not giving any names away..but yes! I do like this one girl!-'
   Your heart immediately sank when you heard this..like your heart was ripped apart! 'How could Niall like another girl when i like him!?' you ask yourself, you start to feel a tear come to your eye and you want to turn off the tv off when you heard your phone ring...you went to answer it, pausing your tv!
You: 'Hello?' you say wiping tears away
Harry: 'Hey babe! what are you up to today?'
You: 'Hi Harry!, not a lot! why?'
Harry: 'Me and the boys were wondering if you wanted to come over to mine for the day?'
You: 'Will niall be there?'
Harry: 'Yea!'
You: 'Oh..then i can't go sorry, ill talk to you later bye!'
Harry: 'Wait [yn]! dont go!'
You: 'What?'
Harry: 'Babe..whats up?' and dont tell me nothing, cause i know somethings wrong! Is this about niall? cause if-'
You: 'It's not about niall, he can be with whoever he wants ok! Im fine, ill see you soon! bye!'
Your Pov
I put the phone down.., I hope I wasnt too obnoxious to Harry, its just that I dont really want to go over there right now, I mean they'll probably start teasing Niall about this girl he likes and annoy him, I dont want to sit there listening to it, when Im in love with him...maybe I should try to move on from niall! he'll never like me so I should stop chasing after him! It's going to be hard, Ive known Niall all of my life, and ive liked him this way for ages! everytime he talks to me I get butterflies..no guy will ever make me feel this way, but ive got to move on! clear my head! I know! I'll go call Emma, see of she wants to go into town or something...'
You: 'Hey Emma, its me. Do you want to go into town or something..? I need to talk to you!'
Emma: 'Hey chick! yea sure, ill be over soon, you can tell me then yea?'
You: 'Great! Thanks Emma, see you soon!'
Emma: 'Okays, bye!'
Thats what I love about her, she could be doing anything today but shes gonna spend time with me! Thats what best friends are for!

Emma: 'Okay hun, so what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?'
You: 'Its about Niall!' I said looking to the ground
Emma: 'Aww, have you two finally got together? aww im so happy for you babe!'
I shook my head..Then I felt a tear escape my eye
You: 'No, we havent got together, and we never will! He likes someone else emma, he said it in an interview! I cant believe it, I really like him and now he likes someone else!'
Emma: 'Aw babe, im sorry, but maybe you should try and forget about him for a bit!'
You: 'Yeah..thats what I was thinking, but I dont know if I can! Niall made me feel amazing when we spent time together, he was like my brother then I developed feelings for him and now theyre stronger than ever...I dont know If can get rid of them feelings!'
Emma: 'Well...do you want to get rid of them feelings you have for him?
You: 'I guess so..I mean, its not like he'll ever like me back, so yea I do!'
Emma: 'You never know babe, and dont put yourself down like that! youre beautiful!'
You: 'Thanks Emz, but he will never like me..Come on lets go for a walk or something, I dont want to talk about this anymore!'
Emma: 'Sure okay, lets go out and do something..who knows you might find another guy..!' she winks
You: 'I dont know Emz, nobody will ever be the same as Nialler..he's just perfect, his hair, his gorgeous eyes and he care free personality..-'
Emma: 'Snap out of it [yn]! You need to take your mind off of him!'
You: 'Oh yeah, right! lets go, ill go grab my bag!'

Emma: 'Oooh..hot blonde, 6oclock..what you think?' she winks
You: 'I guess he's okay..' To be honest he wasnt that bad looking at all, but nothing can beat Niall's personality.
Emma: 'He keeps looking at you babe..he's checking you out!' she winks
You: 'I guess he's kind of good looking..I like his hair!'
Emma: 'He's coming over..!'
You: 'Oh shit Emma, I dont think im ready for this...'
Guy: 'Hi there...'
You: 'Uhm Hi!'
Guy: 'I'm Jake, how are you girls?'
You: 'I'm [yn], this is Emma!'
Guy: 'Hi, so I was wondering, if you maybe wanted to go out tonight [yn], I know a really good club not too far from here! you wanna come?' he smiled, showing his perfectly straightened teeth. I must admit that this guys wast half bad at all, he seemed really nice and sweet..
You: 'Yeah sure why not?' I smiled, I thought it would be a good way to take my mind off things! The boys wont mind, im sure they have no plans tonight so all good.
Jake: 'Great, ill pick you up at around 8pm..'
You: 'Okay then, here you better take my address!' I wrote down my address on a piece of paper I found in my bag..
Jake: 'Thanks..See you later [yn]!'
You: 'Bye!'
Emma: 'Oooh youre so in! He's crazy about you!'
You: 'What? no he isnt..we only just met!' I laughed
Emma: 'Whatever....so do you like him? he is pretty fit!' she winked
I laughed 'I guess he's ok..we'll see what happens!' I winked. I think I was actually starting to like this guy, He was friendly, and really nice!
Emma: 'So are you going to tell the guys that youre going on a date tonight?' she laughed
You: 'No! I dont want them freaking out like usual, everytime I go out with a guy they always freak out saying theyre not right and stuff..' I laughed
Emma: 'Okay then..well we better go! you need to decide what to wear!' she laughed
You: 'You can help me!..thats if youre not busy with college work?' I smiled
Emma: 'Of course I'll help, anythings better than coursework!'
You: 'Thanks Emz, youre the best!' I smiled and gave her a big hug, I was so happy to have her, I could ever talk to the guys about this type of stuff, its good to have a girl best friend too!

