Tuesday 24 July 2012

NEW LONG NIALL IMAGINE For @xx_Sammiiee_xx on twitter!

#imagine you were out shopping one day with your best friends Harry and Niall, Louis, Zayn and Liam were out with their girlfriends, or they would have came too.. You and the boys were all really close, even you, danielle and eleanor were too. You never really saw Perrie that often and you havent gotten to know her yet.
You were out shopping with Niall and Harry as they wanted to do something with you today..Of course you wanted to spend time with your best friends, but you were scared of what your boyfriend Steven would think..
You and Steven have been going out for a couple of months now..it was amazing at first, but now you feel that your feelings for him have slowly disappeared..You just dont love him anymore..you want to end it but youre scared of what he'll do to you. You havent told the boys this, but last night, you and steven had an arguement - it was one of your worst so far! you told him that you were going out shopping with your mum today, to hide the fact that you were really going out with Harry and Niall because if Steven found out that you were with any of the boys, he would hurt you! He doesnt want you to be with the boys at all.. You had to lie! You happened to bring up the boys in your conversation and Steven went mad at you..
(Your pov - Last night -)
Steven: 'Thats it! I dont want you to see them stupid boys again!' he shouts making you jump..
You: 'Steven, theyre my best friends - Im not going to stop seeing my best friends just because you dont want me to!' I shouted back
Steven: 'I dont give a fuck what you do! but you are NOT seeing them boys ever again! theyre changing you [yn], and I dont like it one bit!'
You: 'Dont speak to me like that! And why are you so jealous? its not like im cheating on you or anything!' I shouted back..getting scared now as Steven came closer to me and surrounded me..
Steven: 'Youre not seeing them boys ever again and thats it!' he shouted, grabbing my wrists in a lock position as he started to twist them making me yell out in pain..
You: 'OUCHHH! Let go of me Steven..!' I shouted trying my best to get away..I was terrified of him, A girl should never be scared of her boyfriend..I needed to break up with him, but I was too scared to do it now! God only knows what he'd do to me..with noone else around
I didnt know what to do...tears were streaming down my face as he still had a really tight grip on my arms..
He leaned his face into me...really close and whispered crossly.. 'Now..youre going to do what youre told arent you? cause if you don't, you will be getting much worse than a sore arm..understood!?' he said pushing me away from him..I was shaking out of my skin! I didnt want to stay another second in his apartment with him..I wanted to be with the boys, especially Niall.
Me and Niall were really close, all of us were, but there was something different with Niall, I could do or say anything around him without being judged by others! he was like my brother and I could trust him with anything..but lately as Ive been spending a lot of time with him because of Steven pissing me off, we have gotten really close, closer than before and I really like it.. I know that I dont even love steven anymore and my feelings for him have gone long ago, I actually think ive fallen for Niall a bit! I know its wrong because me and Steven are technically still together, even though it doesnt feel like it! He never does anything romantic with me, he never treats me like im his girl, and I cant even have a normal conversation about my day with him, its either his way or no way! But i really feel something special for Niall, and I think he kinda likes me too! he's always caring about me and he's the only one that knows about Steven hurting me and pissing me off..He was furious when I told him, but I couldnt keep it from him and one time when he asked me about how our relationship was, I burst into tears and from then he kind of guessed what was happening..
last night, after our arguement I went straight up to bed, thank god we werent actually sharing a bed because I dont think id ever be able to sleep with him after the way he has been treating me..
I went to sleep straight away thinking about everything that has happened and knowing that I'll have a good day tomorrow with the boys.. even though my arms really hurted and I was nearly in tears, there was no way I could tell harry and Niall about this..

next day
I woke up and my arms were not as sore thank goodness..I went for a shower, got dressed and put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a floral top and my converse. I curled my hair and put on a bit of makeup..
I went downstairs, making no eye contact with steven at all, grabbed an apple and made my way to the mall to meet harry and Niall, luckily for me Steven thought I was going to meet my mum..

