Sunday 16 December 2012

Niall imagine
You were on a date with your boyfriend Tyler, things just havent been the same between you too lately.. Tyler was a shit boyfriend, he basically only wanted you for sex but you couldnt break up with him because youre scared what he'll do to you.. he was the abusive type. You havent done it with him yet but you knew that he was going to force you any day now because he' been at you for ages and you keep putting it off.. for a couple of main reasons..
1) you're a virgin
2) you're scared
3) you dont even like him anymore never mind love and you want your first time to be special, to be with someone special some like.. like Niall
your pov
Yes, Niall horan, my best friend i know its wrong but Niall is the only one i can trust with all this. He knows about me and Tyler but he doesnt know that he is 'as' abusive as he is.. I say 'as' because niall knows he's a jerk but he doesnt know about the whole 'pushing me into sex thing'
I just wish i could spend all my time with niall instead of that dick head tyler..

Tyler: 'Come on babe.. why do you always gotta ruin it!' he whinned as he pulled me down on the sofa and covered me in slobbery wet kisses.. I think i was about to throw up
I pushed him off of me and got up from the sofa 'Ty, now isnt the right time ok..'
'Ugh ive had enough of you.. we're done Tyler!' I stormed out of the room but i quickly felt a large hand grab into my wrist pulling me back..
Tyler: 'Aw baby i didnt mean that.. come on you know i was only joking right..' he whispered as he leaned in to kiss my neck.. I shoved him off and was reaally pissed off now..
'No! no no no always say that and im fed up! you treat me like shit, go find yourself someone better! I-i dont even love you anymore..'
Tyler: 'You didnt mean that babygirl.. now come on, lets go to the bedroom!' He harshly spat at me and pratically pushed me upstairs with a firm grip on my hips.
When we got to his room he fired me onto his bed and started to undress me..I was screaming so loud that my throat was hurting..
'Tyler no!!! Please get off me!' I shouted as I punched his back
He wouldnt listen.. he only laughed at how pathetic i was being.. I didnt care..there was no way in hell i was going to lose my virginity to this prick..
I found the energy to fight him off  and kicked him in the balls.. he fell in pain and i rushed out of his room and sprinted downstairs and out the door as fast as i could.. I could hear shouting after me but i kept running, tears streaming down my face, i could hardly run my legs were shaking! I was a mess, my mascara was everywhere and i was freezing as I ran through the streets and went to the only place i could go.. Niall's house
I finally got to his door and was hesitant before finally getting the courage to faintly knock.. I knew he would just laugh in my face and say 'i told you so' but i needed my best friend more than ever now.. i could trust Nialler right?
My heart froze as i saw a blond head pop up and open to door.. god he was looking so fit in them joggers and he had no top on..
Niall: 'Saz? babe? what happened..'
I didnt say anything.. I just walked right into his chest and cried.. cried my eyes out, all my feelings! I just let everything out into Nialls bare chest as he leaded me upstairs to his bedroom
He sat me down and whiped all my tears away and threw the bed cover over us.. his bed was so warm, already making me feel better.
Niall: 'What did he do to you babe?' he asked a stutter in his voice, obviously refering to now ex boyfriend.
I froze..'He..uhm..uh I-i cant'
Niall: 'Shhh baby girl..take your time, you can tell me!' He reassured me as he stroke my hair and made little circle patterns on my arms to calm me down
'I hate him so fucking much!' I cried again
'hey! you and me both!' he laughed, trying to lighten the mood and i managed to let out a little giggle
'We're over niall..i ended it.. cause he um..he tried to-'
Niall: 'please babe, don't say it-' he scrunched his eyes, afraid to hear what i was about to say..
'He basically tried to rape me Niall..he forced me into having sex then i said no and it was all hectic from there-i-im sorry'
Niall shivered... and pulled me in so tight to his chest i could hardly breath..
I heard him whisper the words 'fucking bastard' into himself but i ignored it and cried a little more into his chest
Niall: 'Dont apologize honey.. non of this is your fault..he is a f-'
I laughed a little: 'I know dont have to say it!'
Niall smiled: 'Feeling a little better already are we?'
I smiled: 'a bit i guess.. I mean it was for the best and i was going to leave him'
Niall: 'You deserve so much better.. i just want to go over there and kick his balls in..does he not know how to treat a princess..-'
I blushed and looked down..feeling more tears escape my eyes..oh my god i was an emotional wreck!
Niall: 'hey babe, please dont cry..again, i cant take it when youre upset!' he lifted my chin.
'Can i stay here tonight nialler?'
'Of course babe..!'
'Thank you, ill just go down to the couch..and-' I was about to get up but i was pulled back down at the waist by Niall..his touch was so much different to tylers..Tyler was forceful and strong but Niall was gentle and soft..
I smiled 'what?'
'You're taking my bed!..i'll take the couch!'
'On one condition!'
'ok! what?' he asked smiling into my eyes..
'You stay with me!? I dont wanna be alone'
Niall chuckled lightly..'of course!'

We spent the rest of the night in Niall's bed and i snuggled into his chest while we watched a disney film and ate lots of chocolate.. Niall never let me away from his side the whole time.. well apart from the times he went down to the fridge for more food..
Niall: 'You deserve so much better you know Sarah'
'I already have someone in mind!' I smiled 'Niall?'
'Can i tell you something!?'
he nodded as he turned his complete focus to my eyes..'I only dated tyler cause i wanted to try and forget about you..'
Niall: 'What?'
I laughed 'I know its stupid..i just used to have a major crush on you and i knew you didnt like me back so i had to move on.. and then i met Tyler and thought.. perfect way to get him off my mind!'
Niall: 'You 'used' to have a crush on me? so you dont now?'
I shook my head..and looked down
'I dont have a crush on you now Niall'
Niall: 'You don't?' he said shakingly.. wow was he upset or something?
I shook my head: 'I dont have a crush on you.. I'm still in love with you'
The room went silent.. you could hear a drop of water fall it was that quiet.
'wow!' he breathed
I stayed silent.. i just admitted what i had been keeping in for the last 2 years.. that felt good but now it feels like someone stabbed a knife through my heart cause niall doesnt love me back..
Niall: 'Sarah i-i had no idea you felt like that!'
I nodded: 'yeah well its hard keeping in something thats dying to come out!'
Niall: 'I know..and thats why im gonna say something ive also been keeping in..'
'Sarah..I-i think i love you too!' he smiled as he lifted my chin and our lips connected for the first time..

Yay hope you liked it! :)
follow me twitter @kenzeyy1D_x

Saturday 1 December 2012


#imagine you and your bestfriend harry were over at his house just chilling on a saturday. You were too lazy to do anything today so you wanted to just stay in cause its freezing out.
Harry was watching tv in the sitting room whilst you were in his dining room catching up on some homework you've missed these past weeks. Your maths and english teacher threatened you that if you dont hand in all your missed coursework first thing on monday morning then your work wont be graded and you will have no mark meaning you will have to repeat everything next year. You broke down and just threw your pen down and rested your head on the table, you couldnt take this anymore! you were at Harry's house and doing homework.. he must think you were a right geek!

your pov
'Haz!!' I shouted
Harry: 'Yeah babe?'
'Im done! I cant do this anymore, its driving me mental!'
I heard some shuffles of movement and within seconds i saw Harry come through the door and lifted me up and set me on his knee..
I smiled 'Haz what are you doing?'
Harry: 'I wanna help you with your homework!' he smiled, Harry was always like an older brother to me, he's only 1 year older but he is rather smart when he's not goofing off.
Me: 'You dont have to.. i can just fa-'
Harry '-No! im not letting you fail!'
I groaned.. 'but we'll be here for the rest of the day getting this done, i dont want to be annoying and ruin your saturday!'
Harry: 'nonsense, im with you and it wont take that long will it?' he smiled as he leaned over my body and looked at the book i was working from, his arms cradling over me and i couldnt help but look at his bisceps.. damn that boy had muscles. Why cant all boys be like Harry, why cant all boys be as perfect as him? Why do i have to have a crush on my best friend? and why don't i have to guts to tell him how i feel? oh yeah thats right Sam.. because he doesnt feel the same way and it will ruin everything!

