Saturday 14 July 2012


This one is Super long guys, sorry about that! :D

#imagine its the last week of school - yes! only five days to summer! Just me and the girls! Its going to be amazing. I love the last week of school because we do no work at all, we play lots of games and the best part of all is that on friday night their is a massive disco in our school! It was amazing last year, me and the girls had a blast! although they did make me get together with a few boys in our year, and even a few boys I never even met! it was hilarious and its going to be even more amazing this year!
Its now thursday and summer is coming nearer - me and the girls are buzzing! Today our whole class is playing a massive game of dares in form room - there will be no teacher there so it makes it even more fun! Since we all wont be together next year we thought it would be fun if we play a game - Kirsty, my best friend suggested we play this and everyone agreed. There are 15 of us altogether, 6 girls and 9 boys! yes its small but its perfect, cause we have the best fun ever in lessons and especially with the boys, its hilarious when they give cheek and sarcasm to the teacher! I guess you could say we were all best friends, well apart from a few guys that I never really spoke too! I guess they thought they were too cool for us or something, but I gotta say one of them was fit! and I gotta confess, I kind of have a crush on him and even the girls know, but ive never even talked to him so I guess he doesnt even know I exist! bummer for me, cause ill probably wont see him all summer to get to know him! I wonder if he's going to the disco? ;)
 im really going to miss these guys so much next year! why does our stupid principal change everything before my last year here! We all hate him! even the boys made me go down and protest to him that this isnt even right! I didnt though, I had to keep telling them that the more we protested about everything he's changing, the more he wont listen! I guess they sent me down to him because they think im confident at speaking and all the teachers love me or something! I guess im a confident speaker, ive read a passage at our whole school assembly a few times and at the christmas service but I wouldnt say ALL the teachers love me! like our sports teacher! I hate her so much, and shes so up her on arse its unbelievable and i know she hates me!