I was waiting for Harry and Niall at starbucks..I grabbed out my phone and saw that I had a new message from Niall.. 'Hey babe, me and Harry are on our way, see you soon! x' that was sent 10 minutes ago so they should be here any minute.
I slipped my phone into my pocket and put on my cardigan to hide the bruises on my arms that were now showing quite badly as I didnt want Harry or Niall to see them..
I looked up and saw Harry and Niall making their way towards me..God! Niall looked so good in his dark jeans with his supras and snapback..and his arms..oh my god! I felt butterlfies flutter in my stomach as they eventually came..
I smiled and gave them a hug..thats just what I needed right now..a hug.
Niall: 'Hey babe..you okay?' he asked smiling
You: 'Yeah..im good! how are you two?'
Harry: 'We're ok!..' he smiled
You: 'Let's go shopping!' I shouted with happiness, glad to be finally spending time with my best friends without Steven knowing..
We were walking past my favorite clothes shop Forever 21 and I spotted the most gorgeous dress ever! I walked over to the shop window and looked at it for a second, it was beautiful, I really wanted to try it on but I didnt want to bore the guys.. so I just looked at it for a moment until Niall came up to me..
Niall: 'What you looking at babe?' he whispered into my ear, his breath tickling my skin sending shivers up and dow my spine..
You: 'I really love that dress!' I smiled
Niall: 'Go try it on then..we dont mind sure we dont haz?'
Harry: 'No not at all, go on ahead babe!' he smiled
You: 'You sure?' I asked smiling, hoping that they wouldnt mind..
Niall: 'Of course, i'll come in with you!'
You: 'Okay then..' I smiled and went to find the dress! It was even more prettier holding it..
You: 'Mind if I try it on?'
Niall: 'Of course not [yn]!' he laughed
I laughed and hugged him...'thanks nialler!' I smiled and went to the changing rooms..
When I put the dress on I looked at myself for a second in the mirror..it was stunning and fitted me perfectly! I had to have it..but then I looked at the price tag and saw it was £150.. There was no way I could afford it..
Niall: 'You ready to show me [yn]?' he asked from outside
I stepped out to show him..and his mouth immediately dropped..
You: 'What? is something wrong with it?' I asked looking down my dress..
Niall: 'What the hell are those marks on your arm?' he shouted..grabbing them and looking them up and down..Shit! I completely forgot about covering them up as the dress was sleeveless...
You: 'Oh..I'll explain later..what do you think about the dress?' I asked moving the topic aside!
Niall: 'It looks amazing on you [yn]! it really does..you have to get it!'
I laughed.. 'yeah right..I cant afford it!' I laughed again
Niall: 'How much is it?'
You: '£150 why?'
Niall: 'Thats not a problem...i'll pay for it!' he smiled
You: 'What? No Niall..I cant let you do that! its too much-'
Niall: 'I'm getting it for you and thats final..no excuses..Besides, I want to!' He smiled
You: 'youre the best, you know that right?' I smiled and hugged him. 'Thank you niall!' I smiled again, excited that I had a new dress.
Niall: 'No problem babe, anything for you!, now go and take it off then we can check out!'
I walked back into the changing rooms..and hesitated for a moment..I cant let Niall pay for this dress, its too much! I turned back to Niall
You: 'Niall are you sure, you dont have to pay for it seriously!'
Niall: 'Would you quit it already..im buying you it and thats final!' he smirked
I laughed and took off the dress..