'Sam? you there?' harry laughed as he waved his hand infront of me?
'oh sorry.. what?'
Harry: 'I was explaining how to work this out..'
'oh sorry, please explain again mr.styles!' i winked
'Okay so all you have to do is--'
he was interupted by my phone ringing i took it out of my pocket and answered it before saying to harry 'One sec'
'Hey Sam, its Nathan?'
'Hey Nate!, whats up?'
'Wanna go to the cinema or something?' I looked at Harry who looked a bit disheartened that i was talking to nathan, he knew we were close. i like him and all but not as much as Harry..
'Sorry nate, i cant, im spending the day at haz's and im doing coursework! yay!' I laughed
'What! are you serious, you're at your crush's house and your sat doing homework? on a saturday! Girllll you got it bad!'
I laughed 'shut up, its not my fault!'
'Are you alone?'
'Yeah, we have the house to ourselves! why?'
'And you arent in his bed yet! I thought u liked him!
'Shut up ok, i know i do! but i dont know..- i just know- Wait! Nathan.. are you calling me a slut?' I laughed! Nathan certainly wasnt gay.. and he certainly wasnt one of those shy guys! we always had this type of 'banter' and i loved it!
I started bursting into a fit of laughter and completely forgot about harry..
'Nate i gotta go finish my homework, harry's helping me!' i laughed 'ill call you later!'
Nathan: 'Bye babe!'
and with that i put down my phone and looked back at harry..
'okay so where were we?' i smiled
harry laughed: 'we were doing YOUR homework'
'ughhhh i couldnt be bothered haz! let's do something fun!'
Harry: 'you sure cause i dont mi-'
Me: 'Cmon...who gives a shit about homework!'
Harry: 'Woah.. we've got a badass over here!' he laughed
Me: 'you love it really!' i winked and hopped on the couch. Harry came beside me and put his arm round my neck. I got butterflies...
Me: 'What's that for?'
Harry: 'What? cant a guy be friendly to his best friend?'
Me being the flirt i am decided to make his fun..
'so... how friendly would you go?' i smirked
Harry: 'Hmmm, depends how much you want?'
'Surprise me!' I laughed, this would be fun!

Harry's Pov
What's gotten into her lately? i dont know but i love it! its like shes beggin me to make a move! Now's my chance, do not mess this up haz! Just stay calm and play along with whatever her little game is!
I know she likes me..yes my best friend actually likes me back, should i tell her i heard her conversation with Nathan earlier? she really needs to turn the volume down on her speaker! I laughed to myself and thought how i could make this flirty but also set her crazy for me..
I looked directly in her eyes.. I wanted to start off small.. then make it more sexy..

Sam's pov
he looked at me with pure lust, shit he was already turning me on.
'I'm waiting harold!' I laughed to see what'd be his first move, god how i loved a bit of flirty banter.. i guess nathan taught me well?
Harry: 'You know sam.. you should really turn the volume down on your phone when your talking to someone..' he said slowly and deeply as he winked and hovered over me licking his lips..
my heart sank... he heard my convo with Nathan?
oh what the hell.. 'Just shut up and kiss me you goof!' I smirked and placed my hand on his curls and pushed his lips to mine, our lips connected and i immediately felt sparks.. the adrenaline rushed up and down my body along with the shivers of his body on mine. He forced the kiss to go deeper, lightly licking my bottom lip and forcing his tongue into my mouth, not an area going unexplored. he stood me up, our lips not separeting and his hand went slowly up my top..
he whispered in my ear.. 'let's go to my bed..make this more fun babe!?'
I giggled as he picked me up and my legs automatically wrapped around his torso.. he carried me up stairs, not breaking our make out session with ease and he dropped me onto his bed as he sat up and looked hungriy at me.
Me: 'Your definition of 'friendly' was not what i was expecting..' I winked and locked our lips together perfectly like puzzle pieces. Harry's hands were all over my body as his tongue explored every part of my mouth. I pulled at his top telling him i wanted it off and he fell back and let me pull it off for him.. my mouth shaped into an 'o' when his top was off as i was left to stare at his perfectly toned abs and biceps that i saw earlier.
'like what you see!?'
'i always have'
'C'mere..' he instructed as he pulled me down on top of him and once again let out lips move in sync with eachother..
'Sam?' Harry asked pulling us apart..
'Yeah haz?'
'Be mine!'
'I already am!'

 Hope you liked it! :D

Saturday 18 August 2012


#Imagine You and Harry are really close. Yous hang around with eachother 24/7, yous tell eachother everything, do everything together and always get into trouble together, You could say Harry was like your big brother - only closer.

Harry is coming over later on today, he asked me to come to the gym with him, I could use the exercise too I guess. Harry always comes to my netball games so I should give something back and go to the gym with him - how can I not go? Harry at the gym, lifting weights, getting smokin' hot leads to a fit, curly haired, topless boy! I hate to admit it, because we've been friends forever but I have a massive crush on Harry, I always have! I mean who wouldnt? he's flawless. I hate telling myself it because it kills me inside when reality is, he will never like me back. But weirdly as it is, at the same time I dont think I would be able to be in a relationship with Harry! thats only if it ever came to that point, which it never will but a girl can be imaginative right? Anyway, if it ever came to the situation, I dont know if I could be Harry's girlfriend, I wouldnt want anything to happen to our friendship that has been so strong over the past years - I just couldnt let go of him, I'd rather hide my feelings and be Harrys friend than be together and it not work out and coming to the situation of losing a life long friend and brother.
    I dont know how I'm going to be able to breath when I see Harry at the gym, working out getting all hot - i'll probably pass out! He is amazing though, everything about him is just perfection. His amazing curly, chocolate brown hair that always sits perfectly on his head. His lushious green eyes that I always get lost in. His crooked smile that makes me feel weak at the kness everytime he shows his perfectly straight teeth. God! if only that boy knew what he does to me, he seriously sets me crazy and to be honest, I wouldnt be surprised if he already knew how I felt about him - i know i try my best to hide my feelings when im around him, but sometimes I cant help it. I hope to God that he doesnt know cause if he does know, he'll tell the boys and Louis especially will annoy me like hell and as I said before, I dont want our friendship at risk.

'Okay boys, I'm going to pick [yn] up now, I'll see you later!' I said as I went to pick up my gym bag from my room..
Louis: 'Oh you have fun! are you going to tell her atleast!' he smirked making me feel a light butterfly in my stomach..
I sighed for a moment, thinking about my response to lou's question.. before letting out a breath I felt confident about this whole thing.. 'You know lou, I think I will tell her how I feel, I cant keep it in anymore!' I laughed, then I saw niall rush down the stairs like a parading elephant with a tub of pringles in one hand and a bag of nuts in the other, making me laugh again..
Niall: 'So youre finally going to tell her then? it's about time haz!' he laughed
Harry: 'Yeah, I think its time - shes my best friend and she deserves to know!'
Louis: 'Ehheeem!'
Harry: 'What?' I laughed
Louis: 'shes your best friend?' he raised an eye brow.. 'And what am I? a sack of potatoes!?'
I laughed..
Harry: 'Well..shes my closest girl/friend! dont worry lou, you'll always be my number 1!' I winked trying to shut him up by lying to him to make him happy!
Louis: 'I know when youre lying haz, you idiot!'
Harry: 'Yea well I better go!'
Louis: 'We all know she likes you back!' he shouted from behind me as I was making my way through the front door.
I turned around and gave him a cheeky smirk 'Yea, yea yea! we'll see!' I smiled
Zayn: 'Good luck!'
Harry: 'Thanks guys, bye!'

Okay i'm all ready, just need to grab my ipod and gym bag. Harry will be over soon to pick me up..I have to say im a little nervous about this whole thing, i honestly dont know why! Me and harry have been doing stuff together for years and ive never felt this nervous. Im not that confident around guys, but with Harry its completely different, I can be my normal self around him and he can too. I just really enjoy his company..