So we are playing dares now! this is going to be fun, even though the boys think of really dirty and rude dares! they better not give me a dirty one, or ill kill them! One of the boys in my class, Kevin has a huge crush on me, its so cute but i dont like him at all in that way! he's not even good looking, nothing compared to Harry, the guy I was telling you about earlier! Kevin keeps looking at me and its really creepy, I just want to tell him to piss off! he's such a creep! And i think he thinks that I like he back..Which I Dont! I like Harry alot. Who wouldnt? his hair is amazing like oh my god! and his smile is adorable and his eyes are lush! This boy is perfect! Its weird that we're in the same class but ive never really spoken to him, i guess im just nervous I mean come on! who wouldnt be, talking to him! he's amazing and he seems to be a really nice guy!
Robert spun the bottle as we all sat in the circle, I was sat beside Kirsty and one of Harry's friends that I didnt really know either, I think his name was Louis and he wasnt half bad either!
Louis: 'Hi [yn]! how are you?'
You: 'Hey Louis! Im great and you?'
Louis: 'Not bad thanks! so you heading to this disco then?'
You: 'Yea i sure am! me and the girls are going! it should be great, are you and Harry going?'
Louis: 'Yea I think so, Harry said he wants to go so yea I guess so, our other friends are coming too!' he smiled
You: 'Great! it will be a fun night!'
- Thats weird, he never really talked to me before! guess he's just being friendly, he's such a nice guy though, you could talk to him forever! I hope Harry's like that!
You: ' long have you and Harry been friends then?'
Louis: 'Since we were young! We're like brothers..we tell eachother everything!'
You: 'Aww thats so cute!' I laughed
Louis winks 'Here, do you know that Kevin guy?'
You: 'Yeah..what about him!?' I asked, I think I knew where this was going
Louis: 'He hasnt stopped looking at you all day, I think he likes you!' he winks laughing
You: 'I know he likes me, his friend told me one day! its cute and all but i dont even like him!' I laughed, this was so embarrassing..
Louis laughed: 'Awwwww! so who do you like then?' he winks
You: 'I'm not going to tell you!' I laughed, it would be so annoying if he found out I liked his best friend!
Louis: 'Oh come on..Ive seen the way you look at Harry!'
Okay, now I think i started to blush, shit! he cant find out I like Harry, then he'll go and tell him!no no no!
You: 'I dont like Harry, not in that way!' I said nervously, trying to make what ive said convincing, but I dont think it worked cause Louis was nearly in stitches laughing.
Louis: 'Seriously [yn]! If you like Harry, you should just tell him!'
You: 'But I don't even like him!' I laughed, trying to make him think otherwise
Louis: 'Yea, yea, yea! besides I think he likes you too!'
You: 'WHAT! He does! How do you know!' I said jumping up, I think my heart just skipped a beat! oh my god..did harry really like me?
Louis: 'Does it matter?...I thought you said you didnt like him!' he winked
You: 'You tricked me louis!' I said evilly, realising what he just done
Louis: 'I knew it!...Oh look Harrys coming over now!'
You: 'Oh shit!' I whispered under my breath, I tried to play it cool and just relax and smile but inside my heart was racing
Louis: 'Hey hazza come sit with me and [yn]!' he winked at me
Harry: 'Hey lou, hi [yn]!' he smiled at us as he sat down beside me! omg I was so nervous! why was I this nervous, he's only human for god's sake! There was just something about him..He just looked amazing all the time, and he smelt amazing too!
You: 'Hey Harry!' I smiled trying to calm down inside
- We just kept talking, while the others played spin the bottle and were doing dares, I wasnt paying any attention to the game, I was too busy chatting away with Harry and Louis! They were really nice guys and I could honestly talk to them forever..why havent I spoken to them before?
Harry: So, you going to the disco [yn]? he asked, showing his adorale dimples and amazing smile
You: 'Yeah, I am! Louis was telling me that you two are going aswell!'
Harry: 'Yeah we are! We should hang out together!' He smiles
- Oh my god..did he actually just say that! ahhh! Okay stay calm..stay calm!
You: 'That would be great!' I said smiling, trying to calm down my excitment as I was practially jumping up and down screaming inside!
Harry: 'Yeah..I think the other boys are coming too, I cant wait for you to meet them!'
You: 'Other boys?'
- theres more hot guys! What the actual could this be even possible! I said to myself smiling, thinking how amazing this is going to be.
Louis: 'Yeah! Our other friends, Niall, Zayn and Liam! you'll love them!'
You: 'Cool! So why dont they go to this school?'
Louis: 'They just went to a different school, which is stupid! I wanted us to all be at the same school but oh well!'
We eventually turned back to the game of dares that everyone was laughing and screaming about! I couldnt hear myself think or even hear Louis and Harry talk to me, everyone was laughing so loud!
Robert: 'Ohhhh, its landed on [yn]!'
I looked at Louis and he winked..Just then I noticed Harry whispered something into his ear then I seen Louis glancing at me smiling - what were they talking about?
The whole class: 'ooooooh!'
You: 'Okay, okay! so whats my dare?'
Robert started whispering to another one of the guys..Making me more nervous at what I'll have to do..
Robert: 'I'll dare you to...Kiss kevin! and not just a peck..Im talking a full on kiss!' he winks
The Class: 'Ohhhhhhhh...get her bucked Kevin!'
I looked at Louis and he was laughing..Oh my god! I do NOT want to kiss kevin, anyone but him, Id rather do a forfeit dare than kiss him! ew ew ew!
You: 'Im not kissing Kevin! No offence Kevin!' I tried not to laugh to not make him feel bad, nothing against the guy! I just didnt want to completely humiliate myself in front of the whole class, and especially Harry and Louis!
Robert: 'Okay then..I'll let you off! But you have to kiss someone so....You have to kiss....Harry!'
I think i went red..I could feel my cheeks burning, omg! Of couse I want to kiss Harry, but not with the whole class watching, I turned to look at Harry, who was just smiling cheekily, I guess he didnt mind the whole thing, so why should I?
You: 'You ok with this Harry?' I asked laughing
Harry: 'Yeah..Its just a dare babe!' he smiled
Oh great, just a dare, like he doesnt think of this as more! great!
I just sat there looking into Harrys gorgeous green eyes...I think Ive really fallen for this boy! He was amazing!
Louis: 'Are you two going to do this or what?' he laughed making me jump from my day dreaming about Harry as I was looking deep into his eyes!
I laughed, trying to hide how nervous I was..
Harry started to lean in, closer and closer until I could hear his heart beat fast. I closed my eyes and then felt Harry's soft, moist lips on mine! Butterflies started doing sommersaults in my stomach..Ive never felt like this before, especially when I kissed a guy! It felt amazing! Harry's hands fell slowly onto my waist which made me smile inside as I placed my arms round his neck! We could hear the whole class whistle and cheer but i didnt care, this was the most amazing moment ever! our lips moving in sync and nothing could ruin it!
Harry pulled away and I smiled at him looking to the ground, not knowing where to look, that was honestly the most amazing thing ever!
Robert: 'Okay moving on.....'
Kirsty was sitting 2 people down from me, I seen her look at me trying to get my attention and she whispered to me..
'Get in there!!!'
I winked at her and giggled to myself..still thinking about what just happened.
Kirsty: 'Is he going to the disco?'
You: 'Yeah!' I Smiled big.... remembering what Harry said about us hanging out at the disco!
Kirsty: 'We are so getting you's two together!' she winked
I laughed and replied: We'll see!'
I didnt really want to turn back to Harry and Louis cause I didnt want that awkward feeling, or continue with the game and since I couldnt talk to the girls cause they were sitting all over the place, I decided to take out my phone and go on twitter! since there were no teacher with us.
Harry: 'Whatcha doing there?' he said from behind, his warm breath tickling the back of my neck sending a shiver down my spine. I wanted this boy so much!
You: 'Oh, just checking my twitter!' I laughed, this wasnt awkward at all so far!
Harry: 'I have twitter should follow me!' he winked laughing
You: 'Okay! whats your name?'
Harry: @(Harrys Twitter name)'
You: 'Okay...done! you better follow back!' i winked
Louis: 'Follow me too! im @(Louis' Twitter name)'
I laughed as I typed in his name in the search bar..I could hear Harry and Louis whispering something and I think my name popped up somewhere in the conversation but I just ingnored it
You: 'Done lou!'
Louis: 'Thanks..'
You: 'oooh, whos the girl in your icon!?' I laughed
Louis: 'Thats my girlfriend Eleanor!' he smiled
You: 'Awww how cute! bet you get well jealous Harry!' I winked
Harry: 'Yeah, I do, But I dont think i will be jealous of Louis and eleanor for long!' he smiled cheekily
You: 'Why do you say that?' I asked, having absolutely no idea what he was talking about.
Harry: 'Oh, never mind!' he smiled
.. Then the bell went..home time! wooo!
I walked out the room with Louis and Harry, Kirsty and the other girls were coming far behind so I just walked on out with louis and harry and waited for the girls in the hallway.
Louis: 'So, we'll see you tomorrow [yn]!'
You: 'Yeah!'
Harry: 'Bye [yn]! see you tomorrow!
Louis: 'Bye love!'
Louis and Harry came closer to me and they both hugged me together...they both hugged me! I smiled big, they were such nice guys and really friendly! Im so glad ive started speaking to them and got friendly with them! When they pulled back I just smiled at them! Louis said goodbye to me and started to walk off and left Harry with me? which was strange..Then he came closer to me again and hugged me tight! Harry hugged me..awww! I was so happy when he did! I wish it would have lasted longer though, his hugs were so nice!
'I'll see you tomorrow [yn]!' he whispered into my ear!
Then he let go of the hug and I said bye to him..
As he walked away he turned back to me and waved..I waved back and smiled..he was so adorable, I think ive really fallen for him! as if he'd like me, he could have any girl he wanted, he was perfection! All the girls in my year are crazy about him, A guy like that would never like a girl like me...
Then I saw kirsty and the rest of my friends come over to me..
Kirsty: 'Awwwwh wasnt that adorable!' she winked
Rebecca: 'Yous two would make the perfect couple!' she smiled
You: 'Ha! I wish!'
Claire: 'You never he going to the disco?'
You: 'Yeah..him and his other friends are going too!'
Kirsty: 'So theres more hot guys! Oh my god! How many?'
You: 'Thats exactly what I thought!..em 3 more their names are Niall, Zayn and Liam!'
Claire: 'We are so getting yous two together tomorrow night!' she winked
You: 'Speaking of tomorrow night..He asked me to hang out with him at the disco!' I screamed with excitement..and I got a few stares from teachers walking past but I didnt care..Summer was getting nearer and tomorrow night was going to be amazing!