We were walking home, and we were nearly at my house when I got a text from Louis.. it said
'Hey babe, where are you? are you ok? we're worried about you!:) xx'
Emma: 'Is everything okay?'
You: 'Yea, just a text from louis, theyre worried about me!'
Emma: 'Why would they be worried?'
You: 'Probably because I freaked out at Harry when he rang me after I watched that interview..'
Emma: 'Im sure they'll understand..are you going to tell them about Jake?'
You: 'No! I dont think I should..they'll just worry even more! they're always looking out for me!' I laugh
I replied..'Hey lou, Im fine..just spent the day with Emma! I'll see you soon..oh and dont worry about me! :) xx'

It was getting late now and it was nearly 8oclock..Emma helped me decide what to wear and she is now back at her home. I was so happy to have her help me. I was a bit nervous for tonight, I mean I hardly know this guy but he made a good first impression on me! He seemed nice, fun, and up for good time - just like niall i guess..I might as well give this a try, I dont want to be chasing niall forever! Besides, he likes this other girl and theyre probably going out tonight too!
I got dressed, done hair and makeup and went downstairs..then the door bell rang it must be Jake..

I opened the door..and saw Jake, He looked great and he was wearing supras. You smiled to yourself thinking about niall, he has a whole collection of them! he never takes them off!
Jake: 'Hey [yn]! Woah..you look great tonight!' he smiled and hugged me..
You: 'Hi..thank you!' I smiled back
Jake: 'You ready to go?'
You: 'Yeah, one sec, let me grab my purse!'
I went to the living room to gra my purse when I got another text, this time from Emma saying..
'Good luck tonight babe..have fun! and try to forget about niall! :) xxx'
You looked at your phone for a few seconds..stuck in thought looking at the bit about niall..you read it over and over again..'I dont think I can forget about Niall!' you say to yourself
Maybe this wasnt such a good idea..you say to yourself again..
Shit! I forgot about Jake...you laugh and walk back out the door to meet Jake who was sat on your wall
You: 'Hey, sorry about that..I couldnt remember where I left my purse!' you laugh as you try to make what youve said convincing.
Jake: 'Ah, thats okay love, come on hop in!' he opened the door of his car and we drove off to the club...

You were in the car with Jake on your way to the club, you happened to look his way and notice his amazing biceps..'Oh my god!' you think to yourself..
Jake: 'So, tell me about yourself [yn]!'
You told him everything he wanted to hear, where your from, your hobbies and about your friends and college, but you didnt bring up the guys not yet.
Jake: 'And that girl you were with earlier..Emma right?'
You: 'Yeah, what about her?' I asked politely
Jake: 'She your only friend..I mean your bound to have other friends!'
I laughed: 'Yea, of course I do..I have 5 best friends also, theyre all guys! There like my brothers!' I smile
Jake: 'Oh ok..and how long have you known them, what are they like?'
You: 'All my life literally! they are amazing, I can tell them anything and they care about me! You'll love them! theyre so much fun to be around!' I smiled
Jake: 'What did they say when you told them about me?' he smiled cheekily
You: 'I-I um, I didnt tell them! I havent seen them all day! we were out the other night! that was the last time I saw them!' I smiled
Jake: 'Oh ok, well here we are..this is my favorite club!'
You: 'Is this were you bring all girls on your dates?' I laughed jokingly
Jake smirked and laughed: 'Very funny, I'll get us some drinks!'