*knock knock*
I knew that was Harry, just by the way he knocks my door I can tell its him. I laughed to myself, excited but also nervous as I answered the door. When I saw his shadow through the glass I felt my heart flutter like crazy.. god calm down [yn]! he's just a friend..
You: 'Hey haz!' I smiled as I stood in shock, he was looking flawless. He sported a pair of dark jeans, and his plain white tshirt that he looked amazing in and my favorite beanie of his..
Harry: 'Hey [yn] you look nice!' he showed me his cute, crooked smile only showing 1 dimple
I could feel myself going a slight pink colour.. oh my god [yn]! calm down.
You: 'Thanks, you too!' I smiled as he pulled me in for a hug, giving me the chance to inhale his scent that ive come to absolutely adore. God I just wanted to crash my lips onto his there and then, he looked amazing, but somehow I knew he wasnt feeling the same towards me..
You: 'Oh! turn it up!' I shouted as one of my favorite songs came on The wanted, chasing the sun
Harry shook his head and laughed.. 'I still don't get why you like them babe!' he rolled his eyes
You: 'Are you kidding.. they are fit!' I shouted.. but then paused and realised what I just said 'did I say that out loud?' I froze and looked down, trying to stop the smile across my face
Harry: 'Yep you did! and theyre not that good..ehmm ehmm' he hinted
You: 'Oh sorry haz..One Direction are way better!' I winked
Harry: 'By better do you mean we're fitter..?' he winked, being his cheeky self
You:'You know what I mean focus on your driving!' I nudged him.. we both laughed and as the car went into silence for a moment I thought about it, actually the boys were indeed way fitter than the Wanted. I smiled at the thought without realizing and Harry stared at me..
Harry: 'What you smiling at then eh?'
You: 'That would be telling!' I winked
Harry: 'So..any boyfriends at the minute?' he smirked, but I had a feeling he was trying to hide a nervous/worried expression forming on his face. Why would he be worried if I had a boyfriend or not?
and why did he have to bring this up, he already knows I dont have a boyfriend, i mean I want one really bad but its awkward cause i want it to be him..
You: 'Not at the minute..why?' I kind of blushed
Harry: 'You obviously like someone..your blushing!' he winked
You: 'Shut up, I do not!' I laughed putting my head in my hands trying to cover up the fact that I was probably a tomato by now.
Harry: 'You know, if you wanna talk about anything, im here!' he smiled
You: 'I know, youre my best friend for crying out loud!' I smiled.. 'So, what about you Harold? any girlfriends?' I asked nervously, praying he would say no
Harry: 'Nope, but there is someone..' he smiled
I think I nearly died inside.. i wonder who he likes.
You: 'Oh..well come on, spill!' I nudged him
Harry shook his head..'she doesnt like me back though, thats the problem!' Oh my god, how can anyone not like him back, what the hell! if he liked me Id probably through myself at him I laughed to myself
You: 'Im sure thats not the case haz..whats not to like!' I smiled 'just talk to her!'
Harry: 'You think I should?'
I nodded..'yeah, im sure she does like you too and maybe shes just a bit shy to let her feelings out, maybe she's waiting for you to make the first move or doesnt want to ruin anything you two have..' I spilled out, basically telling him my whole situation without making him realize.
Harry: 'Woah [yn], you sound like this is how you feel for someone..'
'Just talk to her Harry!' I fake smiled, putting my hand on his knee, trying to not feel like crap that he likes someone else, trying to at least be happy and supportive for him even though I was so jealous of this girl and was desperate to find out who she was to see what she has that I dont...
I felt harry tense up a bit as I put my hand on his knee..why was that I wonder..I always do that and he never reacts the way he just did..maybe just wasnt paying attention to me, probably just thinking about her..
I looked out the window, resting my head against the glass.. trying not to think about Harry I closed my eyes and got all images out of my head. Then I suddenly felt a warm hand creep around my waist as the car came to a stop. I jumped and shivers went up and down my spine..
Harry: 'Easy jumpy..we're here!' he smiled
You: 'Jesus scared the shit outta me!'
Harry: 'Not my fault you look cute when youre thinking..'
I paused.. 'What did you just say?' did he just call me cute.. what?
Harry: 'Erm..nothing, I said nothing!' he looked down flipping his curls..he always does that when he's nervous, what is going on!? I decided to ignore the compliement for now and hopped out of the car. He followed me and casually draped his arm round my shoulder as we made are way into the gym..

Ive finished up for the day.. Harry is still working out of there somewhere and I have the perfect view as I sit on my iphone on twitter being the lazy person I am.. I get to watch Harry! oh my god and he is smoking! but I still cant get that comment he made out of my head.. 'not my fault you look cute when youre thinking' it just replays over and over again in my head, although he probably didnt mean anything by it, it still makes my heart flutter.
I look over at him and he's talking to a group of girls..typical! im nothing compared to them and he's totally flirting with them. I hate admitting it but i am so jealous right now, ill never have him all to myself. At that thought I get up and get a bottle of water where there are a few fit guys by the door.. as I walk past they pass me a smile.. as I go to pay for my water a warm hand brushes past mine
Guy: 'Ive got this love..' he smiles
You: 'Uhmm thanks!, but its okay ive-'
Guy: 'I want to!' he smiles again
You: 'Thank you, but I didnt quite get your name!'
Guy: 'Oh, im Luke!'
You: '[yn]!' I smile
Luke: 'Nice name!'
You: 'Thank you, well i should really be getting back to my friend-'
Luke: 'boyfriend?'
You: 'Well not exactly, I wish!' I laugh
Luke: 'You like him?'
I nod, 'yeah, he's amazing! ive kinda had a crush on him for years now, he doesnt know and probably never will!, its hard but yeah..-' I laugh.. 'oh what am I going on for..i dont even know you and im telling you my life story!'
Luke: 'No, its okay! I get it!' he smiles
You: 'Well thanks for the water, i should really be getting back!' I smile and he hugs me
Luke: 'No problem, anytime! good luck with umm-'
You: 'Harry!' I smile just saying his name to a complete stranger brings a huge smile across my face
Luke: 'He's a lucky guy!'
I smile and make my way back...

Harry: 'Hey there!' he stood wth a huge smirk on his face..
'Fuck!' I whisper, did he hear everything I just said..
You: 'Hey, you ready to go?' I brush of the topic trying to make sure he didnt hear me talking to Luke about him
He smiled 'Yup, ready when you are..lets go!'

Harry's pov
I was going to look for [yn] and when I went round the corner I saw her talking to some guy... didnt know who he was and didnt want to know either! he was all over her by the looks of things.. I decided to listen in and boy was I glad I did! I heard everything, she just confessed her feeling to him about me! I smiled hugely as she said she's had a crush on me for years and all this time I hadnt a clue, well i kinda suspected something in the car when she blushed a bit! but now I finally know and I couldnt be happier..
then she came around the corner and I heard her whisper a few colourful words under her breath as I think she realised that I might have heard her.. I pushed the thought aside and continued as normal.. as we made our way back to the car I couldnt help but smile big! I felt a slight butterfly sensation fill up in my stomach even though i was trying to pretend I heard nothing.. Now all i need to do is figure out a way to tell her I feel the same, god this is killing me that its killing her to keep her feelings in, all this time she liked me when i liked her and we both never knew or suspected a thing!