Im at home, I should be finishing off a project since tomorrow is the last day to hand it in, but how can I work when all I can think about is Harry. Why does this boy have to be so perfect!
I was lying on my bed watching tv and I thought id get my laptop and go on my twitter again..I logged on and check my mentions..A few of my friends were asking me what I was wearing tomorrow night to the disco and then I scrolled down more and saw Louis mentioned me in one of his tweets..I clicked on his page and saw he had lots of followers..way more than I had! Someone's popular! Anyway I read his last tweet and it said..
'Surprisingly had a great day at school today, especially with @(HarrysTwitterName) and @(YourTwitterName) Unreal fun in form room, cant wait for the disco tomorrow night with the lads and yn!:)
Then you scrolled down and seen that 1 of Louis' and Harry's other friends they were telling you about also replied..It was that guy Zayn and he said
'Thanks bro..I cant wait, can't wait to meet this girl [yn] that Harry hasnt stopped talking about!;)'
- Okay what was going on? Harry hasnt stopped talking about me? is he serious? omg..awww!! And the other boys cant wait to meet me!! yay! :D
I couldnt stop staring at this, my mouth was starting to get sore from all the smiling I was doing, I was so happy and for the first time, I couldnt wait to go to school tomorrow...
I read more of my mentions, pretty boring tweets if im honest and then an icon with a curly haired guy in it appeared on my screen...Harry had mentioned me in a tweet..I clicked on his profile and just like Louis he had lots of followers, im not surpised! he's amazing! His tweet said
'Last day of school tomorrow then summer! Disco tomorrow night with the lads..and (yourtwittername) going to be fun! ;)x
I replied: 'Woohooo party time! Cant wait! :D'
Then I noticed Harry immediately retweeted my tweet!
I checked my interactions and saw that Harry and Louis followed me back...and 3 other guys followed me too..they were Harrys other friends, Niall, Zayn and Liam! I checked their pictures, me being nosy and all, and they were just as fit! But Harry was the guy for me! he was perfect and our kiss..oh my god! I know it was just a dare from the boys in the class, but it felt like so much more! and I havent been friendly with him for an entire day yet! Today has been amazing!