We were at the till now and I handed the lady the dress and Niall paid for it..I pulled up my cardigan to check the time on my watch.. I completely forgot about the bruises once again and Niall looked down at me and had a huge smile on his face until he saw the bruises up close once again..his smile went to a frown and a very worried face..I looked away at him and saw Harry waiting outside for us, talking to some fans and taking picture.. Niall was obviously going to ask about the bruises, Should I tell him? I dont know what to do..
Lady: 'There you are loves..have a nice day!' she smiled and handed me the bag
You: 'Thank you!'
Niall: 'Bye!'
We left the shop and met Harry were all the fans had now left..
Harry: 'Did you get the dress babe?' he smiled
You: 'Yeah..I love it! Thank you so much Nialler!'
Niall: 'Youre welcome babe!'
We walked on for a bit and went to Starbucks...
Niall: 'Okay... The bruises on your arms? what the hell [yn]? what has happened?'
Harry: 'Bruises? What bruises?'
Niall: 'Show him..'
I looked nervously at them..and pulled up the sleeves on my cardigan..
Harry: 'What the fuck??? who did this to you babe?'
You: 'I erm..I, uhm..-' suddenly I got a text on my phone, I went to answer it and Niall grabbed my phone from my hand.
You: 'Niall..give it!'
Niall: 'No! Not until you tell us what happened!..' he looked at my phone..and looked back at me.
Niall: 'It was that cunt boyfriend of yours wasnt it?' he asked with fury in his eyes.. as he notcied the text i recieved was from Steven.. 'He did this to you didnt he?' he shouted..
Harry: 'Calm down niall! let her explain!'
By now I was nearly in tears..
I nodded slowly, looking down to the ground, scared at the thought of Steven last night..
You: 'I'm terrified of him guys..What do I do? he did this last night to me because I told him that I could see whoever I want after him forbidding me to see you's..he's out of control!' I said cryig my eyes out!
Harry: 'Shh..shh babe, its okay! me and Niall are here!' he hugged me
You: 'I dont even love him anymore..my feelings for him have completely gone, but i cant break up with him, if I do then he'll hurt me! I even had to lie to him today! I told him that I was going to see mum..if he finds out that im with you he'll kill me!
Niall: 'HE WONT! Ill make sure of it! He will pay for this..he'll pay for causing you this pain!..you dont deserve it..you deserve to be with someone who really loves you, you cares for you!'
You: 'I know nialler..I dont know how I'm going to be able to face him when I get home..' I said shaking at the thought of Steven shouting and yelling at me..
Niall: 'Then dont go back to him..stay with me tonight!' he said
You: 'Niall..I can't, if he finds out, he'll hurt me again, and he'll hurt you too! I cant risk it!'
Niall: 'You ARE staying with me tonight [yn]! Theres no way im letting you go back to him..'
You: 'I suppose I have no say in this do I?' I giggled
Niall smiled and pulled me into a hug, my head rested in his chest..
You: 'But wait..all of my stuff is at his place..I have nothing with me!'
Niall: 'I can give you some of my stuff..' he smiled
You: 'Youre the best..thanks guys!' I smiled
Harry: 'We should probably get going..Oh niall, is it still cool if me and the boys come to yours later?'
I looked at Niall at nodded, of course I wanted the boys round at Nialls tonight, I needed a good laugh to cheer me up..
Niall: 'Sure Haz!'
I smiled and then my phone rang.. playing my favorite song which was by coincidence one of the boys songs - Everything About You..
I laughed at my ringtone.. 'Awkwarddd!' I laughed
Niall: 'Awww cute!'
You: 'Well its a good song!' I laughed
I looked at my phone and my laugh completely left when I saw that steven was calling me...I could already feel the tears coming and I started shaking..
You: 'Its Steven..' I gulped
Harry: 'Put it on loudspeaker..'
You: 'Hello..look I know your mad but-'
Steven: 'Where the hell are you..get over here NOW!'
Then Niall took my phone off of me..
Niall: 'Shes in safe hands..dont worry about it!' he shouted down the phone and hung up
You: 'Niall..What the hell..you do realise he's going to come looking for me now and he-'
Niall: 'No he wont! youre safe with me [yn]! He wont dare hurt you..just dont worry about him okay..!'
Harry: 'Niall's right..The next time you see him, youre dumping him [yn], you have to! theres no way he can treat you like that! we wont let him!'
You: 'I know...can we just go now! I'm sorry ive ruined your day..and Niall I wil pay you back for the dress!' I laughed
Niall: 'Dont worry about it babe..it was my treat!' he smiled
Harry: 'And you didnt ruin our day babe..you never do!' he smiled
You: 'Okay..lets go!' I smiled and we left for Nialls house were the other boys would be waiting for us..