Your pov
we were driving home in the car and Harry had a massive smile on his face.. i knew rightly he heard me but he was pretending to keep it to himself..
I tried breaking the awkward silence building up in his car
You: 'Soo, looks like you were having fun today?'
Harry: 'What you mean?'
You: 'Well, im surprised you even got to work out with all them girls around you..'
Harry laughed
Harry: 'And what about that guy you were with, you have fun with him?'
You: 'Whats that supposed to mean?' I snapped
Harry: 'It means youre totally jealous cause I was with them girls today!'
You: 'I was not jealous! why would I be!'
Harry: 'So what were yous talking about!?'
I rolled my eyes..he's practically waiting for me to spill it to him..
You: 'None of your business!' I stuck my tongue out
Then Harry started pulling over on the side of the street..then completely stopped the engine
You: 'What is up with you?'
Harry: 'I'll start the car again when you tell me what you's were talking about!'
Harry: 'I just do! and no need to get all grumpy'
I sighed and crossed my arms, laying back in the passengers seat, the car went silent for what felt like hours. Harry started tapping a tune onto the steering wheel, leaving me to think about what is gonna happen between us, he obviously knows I like him and hes waiting for me to admit it so I guess nows the time to..
I decided to break I silence..Harry jumped at the sound of my voice as he turned to face me, my eyes meeting his.
You: 'Do you have any idea what it feels like to love someone but they don't love you back, just a general question is all?'
Harry: 'I thought I did..but now I dont need to feel like that anymore!'
I sighed again.. god, he waas making this so difficult for me 'and whys that!?' I asked calmly pretending to not give two shits.
Harry: 'because now I know that the person I like, likes me back!' he smiled
I paused..'So im taking one of them girls you were with at the gym today is the girl you like, the girl you were telling me about! so she likes you back? wow, and i thought she'd be 32 or something, nice one haz! even for you' I sighed looking out the window.. Harry pulled at my arm and turned me to face him
Harry: 'Will you calm down [yn]! jesus!'
I kept silent, the only thing I could here was my nervous breathing, I just wanted to get out of this car and run home and cry into my pillow..
You: 'So, you going to see this girl tonight..whats her name anyway?'
Harry: 'Youre so jealous!' he laughed
Harry: '[yn]..I-'
You: '-look, i know you heard me talking to that guy, I know you know okay! so can you please just bring me home! before things get more awkward!'
Harry: 'Not until you do one thing?'
You: 'What?'
Harry: 'Kiss me!'
You: 'Yeah right!' I turned away, pretending I didnt want to kiss him when thats what ive wanted for years now! but before I could focus on a place to stare at through the window harry turned me round to face him
he brushed a lose strand of my hair behind my ear and in no time he started to lean in.. what..omg he is not going to kiss me! is he?
You: 'Harry, don't! what about this other girl?' i said, my voice becoming more silent and softer.. this was boy driving me crazy and the butterflies were throwing a party in my stomach from what was happening, he was actually going to kiss me! but why? i thought he liked this other girl..
Harry: 'What other girl?' he asked, the sarcasm in his voice was killing me
You: 'Fuck Harry, why do you do this to me?' I sighed
Harry: 'you know, that 'other' girl is closer than you think', he paused to look at me 'infact - im actually confessing my feelings to her right now..' he smirked
I turned around to face him.. what did he just say? 'im actually confessing my feelings to her right now' his voice replaying in my head.. what is he trying to say.?
You: 'Harry I-'
Before I could finish my sentence, i felt both of Harry's warm hands on my cheeks and in no time at all his lips crashed onto mine.. he was kissing me! all emotions in my mind were gone, it was just harry and I. The kiss started of soft and gentle, his soft, moist lips felt perfect against mine like they were made to fit together. As his hands fell slowly onto my waist as he pulled me up onto his knee and I wrapped my arms round his neck, then fiddling with his soft curls as I interwined my fingers with them, something ive always been craving to do. His curls were magical and felt amazing against my fingertips. the kiss deepened as I felt his tongue slide along my bottom lips demanding entrance. I opened my mouth and as our tongues got tangled, the butterflys in my stomach were doing sommersaults, something I never wanted to end but I could feel myself get short of breath, we were now full on snogging and my heart was fluttering like crazy. I brought my hands down to his chest and working my way to his toned abs as I felt him pull away. Both of us smiled as all you could hear was our heavy breathing.
You: 'Damn' I whispered as I looked into his gorgeous green eyes, which seemed even more sparkling than usual. Somehow I could tell he was thinking the exact same thing as his expression was something Ive never witnessed. as I sat on his knee, both of us looking into eachothers eyes, he leaned his forehead on mine and smirked cheekily..
Harry: 'You have no idea how long ive been craving that moment!' he whispered
I bit my lips softly trying to hide the smile as I looked down at his soft moist lips craving them on mine again..
You: 'You'd be surprised..' I smiled as I leaned in and kissed him again, teasing the hell out of me he turned away just as my lips were about to crash onto his.. he smirked cheekily as I rolled my eyes and placed my hands on his face and kissed him again. his hands meeting mine as he intewined our fingers, it felt perfect. We were perfect.

Thanks for reading! :) Please tell me what you thought! :) 

Tuesday 24 July 2012

NEW LONG NIALL IMAGINE For @xx_Sammiiee_xx on twitter!

#imagine you were out shopping one day with your best friends Harry and Niall, Louis, Zayn and Liam were out with their girlfriends, or they would have came too.. You and the boys were all really close, even you, danielle and eleanor were too. You never really saw Perrie that often and you havent gotten to know her yet.
You were out shopping with Niall and Harry as they wanted to do something with you today..Of course you wanted to spend time with your best friends, but you were scared of what your boyfriend Steven would think..
You and Steven have been going out for a couple of months was amazing at first, but now you feel that your feelings for him have slowly disappeared..You just dont love him want to end it but youre scared of what he'll do to you. You havent told the boys this, but last night, you and steven had an arguement - it was one of your worst so far! you told him that you were going out shopping with your mum today, to hide the fact that you were really going out with Harry and Niall because if Steven found out that you were with any of the boys, he would hurt you! He doesnt want you to be with the boys at all.. You had to lie! You happened to bring up the boys in your conversation and Steven went mad at you..
(Your pov - Last night -)
Steven: 'Thats it! I dont want you to see them stupid boys again!' he shouts making you jump..
You: 'Steven, theyre my best friends - Im not going to stop seeing my best friends just because you dont want me to!' I shouted back
Steven: 'I dont give a fuck what you do! but you are NOT seeing them boys ever again! theyre changing you [yn], and I dont like it one bit!'
You: 'Dont speak to me like that! And why are you so jealous? its not like im cheating on you or anything!' I shouted back..getting scared now as Steven came closer to me and surrounded me..
Steven: 'Youre not seeing them boys ever again and thats it!' he shouted, grabbing my wrists in a lock position as he started to twist them making me yell out in pain..
You: 'OUCHHH! Let go of me Steven..!' I shouted trying my best to get away..I was terrified of him, A girl should never be scared of her boyfriend..I needed to break up with him, but I was too scared to do it now! God only knows what he'd do to me..with noone else around
I didnt know what to do...tears were streaming down my face as he still had a really tight grip on my arms..
He leaned his face into me...really close and whispered crossly.. 'Now..youre going to do what youre told arent you? cause if you don't, you will be getting much worse than a sore arm..understood!?' he said pushing me away from him..I was shaking out of my skin! I didnt want to stay another second in his apartment with him..I wanted to be with the boys, especially Niall.
Me and Niall were really close, all of us were, but there was something different with Niall, I could do or say anything around him without being judged by others! he was like my brother and I could trust him with anything..but lately as Ive been spending a lot of time with him because of Steven pissing me off, we have gotten really close, closer than before and I really like it.. I know that I dont even love steven anymore and my feelings for him have gone long ago, I actually think ive fallen for Niall a bit! I know its wrong because me and Steven are technically still together, even though it doesnt feel like it! He never does anything romantic with me, he never treats me like im his girl, and I cant even have a normal conversation about my day with him, its either his way or no way! But i really feel something special for Niall, and I think he kinda likes me too! he's always caring about me and he's the only one that knows about Steven hurting me and pissing me off..He was furious when I told him, but I couldnt keep it from him and one time when he asked me about how our relationship was, I burst into tears and from then he kind of guessed what was happening..
last night, after our arguement I went straight up to bed, thank god we werent actually sharing a bed because I dont think id ever be able to sleep with him after the way he has been treating me..
I went to sleep straight away thinking about everything that has happened and knowing that I'll have a good day tomorrow with the boys.. even though my arms really hurted and I was nearly in tears, there was no way I could tell harry and Niall about this..

next day
I woke up and my arms were not as sore thank goodness..I went for a shower, got dressed and put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a floral top and my converse. I curled my hair and put on a bit of makeup..
I went downstairs, making no eye contact with steven at all, grabbed an apple and made my way to the mall to meet harry and Niall, luckily for me Steven thought I was going to meet my mum..