'YES!! SUMMER HAS ARRIVED!' I yelled with excitement as the last bell rang for the end of school..I was in a class, with just Harry and Louis, me and kirsty weren't always in the same classes..
Me, Louis and Harry walked out to the lockers and I grabbed all my things as quick as I can, occasionally throwing my old books and papers in the bin as I wont need them anymore
You: 'Thank god for summer!' I cheered
Louis: 'And tonight will be the icing on the cake!'
Harry: 'Yeah, going to be fun! What time will you be here at [yn]?'
You: 'About 8pm-ish, you?' I smiled
Harry: 'Ah same here..we could pick you up if you want?' he smiled
As tempted as that sounded, I realised that all the girls were coming to mine tonight to get ready together, but I figured ill see them all at the disco anyway..
You: 'Aw thats so sweet Harry, thank you! But all the girls are coming to mine tonight, and we're going together! but thank you for your kind offer!'
Harry: 'No worries..I'll guess we'll see you then!' he smiled
You: 'Yeah, you will!' I smiled back, so tempted to gaze into his gorgeous green eyes..he looked back at me and bit his lip! God! he was such a tease..
Louis: 'Well we better go haz, Niall is waiting for us at the gate!'
You: 'Niall? your other friend?..Oh I want to meet him!' I said with excitement, maybe too much excitement as Harry looked at me funny and smiled to was so cute!
Then I heard Kirsty shout my name from a distance..
Kirtsy: '[YN]! Wait up..I'm coming to yours remember?' she laughed
You: 'I'll guess i'll just meet your friends tonight then?' I giggled to Louis and Harry
Louis: 'No problem babe! See you!' He hugged me..then Kirtsy!'
Me: 'Bye Lou!'
Harry went and hugged kirsty as I hugged Louis then we switched..I dont know why but when it was Harry's turned to hug me I got lots and lots of butterflies in my stomach, as weird as it was, it felt nice!'
Harry hugged me tight and whispered into my ear..'I cant wait for tonight babe! its going to be fun!' he smiled, his warm breath tickling my neck, making it so hard for me not to plant my lips on his..
You: 'Bye Harry!' I said as I hugged him back..and I was sure our hug was longer than the hug he had kirsty..
The boys left and it was just me and Kirsty, we started to leave school! Thank god! No school for a whole 2 months!