I went with him to the bar and sat on a stool..as he ordered our drinks. He was talking to a guy at the bar, I think it was his friend because they seemed to be quite close..
Friend: 'And who is this lovely lady you brought Jake, didnt know you had another woman on the go?' he winked
You: 'Im [yn], and were not..erm, we just met today!' I laughed
Jake: 'Were just friends..for now!' he smiled
Friend: 'Oh ok, well I leave you's to it! yous behave yourself!' he walked off with the most annoying smirk on his face, I immediately hated that guy!
You: 'He was nice! he a friend of yours?' I laughed sarcastically
Jake: 'Kind of!..come on lets dance!' He smirked.
We went to the dance floor and started dancing, Jake was getting really close to me, It was alright i guess, but for some reason, another certain blonde guy was on my mind throughout the whole night!...
As the night progressed, we kept dancing. Jake was getting a bit drunk by now. I have only had a few drinks.
As we danced together, under the laserlights, Jake kept getting closer and closer and I could feel his warm breath on my neck as he danced behind me..
Jake: 'You are so beautiful babe...' he whispered in my ear.
I didnt say anything, Jake was a nice guy and all but I couldnt stop thinking about Niall, I of course still had feelings for him even though im trying to forget about him.
Jake: 'Let's go for a walk!' he whispered behind my back as he placed his hand on my waist and led me out what looked to be the back entrance of the club..
You: 'Jake, what are we doing out here..'
Jake: '[yn]! Ive only just met you, but I think you are the most beautiful girl ive ever met..and I want us to be more than friends!'
I looked down to the ground, was I ready tomove on from Niall, this was all happeneing too quick.. 'Jake I..-'
before I could finish my sentence, Jake pushed me up against the hard, cold wall and kissed me. His lips crashing onto mine..I didnt know how I felt! I knew I couldnt stop thinking about Niall throughout the whole night, maybe Jake isnt the right guy..I love Niall, I know I do and to be honest I think I always will.
Jake made the kiss more rough and intense, his tongue swirling around my mouth..I pulled away, how was I going to tell him that I cant do this..I love someone else. Even though I know that someone will ever love me back.
You: 'Jake I-I cant do this..Im sorry!' I tried to get away as fast as I could. I had to go to Niall's and tell him how I feel, then I felt a grip on my arm pull me back..
Jake: 'Just Kiss me babe..I need you!' he groaned down my ear..
You: 'No jake..Im sorry! I need to go! Ive just made the biggest mistake ever..thank you for tonight!' I ran away..I could here him shout words behind me, I dont think he was coming after me. I was shocked that he wasnt!....
I was now running down my street, thank goodness the club wasnt too far from the boys' apartment. Tears were streaming down my face and I was shaking because I was so scared at how Niall would react but at the same time I was glad to be getting this off my chest...
I kept running, now breathing heavily, scared in case Jake would take his car and drive after me. But no sign of him yet.
I could see their apartment within a distance..I started to slow down now, knowing that im a bit safer. Then I seen two bodies come closer to me, Probably some of the neighbours..I was now walking, pretending everything was fine, and I wasnt scared out of my life.
Then I realised, as the bodies got closer to me, It was Niall and Harry..'Oh shit!' I said to myself..
Niall: '[yn]? What The..Are you okay..come here!' He wrapped his arms round me..I felt butterflies in my stomach as he pulled me in tight for a hug..I started to burst out tears..
Niall: 'Shh..shh babe, its okay im here!'
You: 'Thank you Nialler...but im okay!'
Harry: 'What were you doing out here..and why are you all dressed up?'
You: 'I-I-um..I was at a club!' I didnt want to have to tell them about Jake, by now everytime I thought about him it made me sick, knowing that he kissed me when Niall is the one I really and truely love.
Niall: 'And who were you with?' he asked in a very concerned voice..
You: 'I um, I was with this guy I met earlier..' I looked up at him, His face went from all caring to completely serious and worried..
Niall: 'What? Who was this guy? What did he do to you?'
Harry: 'Calm down Nialler!'
Niall: 'No..I wont..Who is he [yn]? What did he do to you..?' He asked getting louder and louder..
You: 'He's just a guy I met earlier when I was in town with Emma, We're not going out or anything, I dont even like him!..and why are you so concernded?'
Harry looked at Niall..and mouthed 'tell her' to him..I looked up at Niall confused, what was happening?
You: 'Tell me what?' I asked
Harry: 'I'll leave you two to it, shall I..glad youre okay babe, I'll see you soon!' he hugged me..I loved Harry's hugs, they always calmed me down!'