I was waiting for Harry and Niall at starbucks..I grabbed out my phone and saw that I had a new message from Niall.. 'Hey babe, me and Harry are on our way, see you soon! x' that was sent 10 minutes ago so they should be here any minute.
I slipped my phone into my pocket and put on my cardigan to hide the bruises on my arms that were now showing quite badly as I didnt want Harry or Niall to see them..
I looked up and saw Harry and Niall making their way towards me..God! Niall looked so good in his dark jeans with his supras and snapback..and his arms..oh my god! I felt butterlfies flutter in my stomach as they eventually came..
I smiled and gave them a hug..thats just what I needed right now..a hug.
Niall: 'Hey okay?' he asked smiling
You: ' good! how are you two?'
Harry: 'We're ok!..' he smiled
You: 'Let's go shopping!' I shouted with happiness, glad to be finally spending time with my best friends without Steven knowing..
We were walking past my favorite clothes shop Forever 21 and I spotted the most gorgeous dress ever! I walked over to the shop window and looked at it for a second, it was beautiful, I really wanted to try it on but I didnt want to bore the guys.. so I just looked at it for a moment until Niall came up to me..
Niall: 'What you looking at babe?' he whispered into my ear, his breath tickling my skin sending shivers up and dow my spine..
You: 'I really love that dress!' I smiled
Niall: 'Go try it on then..we dont mind sure we dont haz?'
Harry: 'No not at all, go on ahead babe!' he smiled
You: 'You sure?' I asked smiling, hoping that they wouldnt mind..
Niall: 'Of course, i'll come in with you!'
You: 'Okay then..' I smiled and went to find the dress! It was even more prettier holding it..
You: 'Mind if I try it on?'
Niall: 'Of course not [yn]!' he laughed
I laughed and hugged him...'thanks nialler!' I smiled and went to the changing rooms..
When I put the dress on I looked at myself for a second in the was stunning and fitted me perfectly! I had to have it..but then I looked at the price tag and saw it was £150.. There was no way I could afford it..
Niall: 'You ready to show me [yn]?' he asked from outside
I stepped out to show him..and his mouth immediately dropped..
You: 'What? is something wrong with it?' I asked looking down my dress..
Niall: 'What the hell are those marks on your arm?' he shouted..grabbing them and looking them up and down..Shit! I completely forgot about covering them up as the dress was sleeveless...
You: 'Oh..I'll explain later..what do you think about the dress?' I asked moving the topic aside!
Niall: 'It looks amazing on you [yn]! it really have to get it!'
I laughed.. 'yeah right..I cant afford it!' I laughed again
Niall: 'How much is it?'
You: '£150 why?'
Niall: 'Thats not a problem...i'll pay for it!' he smiled
You: 'What? No Niall..I cant let you do that! its too much-'
Niall: 'I'm getting it for you and thats excuses..Besides, I want to!' He smiled
You: 'youre the best, you know that right?' I smiled and hugged him. 'Thank you niall!' I smiled again, excited that I had a new dress.
Niall: 'No problem babe, anything for you!, now go and take it off then we can check out!'
I walked back into the changing rooms..and hesitated for a moment..I cant let Niall pay for this dress, its too much! I turned back to Niall
You: 'Niall are you sure, you dont have to pay for it seriously!'
Niall: 'Would you quit it buying you it and thats final!' he smirked
I laughed and took off the dress..

We were at the till now and I handed the lady the dress and Niall paid for it..I pulled up my cardigan to check the time on my watch.. I completely forgot about the bruises once again and Niall looked down at me and had a huge smile on his face until he saw the bruises up close once again..his smile went to a frown and a very worried face..I looked away at him and saw Harry waiting outside for us, talking to some fans and taking picture.. Niall was obviously going to ask about the bruises, Should I tell him? I dont know what to do..
Lady: 'There you are loves..have a nice day!' she smiled and handed me the bag
You: 'Thank you!'
Niall: 'Bye!'
We left the shop and met Harry were all the fans had now left..
Harry: 'Did you get the dress babe?' he smiled
You: 'Yeah..I love it! Thank you so much Nialler!'
Niall: 'Youre welcome babe!'
We walked on for a bit and went to Starbucks...
Niall: 'Okay... The bruises on your arms? what the hell [yn]? what has happened?'
Harry: 'Bruises? What bruises?'
Niall: 'Show him..'
I looked nervously at them..and pulled up the sleeves on my cardigan..
Harry: 'What the fuck??? who did this to you babe?'
You: 'I erm..I, uhm..-' suddenly I got a text on my phone, I went to answer it and Niall grabbed my phone from my hand.
You: 'Niall..give it!'
Niall: 'No! Not until you tell us what happened!..' he looked at my phone..and looked back at me.
Niall: 'It was that cunt boyfriend of yours wasnt it?' he asked with fury in his eyes.. as he notcied the text i recieved was from Steven.. 'He did this to you didnt he?' he shouted..
Harry: 'Calm down niall! let her explain!'
By now I was nearly in tears..
I nodded slowly, looking down to the ground, scared at the thought of Steven last night..
You: 'I'm terrified of him guys..What do I do? he did this last night to me because I told him that I could see whoever I want after him forbidding me to see you's..he's out of control!' I said cryig my eyes out!
Harry: 'Shh..shh babe, its okay! me and Niall are here!' he hugged me
You: 'I dont even love him feelings for him have completely gone, but i cant break up with him, if I do then he'll hurt me! I even had to lie to him today! I told him that I was going to see mum..if he finds out that im with you he'll kill me!
Niall: 'HE WONT! Ill make sure of it! He will pay for this..he'll pay for causing you this pain! dont deserve deserve to be with someone who really loves you, you cares for you!'
You: 'I know nialler..I dont know how I'm going to be able to face him when I get home..' I said shaking at the thought of Steven shouting and yelling at me..
Niall: 'Then dont go back to him..stay with me tonight!' he said
You: 'Niall..I can't, if he finds out, he'll hurt me again, and he'll hurt you too! I cant risk it!'
Niall: 'You ARE staying with me tonight [yn]! Theres no way im letting you go back to him..'
You: 'I suppose I have no say in this do I?' I giggled
Niall smiled and pulled me into a hug, my head rested in his chest..
You: 'But wait..all of my stuff is at his place..I have nothing with me!'
Niall: 'I can give you some of my stuff..' he smiled
You: 'Youre the best..thanks guys!' I smiled
Harry: 'We should probably get going..Oh niall, is it still cool if me and the boys come to yours later?'
I looked at Niall at nodded, of course I wanted the boys round at Nialls tonight, I needed a good laugh to cheer me up..
Niall: 'Sure Haz!'
I smiled and then my phone rang.. playing my favorite song which was by coincidence one of the boys songs - Everything About You..
I laughed at my ringtone.. 'Awkwarddd!' I laughed
Niall: 'Awww cute!'
You: 'Well its a good song!' I laughed
I looked at my phone and my laugh completely left when I saw that steven was calling me...I could already feel the tears coming and I started shaking..
You: 'Its Steven..' I gulped
Harry: 'Put it on loudspeaker..'
You: 'Hello..look I know your mad but-'
Steven: 'Where the hell are you..get over here NOW!'
Then Niall took my phone off of me..
Niall: 'Shes in safe hands..dont worry about it!' he shouted down the phone and hung up
You: 'Niall..What the do realise he's going to come looking for me now and he-'
Niall: 'No he wont! youre safe with me [yn]! He wont dare hurt you..just dont worry about him okay..!'
Harry: 'Niall's right..The next time you see him, youre dumping him [yn], you have to! theres no way he can treat you like that! we wont let him!'
You: 'I know...can we just go now! I'm sorry ive ruined your day..and Niall I wil pay you back for the dress!' I laughed
Niall: 'Dont worry about it was my treat!' he smiled
Harry: 'And you didnt ruin our day never do!' he smiled
You: 'Okay..lets go!' I smiled and we left for Nialls house were the other boys would be waiting for us..