Walking Home*
We were walking home and talking about how much fun tonight is going to be..and Harry and Louis came into the conversation pretty quickly as she seen I blushed a bit when she talked about Harry..she started teasing me..
Kirtsy: 'Okay..tell me you don't fancy the pants off of him!' she laughed in a sarcastic way..
You: 'Kirsty, he is amazing though! like seriously, everytime im around him i get butterflies. No guy has ever made me feel like this..I think ive fallen for him!'
Kirsty: 'Awwww! I think he likes you too!' she winked
You: 'What? no way! Harry would never like me, he could have any girl he wants!' I said looking to the ground, admitting to myself that this is all true
Kirsty: 'Aww babe, dont put yourself down, youre beautiful! why wouldnt Harry like you?' she smiled
You: 'Thanks Kirsty!'
Kirsty: 'Thats what best friends are for! now come on, lets get back to your place and decide what we're going to wear before Claire and Kelly come!'

You: 'Okay girls..How do I look?' I asked wondering if what I was wearing too much, or not enough to make Harry fall in love with me, it was only a school disco afterall.
Claire: 'You look absolutely amazing babe..Harry wont know whats hit him!'
Kirsty: 'You look stunning really do!'
You: 'Thanks girls..have to make a good impression on Harry! I really like him!' I smiled looking to the ground just praying that there was someway of me and Harry actually getting together tonight.
I wore this to the disco..
You: 'Okay girls..its nearly 8pm, we better go! I promised Harry and Louis we'd meet them there!'
Kelly: 'Oooooh!'
You: 'Shut up kelly!' I laughed
Kirsty: 'Okay then, since you cant wait to see curly again, we better go!'
Claire: 'Tonight is going to be amazing!'
You: 'You said it!'

We arrived at school, all pumped for the disco, our school discos were never lame! they were unreal! and the music they played was always awesome! We walked into the massive hall and the place was crowded, everyone was up dancing and all the most popular couples of the school were at the side being all romantic..I couldnt wait to find Harry and Louis and meet the rest of the boys..
Kirsty: 'Ohhh, hotty and 6oclock!' she winked..pointing to a guy who I must admit was not bad, but he was no Harry!
Claire: 'Youre only in here 5 minutes and youre already looking at guys!' she laughed
You: 'I wonder where Harry is?' I asked really excited but a bit nervous at the same time! It was safe to say that I really had fallen for Harry - hard! I couldnt deny it anymore! He made me feel so happy inside!
Me and the girls started to make our way further into the hall and the music was so loud, I could barely hear myself think!
You: 'I need to go find the boys!' I they wouldnt hear me with all that noise!'
Kirsty: 'Found them!..look!' Kirsty turned me around..and pointed to what made me die inside! I couldnt believe what I was seeing for my own eyes! My heart sank, I just wanted to burst out crying there and then and just skip the whole disco..I was dying inside! I was heart broken..
I saw Harry making out with another girl in the corner of the hall. I could feel a tear in my eye..I just wanted to run home and ditch this whole thing! Harry was one of the main reasons why I even went tonight, yes it would be great fun with the girls but I really, really liked Harry, I cant believe im saying this but you could say that I love him! I really do!
Claire: 'Babe? are you ok?' she said hugging me
Kirsty: 'That dare he?' she hissed
You: 'Kirsty, hes not a jerk..he can kiss whoever he wants, we're not even dating!' I said trying to keep the tears in because I didnt want my mascara running. I was heart broken! Harry was the only guy that made me feel special..that made me get butterflies in my stomach..I was so jealous of that girl, I wanted it to be me so badly!
You: 'I'm going for a walk, i'll be back in a minute!' I said rushing off the dance floor..but I felt someones arm pull be back..
Kelly: 'Babe..youre not leaving! dont let this get to you!'
Claire: 'Shes right hun, come on! lets just forget about boys for one night and have some girl fun!'
You: 'No..i want to be alone for a while..please dont worry about me! you go and enjoy your night!' I said practically in tears now as I started to walk off again, then I felt the same hand pull me back.
You: 'Girls! thank you for caring..but please! I want to be alone for a while!' I said, getting mad now cause they wouldnt let me leave, I wasnt just going to stay in here and watch harry flirt with that girl all night!
Kirsty: 'Just forget about him [yn]! hes nobody..theres plenty more fish in the sea!' she shouted
You: 'No dont get it!..I-'
Kelly: 'Come on..lets dance! and forget about boys come on!'
You: 'You dont get it..I LOVE HIM!' I shouted at the top of my voice..and at that very moment everything went silent! I felt so embarassed as everyone was looking at me..even Harry, Louis and the other boys! I couldnt believe this! I knew the girls thought I was over-reacting about this whole thing, but I didnt care what they thought! I knew I loved harry and I wanted him so much it really hurt. I burst out in tears and ran outside everyone staring at me - I thought this was supposed to be amazing!