Louis: 'So..wait! he did that to you? fucking cunt! he dare comes near you again, ill kill him..'
Liam: 'You dont deserve this babe..just break up with him!'
You: 'I cant guys..not now..I will when I get back okay..'
Niall: You better..'
You: 'Anyways..enough of that.. how was your day guys?' I asked Louis, Zayn and liam.
Zayn: 'Really good, me and Perrie went to the cinema..'
You: 'Awww, cute!'
Louis: 'Movie time! what you wanna watch [yn]?'
You: 'Not a horror!' I said in a serious voice..
Harry: 'Horror it is then!' he winked
You: 'NO!!'
Harry: 'Just kidding!' he laughed
Niall: 'What you wanna watch then babe?'
You: 'Never say never?' I winked at Harry.. laughing
Niall: 'YES!'
Harry&Louis: 'NO!'
You: 'Im just kidding!' I winked
Niall: 'No seriously, lets watch it!'
Zayn: 'Do we have to?'
You: 'I dont even wanna watch it' I laughed
Liam: 'Okay, lets just pick something..How about Toy Story?'
Everyone: 'NO!!'
I laughed..
We eventually decided on a film and I snuggled up to Niall on the couch.. he looked down at me as I lay my head on his chest, I could hear his heartbeat fast which made me smile up at him.. as he placed his arm round my waist..
Louis turned round to us..and smiled cheekily..
Louis: 'Awww look at them two getting all cosy!' he winked
Harry: 'Cuties!' he laughed
I laughed shaking me head..
You: 'Shut up!' I laughed again..
Niall: 'There right you know..' he whispered to me..
I turned my head around to face him.. what did he just say?
You: 'What?'
Niall: 'Follow me... I need to show you something..' he said getting up of the couch and leading me upstairs..
Louis: 'And where do you think you two are going?' he winked
I laughed..'He has to show me something!..wont be long!' I winked
Harry: 'Yeah..you better not be or we'll be suspecting something' he winked
You: 'Jealous?' I winked
The boys: 'Ooooohhh!'
Zayn: 'Bring it sista!'
I laughed.. 'Yea. yea, yea!' I shook my head and walked with Niall upstairs.
You: 'Niall..what do you wanna show me?' I asked
Niall closed his bedroom door behind him..and came over to me where I was stood just infront of the bed..
He smiled at me and walked closer and closer to me..
He was just about to say something..when my phone rang..
You: 'Fuck this..its Steven again!'
Niall: 'Ignore it!' he whispered as he walked closer to me and put his arms round my waist as we both looked into eachothers eyes..Niall eyes were the most beautiful thing I ever saw, he smiled at me and I looked down to the ground, my heart was racing, this felt so right and I craved his soft lips on mine..
Niall: 'You don't deserve a cunt like him you know! You deserve someone so much better, someone who actually loves you!' he said softly as he lifted my chin up with his finger and looked right into my eyes, liking his bottom lip, making me crave them even more..
You: 'Oh yeah..who would that be?' I smiled cheekily as he placed his warm hand on my cheek stroking it sofly sending butterflies to race up and down my stomach, I craved his lips so bad now, I just wanted to crash mine onto his there and then.. It was definately official..I had fallen for my best friend and I loved him..
Niall smiled as he started to lean in slowly, I wanted to kiss him more than anything, I really did! But I cant do it to Josh..I know I dont even love him anymore and im crazy about Niall, but we are still technically in a relationship..
You: 'Niall..I can't kiss you, I mean, you have no idea how bad I want to! but me and Josh are still together..and I-'
Niall: 'Oh would you shut up about him and just kiss me already!' he laughed, shutting me up and pressed his soft lips on mine, making me gasp..I wrapped my arms round his neck as he pushed me back, more and more until we both fell onto his bed making me laugh inside.. Niall positioned himself on top of me as he kissed me hard, our lips moving in sync..I felt his warm tongue enter my mouth leaving me starstrucked, this was the perfect moment. All the thoughts in my head had disappeared, it was just me and Niall.. God, he was an amazing kisser, and the butterflies in my stomach wouldnt stop fluttering. Our tongues danced together like there was no tomorrow.. But shit! how was I going to tell Steven this..he was going to kill me..
Niall pulled away and I couldnt stop smiling at him..I really loved this boy and it was amazing what he done to me.
Niall: 'Now, who would you rather be with after that?' he winked..
I laughed and looked into his deep eyes..
You: 'You know I love you right?' I smiled, cuddling into his chest..
Niall: 'Now I do..I love you too! I love you so much [yn]!' He pulled me in closer to him as I lay my head on his chest..my eyes started getting heavy now, I could feel myself slowly drifting to sleep..
I lay there nearly asleep, cuddled into Nialls chest with his arm round my waist, I was so worried about tomorrow, I know I cant go back there alone!..I was so scared! I started shaking a bit at the thought of Steven hurting me again, and an uncomfotale shiver went down my spine, leaving me to jerk a bit.. I was then relaxed as Niall kissed the back of my head and whispered to me..
'Everythings going to be okay babe, youre safe with me..I love you!' which completely calmed me down and I went straight to sleep, knowing I was safe in Niall's arms
Nialls pov
We were laying in bed and she was sound asleep, she looked so perfect.. I couldnt stop smiling to myself knowing that she loved me back..I just have that cunt steven to deal with tomorrow...
I was just about to drift off when I heard a quite knock on the door..Shit! I completely forgot about the boys downstairs..
Then I saw Louis look around the door as he opened it slowly..
Louis: 'Aww, look at this guys!' he whispered as Harry, Liam and Zayn joined him..
Niall: 'Guys, im so sorry! I completely forgot about you!' I laughed
Harry: 'Its ok mate..looks like youve been having some fun of our own' he winked
Liam: 'I'm so happy for you mate, yous are perfect together..'
Niall: 'I know, but we're going to have to break it to Steven tomorrow..'
Zayn: 'If you need us, just give us a call..'
Niall: 'Thanks boys!' I smiled, looking down to [yn] as she lay fast asleep in my arms..putting my hand through her hair..
Louis: 'Ok well we better go..its getting late..If you need us Nialler just call! Bye and goodluck!'
Harry: 'Bye mate!'
Zayn: 'Bye, good luck!!'
Liam: 'Bye Niall!'
Niall: 'Bye guys..thanks!'
I lay back down beside [yn] and at the thought of everything that had happened today..I slowly went to sleep.
Your Pov
I woke up the next morning really slowly, my eyes were still closed tight, I moved over on the bed to find Niall sleeping like an angel..I giggled and kissed his cheek and I cuddled up beside him, it was perfect.
Then I remembered..Shit! I have to break up with Steven today, and I was immediately bricking it! I knew he would shout..and even worse - hurt me! I knew I had to get Niall to come with me..I was scared, more than anything!
I started to tickle Niall's under-arms cause his arms were beside his head as he slept like an angel..I tickled him and he immediately opened his eyes, and gave a massive yawn and smiled at me..
Niall: 'Morning gorgeous..sleep well!?' he kissed me on the lips
You: 'Yeah..but Niall, I have to tell Steven today..' I said as my voice got lower and more frightened..
Niall: 'Dont be scared babe, I'm coming with you..he wont touch you when im here!'
You: 'I guess...'
Niall: 'Its fine..seriously! nothing to worry about!'
You: 'I'm so lucky to have you...i love you so much Niall!' I smiled
Niall: 'I love you too [yn]!'
Just as he was about to kiss me, my phone went off.. leaving me to turn my head around to the bedside table where my phone was..
Niall: 'Ignore it..'
You: 'But its steven..I wanna see what he's said..'
Niall: 'Read it out..'
It read.. 'Where the fuck are you! Ive had enough of you sneaking around you slut! You know what..we're through, I cant even trust you for 1 day..god knows who youre with! I want nothing more to do with you tramp! I'm going out for a bit and you can come round to get your stuff! Hope you have a happy life with them bastards of boyfriends you have! Make sure youre gone when I come back..or else!'