You: 'Thanks Haz!'
Harry left, now it was just me and niall standing in the middle of the street..
Niall looked at me and smiled..
Niall: 'Im glad youre okay [yn], but why didnt you tell us you had a date?' he looked down to the ground looking upset..
You: 'Niall, it wasnt a date..It was just as friends, I dont even like him!'
Niall: 'Did he kiss you?'
You: 'Well..uhm, -'
Niall: 'HE DID! Didnt he?'
You: 'Yeah he did, but why are you so concerned all of a sudden!? Its not like we're going out or anything, I told him I cant do this, and I left him!'
Niall: 'Why did you tell him that?'
You: 'because I like someone else, and he was all I could think about throughout the night...and kissing Jake made me realise how much I like this guy!' I smiled at him, hoping he would take the hint.
Niall: 'Oh so you like someone else do you?..
You: 'Yes, I do! and I was just on my way to tell him how I feel..' I smiled
Niall: 'Well I'm sorry, but I cant let you do that!'
You: 'And why not!?' I winked
Niall leaned in and kissed me..Niall was actually kissing me. Oh my god! I just wanted to scream with happiness. He placed his arms on my waist and even his touch sent shivers down my spine, and even more butterflies in my stomach..I placed my arms round his neck and smiled. Then we heard a massive rumbling noise from the sky..and before we could even pull away to see what it was, The rain came pouring out of the sky..I pulled away and smiled at Niall..
You: 'We should probably go inside..' I laughed, looking into his perfect eyes
Niall: 'And ruin this perfect moment?  Come here and kiss me again!' he winked and pulled me in and we kissed again, this time a lot more passionate and rough. The rain coming down even harder now and we were both soaking wet, Niall lifted me up and spun me around, not letting go of the kiss, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he sniled and kissed me with more passion. Our lips moving in sync and our tongues exploring eachothers mouths..I placed my hand on the back of his head and stroked his wet hair making him groan..
I pulled away and smiled at him..
You: 'I didnt know you felt like that!' I laughed, so happy about what had just happened..
Niall: 'Ive always felt like that! I just didnt know how to tell you!' he smiled
You: 'Me too..I've been waiting forever for that moment!'
Niall: 'So have I, I love you [yn]!' he leaned in closer to me and his forehead rested against mine, our noses touching..
You: 'I love you too!' I whispered and kissed his nose..laughing with happiness
Niall: 'Come on lets go, youre staying at mine tonight!' He smiled
You: 'But what about the boys..'
Niall: 'They'll be fine about it..theyve been waiting for us to get together forever!'
You: 'Oh, so we're together now are we?' I winked
Niall: '[yn], I love you so much! Will you be my girlfriend?'
You: 'Of course I will nialler..I love you too!' I smiled and kissed him again..
Then we heard cheers and whistlingn coming from behind us..
I pulled away and burst out laughing, as we saw Louis, Liam, Harry and Zayn come running towards us..Thank goodness the rain had calmed down a it now..
Louis: 'It's about time!' he laughed
Harry: 'I knew you guys would get together..yous are perfect for eachother!'
I smiled and looked up at Niall who was in stitches laughing..nothing new there.
You: 'Can we go back inside..I'm freezing!' I laughed
Niall: 'Aww, here take my jumper babe!' he smiled and handed me his jumper, and without surprise it smelt just like him!
You: 'Thanks..I smiled and he wrapped his arms round my waist and we all walked back the the boys' apartment..
Liam: 'Hot chocolate sound good?'
Niall: 'I was thinking more along the lines of a pint!'
You: 'Niall..seriously!' I laughed
Niall: 'Hot chocolate it is then..but with extra marshmallows for my princess!'
Zayn: 'Awwww!'
Louis: 'You two make the perfect couple..'
You: 'I know Lou, we sure do dont we?' I looked up at Niall and gave him a little kiss on the cheek and he smiled cheekily at me.
We started to walk home and I took off my wedges as my feet were killing me from all that running earlier..
Niall: 'Why you taking off your shoes babe?' he asked
You: 'My feet are killing me nialler!' I laughed
The boys all looked at eachother and winked..
You: 'What are yous..-'
Harry and Louis picked me up and put me on Niall's back..I started laughing..
You: 'You guys are hilarious!'
Niall: 'Hold on tight!'
I laughed and Niall ran with me on his back to their apartment..the boys walking behind us..
You: 'Niall, youre the best, I  love you so much!' I kissed the back of his head..
Niall: 'I love you too princess..tonights gonna be fun!'

Thanks for reading! :) Hope you liked it and please tell me what you thought! :) much love xox

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