Kirsty's POV
Louis: 'What just happened? Where has [yn] gone? and why was she crying!?'
Claire: 'Because, your friend broke her heart just then!'
Louis: 'What..?'
Kelly: 'She saw Harry and that girl you know..'
Louis: 'So she just ran out crying? why?'
Kirsty: 'She loves him louis..more than anything!'
Then Louis' friends joined..
Zayn: 'Vas Happenin Lou! Awesome disco right?'
Claire: 'Well Hello to you too!' she winks
Kelly: 'Claire..shut up!' she laughs
Niall: 'Hey guys! whats happening here then?'
Louis: 'Oh this is Niall and Zayn! they are my other friends I was telling [yn] about! Niall and Zayn this is Kelly, Kirsty and Claire, theyre friends of [yn], you know, the girl Harry likes..
Kirsty: 'Wait What? Harry likes [yn]!?'
Liam: 'Hey guys! Whats going on?'
Louis: 'Why do you always have to interupt everything Liam?'
Kelly: 'No its okay..its reallllly ok! Im Kelly!' she smiled
Kirsty: 'Kelly!'
The boys laughed
Louis: 'Guys! this is Kirsty, Kelly and I said before liam came, They are [yn]'s friends!'
Liam: 'Isnt [yn] the girl Harry hasnt stopped talking about? Where is she then? I want to meet this so called beautiful girl!' he laughs
Kelly: 'Wait, Hold on a second..So Harry likes [yn]? Why would he kiss that other girl then?'
The boys laughed..
Niall: 'Likes?..Who an I kidding, hes crazy about her! He hasnt shut up about her!'
Louis: 'Its true..He really likes that girl!'
Zayn: 'He only kissed her because that girl threw herself at him, he tried to pull away but her friends wouldnt let him! they were just mucking around! you know what theyre like!' he laughs
Claire: 'What the hell? You do realise she is outside balling her eyes out! shes heartbroken, thinking that Harry doesnt even know she exists anymore..'
Louis: ' what are we going to do..We HAVE to get these two love birds together by the end of the night..they are perfect for eachother!'
Suddenly Harry comes up..
Harry: 'Hey everyone..hey girls! wheres [yn]? ive been looking for her everywhere!'
Claire: 'Even when you were kissing that know she saw that right?'
Harrys face dropped..
Harry: 'She did? Oh shit! I didnt want her to see that! Shit! Where is she now?'
Kirsty: 'Youre guess is as good as mine..I dont know! She ran out crying!'
Harry: 'Wait..she cried? really? Why did she cry?' he said sadly
Louis: 'I think you should go find her mate..good luck!' He patted Harry on the back and all the boys and us girls left with them..we all went to the dance floor and danced like crazy as our favorite song came on! Maybe this night has a good side afterall!