Louis: 'So..wait! he did that to you? fucking cunt! he dare comes near you again, ill kill him..'
Liam: 'You dont deserve this babe..just break up with him!'
You: 'I cant guys..not now..I will when I get back okay..'
Niall: You better..'
You: 'Anyways..enough of that.. how was your day guys?' I asked Louis, Zayn and liam.
Zayn: 'Really good, me and Perrie went to the cinema..'
You: 'Awww, cute!'
Louis: 'Movie time! what you wanna watch [yn]?'
You: 'Not a horror!' I said in a serious voice..
Harry: 'Horror it is then!' he winked
You: 'NO!!'
Harry: 'Just kidding!' he laughed
Niall: 'What you wanna watch then babe?'
You: 'Never say never?' I winked at Harry.. laughing
Niall: 'YES!'
Harry&Louis: 'NO!'
You: 'Im just kidding!' I winked
Niall: 'No seriously, lets watch it!'
Zayn: 'Do we have to?'
You: 'I dont even wanna watch it' I laughed
Liam: 'Okay, lets just pick something..How about Toy Story?'
Everyone: 'NO!!'
I laughed..
We eventually decided on a film and I snuggled up to Niall on the couch.. he looked down at me as I lay my head on his chest, I could hear his heartbeat fast which made me smile up at him.. as he placed his arm round my waist..
Louis turned round to us..and smiled cheekily..
Louis: 'Awww look at them two getting all cosy!' he winked
Harry: 'Cuties!' he laughed
I laughed shaking me head..
You: 'Shut up!' I laughed again..
Niall: 'There right you know..' he whispered to me..
I turned my head around to face him.. what did he just say?
You: 'What?'
Niall: 'Follow me... I need to show you something..' he said getting up of the couch and leading me upstairs..
Louis: 'And where do you think you two are going?' he winked
I laughed..'He has to show me something!..wont be long!' I winked
Harry: ' better not be or we'll be suspecting something' he winked
You: 'Jealous?' I winked
The boys: 'Ooooohhh!'
Zayn: 'Bring it sista!'
I laughed.. 'Yea. yea, yea!' I shook my head and walked with Niall upstairs.
You: 'Niall..what do you wanna show me?' I asked
Niall closed his bedroom door behind him..and came over to me where I was stood just infront of the bed..
He smiled at me and walked closer and closer to me..
He was just about to say something..when my phone rang..
You: 'Fuck this..its Steven again!'
Niall: 'Ignore it!' he whispered as he walked closer to me and put his arms round my waist as we both looked into eachothers eyes..Niall eyes were the most beautiful thing I ever saw, he smiled at me and I looked down to the ground, my heart was racing, this felt so right and I craved his soft lips on mine..
Niall: 'You don't deserve a cunt like him you know! You deserve someone so much better, someone who actually loves you!' he said softly as he lifted my chin up with his finger and looked right into my eyes, liking his bottom lip, making me crave them even more..
You: 'Oh yeah..who would that be?' I smiled cheekily as he placed his warm hand on my cheek stroking it sofly sending butterflies to race up and down my stomach, I craved his lips so bad now, I just wanted to crash mine onto his there and then.. It was definately official..I had fallen for my best friend and I loved him..
Niall smiled as he started to lean in slowly, I wanted to kiss him more than anything, I really did! But I cant do it to Josh..I know I dont even love him anymore and im crazy about Niall, but we are still technically in a relationship..
You: 'Niall..I can't kiss you, I mean, you have no idea how bad I want to! but me and Josh are still together..and I-'
Niall: 'Oh would you shut up about him and just kiss me already!' he laughed, shutting me up and pressed his soft lips on mine, making me gasp..I wrapped my arms round his neck as he pushed me back, more and more until we both fell onto his bed making me laugh inside.. Niall positioned himself on top of me as he kissed me hard, our lips moving in sync..I felt his warm tongue enter my mouth leaving me starstrucked, this was the perfect moment. All the thoughts in my head had disappeared, it was just me and Niall.. God, he was an amazing kisser, and the butterflies in my stomach wouldnt stop fluttering. Our tongues danced together like there was no tomorrow.. But shit! how was I going to tell Steven this..he was going to kill me..
Niall pulled away and I couldnt stop smiling at him..I really loved this boy and it was amazing what he done to me.
Niall: 'Now, who would you rather be with after that?' he winked..
I laughed and looked into his deep eyes..
You: 'You know I love you right?' I smiled, cuddling into his chest..
Niall: 'Now I do..I love you too! I love you so much [yn]!' He pulled me in closer to him as I lay my head on his eyes started getting heavy now, I could feel myself slowly drifting to sleep..
I lay there nearly asleep, cuddled into Nialls chest with his arm round my waist, I was so worried about tomorrow, I know I cant go back there alone!..I was so scared! I started shaking a bit at the thought of Steven hurting me again, and an uncomfotale shiver went down my spine, leaving me to jerk a bit.. I was then relaxed as Niall kissed the back of my head and whispered to me..
'Everythings going to be okay babe, youre safe with me..I love you!' which completely calmed me down and I went straight to sleep, knowing I was safe in Niall's arms
Nialls pov
We were laying in bed and she was sound asleep, she looked so perfect.. I couldnt stop smiling to myself knowing that she loved me back..I just have that cunt steven to deal with tomorrow...
I was just about to drift off when I heard a quite knock on the door..Shit! I completely forgot about the boys downstairs..
Then I saw Louis look around the door as he opened it slowly..
Louis: 'Aww, look at this guys!' he whispered as Harry, Liam and Zayn joined him..
Niall: 'Guys, im so sorry! I completely forgot about you!' I laughed
Harry: 'Its ok mate..looks like youve been having some fun of our own' he winked
Liam: 'I'm so happy for you mate, yous are perfect together..'
Niall: 'I know, but we're going to have to break it to Steven tomorrow..'
Zayn: 'If you need us, just give us a call..'
Niall: 'Thanks boys!' I smiled, looking down to [yn] as she lay fast asleep in my arms..putting my hand through her hair..
Louis: 'Ok well we better go..its getting late..If you need us Nialler just call! Bye and goodluck!'
Harry: 'Bye mate!'
Zayn: 'Bye, good luck!!'
Liam: 'Bye Niall!'
Niall: 'Bye guys..thanks!'
I lay back down beside [yn] and at the thought of everything that had happened today..I slowly went to sleep.
Your Pov
I woke up the next morning really slowly, my eyes were still closed tight, I moved over on the bed to find Niall sleeping like an angel..I giggled and kissed his cheek and I cuddled up beside him, it was perfect.
Then I remembered..Shit! I have to break up with Steven today, and I was immediately bricking it! I knew he would shout..and even worse - hurt me! I knew I had to get Niall to come with me..I was scared, more than anything!
I started to tickle Niall's under-arms cause his arms were beside his head as he slept like an angel..I tickled him and he immediately opened his eyes, and gave a massive yawn and smiled at me..
Niall: 'Morning gorgeous..sleep well!?' he kissed me on the lips
You: 'Yeah..but Niall, I have to tell Steven today..' I said as my voice got lower and more frightened..
Niall: 'Dont be scared babe, I'm coming with you..he wont touch you when im here!'
You: 'I guess...'
Niall: 'Its fine..seriously! nothing to worry about!'
You: 'I'm so lucky to have you...i love you so much Niall!' I smiled
Niall: 'I love you too [yn]!'
Just as he was about to kiss me, my phone went off.. leaving me to turn my head around to the bedside table where my phone was..
Niall: 'Ignore it..'
You: 'But its steven..I wanna see what he's said..'
Niall: 'Read it out..'
It read.. 'Where the fuck are you! Ive had enough of you sneaking around you slut! You know what..we're through, I cant even trust you for 1 day..god knows who youre with! I want nothing more to do with you tramp! I'm going out for a bit and you can come round to get your stuff! Hope you have a happy life with them bastards of boyfriends you have! Make sure youre gone when I come back..or else!'

I looked closely at my shock! my mouth was wide open..I felt tears coming to my eyes..not because he dumped me - hell! I was more than happy about that! but the fact he called me a slut and a tramp and called my best friends bastards. I was so angry but over the moon at the same time, because Niall was officially all mine..
Niall: ' so sorry..' he whispered to me as he put his arms round my waist, comforting me..
You: 'Dont be sorry babe, I'm so happy now, it saved me all the hassle of dumping him myself..but he called me a slut, and you, well you know-'
Niall: 'Who gives a fuck what he thinks..dont listen to him! Youre not any of those because youre my princess!  I love you so much..and guess what?'
I giggled..'What?'
Niall: 'Youre all mine now!' he winked and kissed me.
You: 'Come on, we better get ready and go back to his..I have a key! I need to get my stuff and bring it back to my place! you'll help me right?' I asked smiling
Niall: 'No, I'm not helping you bring your stuff back to yours..' he said smiling whilst shaking his head..
You: 'What..why not?' I asked sadly
Niall: 'Because I'm helping you bring your stuff back here...I want you to move in with me!' he smirked
You: 'What? Are you sure..?' I asked hesitantly. I wanted this more than anything... I loved Niall so much!
Niall: 'Of course im sure silly! so you'll move in?'
You: 'Of course I will...!' I giggled
Niall: 'Perfect!'
Me and Niall have just been to Steven's place to get all my stuff..and there was a lot of it! Thank god we didnt bump into him whilst we were there!
We were now walking down the street on the way back to Niall's when we saw a car coming in the distance, I knew that number plate right was Steven
You: 'Oh fuck....lets go a different way Niall!' I said
Niall: 'Or...we could have a little fun!' he we both saw Steven come closer to us in his car..
Steven was now about to drive right past us.. Niall turned me to face him and put his arms round my waist and down to my bum as he pulled me in close to him. I giggled and put my arms round his neck and up to his soft blonde hair that felt amazing..
As we saw Steven was just about to pass us..Niall leaned in and kissed me hard as he squeezed my bum, making me let out a quiet moan..I kissed him back as our lips moved in sync as the sun beamed down on us.. I smiled within the kiss and couldnt help but laugh to myself as the kiss became more intense and passionate.. Our tongues, exploring different parts of eachothers mouths, as Niall kissed me hard. I knew Steven would have saw this and it made me so happy that I finally gotten away from him
Now it was just me and Niall, the boy that deep down, I had always loved and knowing that he loved me back felt amazing, I was the happiest girl in the world..