I looked closely at my phone..in shock! my mouth was wide open..I felt tears coming to my eyes..not because he dumped me - hell! I was more than happy about that! but the fact he called me a slut and a tramp and called my best friends bastards. I was so angry but over the moon at the same time, because Niall was officially all mine..
Niall: 'Babe..im so sorry..' he whispered to me as he put his arms round my waist, comforting me..
You: 'Dont be sorry babe, I'm so happy now, it saved me all the hassle of dumping him myself..but he called me a slut, and you, well you know-'
Niall: 'Who gives a fuck what he thinks..dont listen to him! Youre not any of those because youre my princess!  I love you so much..and guess what?'
I giggled..'What?'
Niall: 'Youre all mine now!' he winked and kissed me.
You: 'Come on, we better get ready and go back to his..I have a key! I need to get my stuff and bring it back to my place! you'll help me right?' I asked smiling
Niall: 'No, I'm not helping you bring your stuff back to yours..' he said smiling whilst shaking his head..
You: 'What..why not?' I asked sadly
Niall: 'Because I'm helping you bring your stuff back here...I want you to move in with me!' he smirked
You: 'What? Are you sure..?' I asked hesitantly. I wanted this more than anything... I loved Niall so much!
Niall: 'Of course im sure silly! so you'll move in?'
You: 'Of course I will...!' I giggled
Niall: 'Perfect!'
Me and Niall have just been to Steven's place to get all my stuff..and there was a lot of it! Thank god we didnt bump into him whilst we were there!
We were now walking down the street on the way back to Niall's when we saw a car coming in the distance, I knew that number plate right away..it was Steven
You: 'Oh fuck....lets go a different way Niall!' I said
Niall: 'Or...we could have a little fun!' he winked..as we both saw Steven come closer to us in his car..
Steven was now about to drive right past us.. Niall turned me to face him and put his arms round my waist and down to my bum as he pulled me in close to him. I giggled and put my arms round his neck and up to his soft blonde hair that felt amazing..
As we saw Steven was just about to pass us..Niall leaned in and kissed me hard as he squeezed my bum, making me let out a quiet moan..I kissed him back as our lips moved in sync as the sun beamed down on us.. I smiled within the kiss and couldnt help but laugh to myself as the kiss became more intense and passionate.. Our tongues, exploring different parts of eachothers mouths, as Niall kissed me hard. I knew Steven would have saw this and it made me so happy that I finally gotten away from him
Now it was just me and Niall, the boy that deep down, I had always loved and knowing that he loved me back felt amazing, I was the happiest girl in the world..

Hope you liked it girl! :-) Sorry it took so long! xxxx

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