Your Pov
I was sitting outside on the wall beside our front entrance, I tried so hard to stop the tears streaming down my face, but I couldnt, Why would Harry do this to me, I know he doesnt know that I like him, and he can kiss whoever he wants, but it really hurt me - it still is! I think I might just head home, the girls wont notice im gone and neither will louis!......Oh shit, here comes kevin! I really dont need this right now!
Kevin: 'Are you ok [yn]!?' he said as he sat beside me, I immediately felt myself shuffle over a bit, to get away from his presense.
You: 'Im fine!' I said shaking my head, I wasnt one bit fine, I just needed to act brave, so maybe kevin would leave
Kevin: 'Youre not fine love, come here!' he said as he pulled me in for a hug..He was being so nice to me, but i knew there was no way i could fall for him or like him in anyway..i guess it just felt nice to have someone caring about me..
You: 'Kevin you should be inside enjoying your night, dont worry about me! please go and have some fun!'
Kevin: '[yn]! I want to take care of you, youre obviously upset..I want to put it right!'
You: 'Thats sweet, kevin but seriously just go back inside and have some fun!'
Then I felt Kevin crash his lips into mine...What the hell did he think he was doing! I dont even like the guy, when will he get that into his head..I had to pull away..and when I did I saw a familiar curly haired guy standing at the door, watching everything that just happened.oh no! this isnt good!
You: 'Kevin! What the hell?' I shouted
Kevin: 'I really like you [yn]!'
You: 'Well im flattered and everything but I dont feel the same way..I love someone else!' I shouted, did I really just say that out loud, well I guess the whole school knows that I love someone since I just shouted it out in the hall a few minutes ago...
Kevin: 'But!-'
You: 'Kevin! Just go..I love Harry ok, not you!' I shouted back, then I felt bad because he walked away looking really sad, I couldnt stop myself from shouting at him, I really didnt need this now! I just wanted Harry! He'd soon get over me sooner or later, since it was now summer and I wont see him!'
I just sat there, outside and it was starting to get really cold, I started shivering and couldnt stop! I must have sat there for another 5 minutes..Was Harry still stood behind me at the door watching me, I wanted to turn around but then I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, then the person sat down beside me. I knew immedaitely who it was by his aftershave..the boy that caused all this pain, the guy that I loved, I guy that I ony just started to get friendly with but it feels like we've been friends forever.
Harry: 'Do you really mean all those things you said babe?' he asked putting his arm round my neck to keep me warm as he saw I was shivering..
You: 'Well, I thought I did, but now Im not sure!' I said looking to the ground..I felt Harrys finger lift my chin up so I looked directly in his eyes..
Harry: 'Well you should know that im glad you said what you said, because I feel the exact same way about you [yn]!'
You: 'What? you dont! Why did I see you kissing that girl earlier?' I shouted
Harry: 'Babe, of course I do! The only reason why I kissed her was because she came onto me, it was a dare by her friends, I tried to pull away but her friends were behind me stopping me..I couldnt do anything about it, and trust me, I really wanted to!'
Was Harry actually saying all this stuff to me, how could i not forgive him, I felt myself smile big and bite my lip trying to stop myself from smiling so big..
You:'Harry? do you really mean that?'
Harry: 'Of course I do babe..I love you so much!' he said as he pulled me in closer for a hug.
You: 'I love you too Harry!' I smiled and at that very moment Harry lifted me up and put me on his knee so I was facing his gorgeous face, his amazing eyes that I kept getting lost in, his cute dimples and the most perfect smile I have ever seen...
Harry leaned in and I closed my eyes and I felt his lips crash onto mine, our lips moved in sync again as he slid his hands down my back so the sat above me bum..I started ruffling his curls as his tongue escaped into my mouth. I smiled as the butterflies in my stomach felt amazing and both our tongues dancing together. I swear I thought I was in heaven!
Our kiss ended and I ended up smiling like an idiot I was just do happy...Harry was smiling too so I didnt feel that stupid. We both got up and he hugged me one last time before we walked back into the hall to the disco hand in hand..

We entered the hall now Harry's arm was round my waist and The first thing I could see was all the girls, and Harry's friends! we walked up to them and they immediately saw me and Harry and their reaction was priceless.
You: 'Hey guys!..great disco eh?' I winked
Kirsty: 'Finally...Finally yous two are together!' She hugged me..
Louis: 'I knew, you's would sort this out! Congrats mate!'
Niall: 'So this is the girl youve been telling us about!..great choice haz!' he winked 'Hey im Niall!' he smiled and hugged me
Then Zayn and Liam came up to me and hugged me too..I felt so loved!'
You: 'So nice to meet you..!' I smiled, really excited to spend the rest of my night with everyone, especially Harry..
Suddenly we heard me and Kirsty's favorite song come on...Chris Brown - Dont wake me up..
I looked and Kirsty and winked at her ...
You: 'LETS PARTY!' I shouted as the music was so loud I could barely hear myself..
Everyone laughed and cheered as we all ran to the middle of the floor and danced like crazy..
Everyone was having an amazing time..definately the best disco ever!
Me and Harry were dancing together..occasionally sharing sweet kisses as we danced together under the laser lights..
Finally I was with the most amazing guys ever..the guy I fell in love with only a few days ago, the guy with the most perfect smile, eyes and hair. The guy with the most amazing body and personality..I finally had Harry all to myself and I loved him and I am so happy that I now know that he loves me too!

Thanks for reading, please tell me what you think & read my other imagines :D

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