Hope you liked it girl! :-) Sorry it took so long! xxxx

Saturday 14 July 2012


This one is Super long guys, sorry about that! :D

#imagine its the last week of school - yes! only five days to summer! Just me and the girls! Its going to be amazing. I love the last week of school because we do no work at all, we play lots of games and the best part of all is that on friday night their is a massive disco in our school! It was amazing last year, me and the girls had a blast! although they did make me get together with a few boys in our year, and even a few boys I never even met! it was hilarious and its going to be even more amazing this year!
Its now thursday and summer is coming nearer - me and the girls are buzzing! Today our whole class is playing a massive game of dares in form room - there will be no teacher there so it makes it even more fun! Since we all wont be together next year we thought it would be fun if we play a game - Kirsty, my best friend suggested we play this and everyone agreed. There are 15 of us altogether, 6 girls and 9 boys! yes its small but its perfect, cause we have the best fun ever in lessons and especially with the boys, its hilarious when they give cheek and sarcasm to the teacher! I guess you could say we were all best friends, well apart from a few guys that I never really spoke too! I guess they thought they were too cool for us or something, but I gotta say one of them was fit! and I gotta confess, I kind of have a crush on him and even the girls know, but ive never even talked to him so I guess he doesnt even know I exist! bummer for me, cause ill probably wont see him all summer to get to know him! I wonder if he's going to the disco? ;)
 im really going to miss these guys so much next year! why does our stupid principal change everything before my last year here! We all hate him! even the boys made me go down and protest to him that this isnt even right! I didnt though, I had to keep telling them that the more we protested about everything he's changing, the more he wont listen! I guess they sent me down to him because they think im confident at speaking and all the teachers love me or something! I guess im a confident speaker, ive read a passage at our whole school assembly a few times and at the christmas service but I wouldnt say ALL the teachers love me! like our sports teacher! I hate her so much, and shes so up her on arse its unbelievable and i know she hates me!

So we are playing dares now! this is going to be fun, even though the boys think of really dirty and rude dares! they better not give me a dirty one, or ill kill them! One of the boys in my class, Kevin has a huge crush on me, its so cute but i dont like him at all in that way! he's not even good looking, nothing compared to Harry, the guy I was telling you about earlier! Kevin keeps looking at me and its really creepy, I just want to tell him to piss off! he's such a creep! And i think he thinks that I like he back..Which I Dont! I like Harry alot. Who wouldnt? his hair is amazing like oh my god! and his smile is adorable and his eyes are lush! This boy is perfect! Its weird that we're in the same class but ive never really spoken to him, i guess im just nervous I mean come on! who wouldnt be, talking to him! he's amazing and he seems to be a really nice guy!
Robert spun the bottle as we all sat in the circle, I was sat beside Kirsty and one of Harry's friends that I didnt really know either, I think his name was Louis and he wasnt half bad either!
Louis: 'Hi [yn]! how are you?'
You: 'Hey Louis! Im great and you?'
Louis: 'Not bad thanks! so you heading to this disco then?'
You: 'Yea i sure am! me and the girls are going! it should be great, are you and Harry going?'
Louis: 'Yea I think so, Harry said he wants to go so yea I guess so, our other friends are coming too!' he smiled
You: 'Great! it will be a fun night!'
- Thats weird, he never really talked to me before! guess he's just being friendly, he's such a nice guy though, you could talk to him forever! I hope Harry's like that!
You: ' long have you and Harry been friends then?'
Louis: 'Since we were young! We're like brothers..we tell eachother everything!'
You: 'Aww thats so cute!' I laughed
Louis winks 'Here, do you know that Kevin guy?'
You: 'Yeah..what about him!?' I asked, I think I knew where this was going
Louis: 'He hasnt stopped looking at you all day, I think he likes you!' he winks laughing
You: 'I know he likes me, his friend told me one day! its cute and all but i dont even like him!' I laughed, this was so embarrassing..
Louis laughed: 'Awwwww! so who do you like then?' he winks
You: 'I'm not going to tell you!' I laughed, it would be so annoying if he found out I liked his best friend!
Louis: 'Oh come on..Ive seen the way you look at Harry!'
Okay, now I think i started to blush, shit! he cant find out I like Harry, then he'll go and tell him!no no no!
You: 'I dont like Harry, not in that way!' I said nervously, trying to make what ive said convincing, but I dont think it worked cause Louis was nearly in stitches laughing.
Louis: 'Seriously [yn]! If you like Harry, you should just tell him!'
You: 'But I don't even like him!' I laughed, trying to make him think otherwise
Louis: 'Yea, yea, yea! besides I think he likes you too!'
You: 'WHAT! He does! How do you know!' I said jumping up, I think my heart just skipped a beat! oh my god..did harry really like me?
Louis: 'Does it matter?...I thought you said you didnt like him!' he winked
You: 'You tricked me louis!' I said evilly, realising what he just done
Louis: 'I knew it!...Oh look Harrys coming over now!'
You: 'Oh shit!' I whispered under my breath, I tried to play it cool and just relax and smile but inside my heart was racing
Louis: 'Hey hazza come sit with me and [yn]!' he winked at me
Harry: 'Hey lou, hi [yn]!' he smiled at us as he sat down beside me! omg I was so nervous! why was I this nervous, he's only human for god's sake! There was just something about him..He just looked amazing all the time, and he smelt amazing too!
You: 'Hey Harry!' I smiled trying to calm down inside
- We just kept talking, while the others played spin the bottle and were doing dares, I wasnt paying any attention to the game, I was too busy chatting away with Harry and Louis! They were really nice guys and I could honestly talk to them forever..why havent I spoken to them before?
Harry: So, you going to the disco [yn]? he asked, showing his adorale dimples and amazing smile
You: 'Yeah, I am! Louis was telling me that you two are going aswell!'
Harry: 'Yeah we are! We should hang out together!' He smiles
- Oh my god..did he actually just say that! ahhh! Okay stay calm..stay calm!
You: 'That would be great!' I said smiling, trying to calm down my excitment as I was practially jumping up and down screaming inside!
Harry: 'Yeah..I think the other boys are coming too, I cant wait for you to meet them!'
You: 'Other boys?'
- theres more hot guys! What the actual could this be even possible! I said to myself smiling, thinking how amazing this is going to be.
Louis: 'Yeah! Our other friends, Niall, Zayn and Liam! you'll love them!'
You: 'Cool! So why dont they go to this school?'
Louis: 'They just went to a different school, which is stupid! I wanted us to all be at the same school but oh well!'
We eventually turned back to the game of dares that everyone was laughing and screaming about! I couldnt hear myself think or even hear Louis and Harry talk to me, everyone was laughing so loud!
Robert: 'Ohhhh, its landed on [yn]!'
I looked at Louis and he winked..Just then I noticed Harry whispered something into his ear then I seen Louis glancing at me smiling - what were they talking about?
The whole class: 'ooooooh!'
You: 'Okay, okay! so whats my dare?'
Robert started whispering to another one of the guys..Making me more nervous at what I'll have to do..
Robert: 'I'll dare you to...Kiss kevin! and not just a peck..Im talking a full on kiss!' he winks
The Class: 'Ohhhhhhhh...get her bucked Kevin!'
I looked at Louis and he was laughing..Oh my god! I do NOT want to kiss kevin, anyone but him, Id rather do a forfeit dare than kiss him! ew ew ew!
You: 'Im not kissing Kevin! No offence Kevin!' I tried not to laugh to not make him feel bad, nothing against the guy! I just didnt want to completely humiliate myself in front of the whole class, and especially Harry and Louis!
Robert: 'Okay then..I'll let you off! But you have to kiss someone so....You have to kiss....Harry!'
I think i went red..I could feel my cheeks burning, omg! Of couse I want to kiss Harry, but not with the whole class watching, I turned to look at Harry, who was just smiling cheekily, I guess he didnt mind the whole thing, so why should I?
You: 'You ok with this Harry?' I asked laughing
Harry: 'Yeah..Its just a dare babe!' he smiled
Oh great, just a dare, like he doesnt think of this as more! great!
I just sat there looking into Harrys gorgeous green eyes...I think Ive really fallen for this boy! He was amazing!
Louis: 'Are you two going to do this or what?' he laughed making me jump from my day dreaming about Harry as I was looking deep into his eyes!
I laughed, trying to hide how nervous I was..
Harry started to lean in, closer and closer until I could hear his heart beat fast. I closed my eyes and then felt Harry's soft, moist lips on mine! Butterflies started doing sommersaults in my stomach..Ive never felt like this before, especially when I kissed a guy! It felt amazing! Harry's hands fell slowly onto my waist which made me smile inside as I placed my arms round his neck! We could hear the whole class whistle and cheer but i didnt care, this was the most amazing moment ever! our lips moving in sync and nothing could ruin it!
Harry pulled away and I smiled at him looking to the ground, not knowing where to look, that was honestly the most amazing thing ever!
Robert: 'Okay moving on.....'
Kirsty was sitting 2 people down from me, I seen her look at me trying to get my attention and she whispered to me..
'Get in there!!!'
I winked at her and giggled to myself..still thinking about what just happened.
Kirsty: 'Is he going to the disco?'
You: 'Yeah!' I Smiled big.... remembering what Harry said about us hanging out at the disco!
Kirsty: 'We are so getting you's two together!' she winked
I laughed and replied: We'll see!'
I didnt really want to turn back to Harry and Louis cause I didnt want that awkward feeling, or continue with the game and since I couldnt talk to the girls cause they were sitting all over the place, I decided to take out my phone and go on twitter! since there were no teacher with us.
Harry: 'Whatcha doing there?' he said from behind, his warm breath tickling the back of my neck sending a shiver down my spine. I wanted this boy so much!
You: 'Oh, just checking my twitter!' I laughed, this wasnt awkward at all so far!
Harry: 'I have twitter should follow me!' he winked laughing
You: 'Okay! whats your name?'
Harry: @(Harrys Twitter name)'
You: 'Okay...done! you better follow back!' i winked
Louis: 'Follow me too! im @(Louis' Twitter name)'
I laughed as I typed in his name in the search bar..I could hear Harry and Louis whispering something and I think my name popped up somewhere in the conversation but I just ingnored it
You: 'Done lou!'
Louis: 'Thanks..'
You: 'oooh, whos the girl in your icon!?' I laughed
Louis: 'Thats my girlfriend Eleanor!' he smiled
You: 'Awww how cute! bet you get well jealous Harry!' I winked
Harry: 'Yeah, I do, But I dont think i will be jealous of Louis and eleanor for long!' he smiled cheekily
You: 'Why do you say that?' I asked, having absolutely no idea what he was talking about.
Harry: 'Oh, never mind!' he smiled
.. Then the bell went..home time! wooo!
I walked out the room with Louis and Harry, Kirsty and the other girls were coming far behind so I just walked on out with louis and harry and waited for the girls in the hallway.
Louis: 'So, we'll see you tomorrow [yn]!'
You: 'Yeah!'
Harry: 'Bye [yn]! see you tomorrow!
Louis: 'Bye love!'
Louis and Harry came closer to me and they both hugged me together...they both hugged me! I smiled big, they were such nice guys and really friendly! Im so glad ive started speaking to them and got friendly with them! When they pulled back I just smiled at them! Louis said goodbye to me and started to walk off and left Harry with me? which was strange..Then he came closer to me again and hugged me tight! Harry hugged me..awww! I was so happy when he did! I wish it would have lasted longer though, his hugs were so nice!
'I'll see you tomorrow [yn]!' he whispered into my ear!
Then he let go of the hug and I said bye to him..
As he walked away he turned back to me and waved..I waved back and smiled..he was so adorable, I think ive really fallen for him! as if he'd like me, he could have any girl he wanted, he was perfection! All the girls in my year are crazy about him, A guy like that would never like a girl like me...
Then I saw kirsty and the rest of my friends come over to me..
Kirsty: 'Awwwwh wasnt that adorable!' she winked
Rebecca: 'Yous two would make the perfect couple!' she smiled
You: 'Ha! I wish!'
Claire: 'You never he going to the disco?'
You: 'Yeah..him and his other friends are going too!'
Kirsty: 'So theres more hot guys! Oh my god! How many?'
You: 'Thats exactly what I thought!..em 3 more their names are Niall, Zayn and Liam!'
Claire: 'We are so getting yous two together tomorrow night!' she winked
You: 'Speaking of tomorrow night..He asked me to hang out with him at the disco!' I screamed with excitement..and I got a few stares from teachers walking past but I didnt care..Summer was getting nearer and tomorrow night was going to be amazing!

Im at home, I should be finishing off a project since tomorrow is the last day to hand it in, but how can I work when all I can think about is Harry. Why does this boy have to be so perfect!
I was lying on my bed watching tv and I thought id get my laptop and go on my twitter again..I logged on and check my mentions..A few of my friends were asking me what I was wearing tomorrow night to the disco and then I scrolled down more and saw Louis mentioned me in one of his tweets..I clicked on his page and saw he had lots of followers..way more than I had! Someone's popular! Anyway I read his last tweet and it said..
'Surprisingly had a great day at school today, especially with @(HarrysTwitterName) and @(YourTwitterName) Unreal fun in form room, cant wait for the disco tomorrow night with the lads and yn!:)
Then you scrolled down and seen that 1 of Louis' and Harry's other friends they were telling you about also replied..It was that guy Zayn and he said
'Thanks bro..I cant wait, can't wait to meet this girl [yn] that Harry hasnt stopped talking about!;)'
- Okay what was going on? Harry hasnt stopped talking about me? is he serious? omg..awww!! And the other boys cant wait to meet me!! yay! :D
I couldnt stop staring at this, my mouth was starting to get sore from all the smiling I was doing, I was so happy and for the first time, I couldnt wait to go to school tomorrow...
I read more of my mentions, pretty boring tweets if im honest and then an icon with a curly haired guy in it appeared on my screen...Harry had mentioned me in a tweet..I clicked on his profile and just like Louis he had lots of followers, im not surpised! he's amazing! His tweet said
'Last day of school tomorrow then summer! Disco tomorrow night with the lads..and (yourtwittername) going to be fun! ;)x
I replied: 'Woohooo party time! Cant wait! :D'
Then I noticed Harry immediately retweeted my tweet!
I checked my interactions and saw that Harry and Louis followed me back...and 3 other guys followed me too..they were Harrys other friends, Niall, Zayn and Liam! I checked their pictures, me being nosy and all, and they were just as fit! But Harry was the guy for me! he was perfect and our kiss..oh my god! I know it was just a dare from the boys in the class, but it felt like so much more! and I havent been friendly with him for an entire day yet! Today has been amazing!

'YES!! SUMMER HAS ARRIVED!' I yelled with excitement as the last bell rang for the end of school..I was in a class, with just Harry and Louis, me and kirsty weren't always in the same classes..
Me, Louis and Harry walked out to the lockers and I grabbed all my things as quick as I can, occasionally throwing my old books and papers in the bin as I wont need them anymore
You: 'Thank god for summer!' I cheered
Louis: 'And tonight will be the icing on the cake!'
Harry: 'Yeah, going to be fun! What time will you be here at [yn]?'
You: 'About 8pm-ish, you?' I smiled
Harry: 'Ah same here..we could pick you up if you want?' he smiled
As tempted as that sounded, I realised that all the girls were coming to mine tonight to get ready together, but I figured ill see them all at the disco anyway..
You: 'Aw thats so sweet Harry, thank you! But all the girls are coming to mine tonight, and we're going together! but thank you for your kind offer!'
Harry: 'No worries..I'll guess we'll see you then!' he smiled
You: 'Yeah, you will!' I smiled back, so tempted to gaze into his gorgeous green eyes..he looked back at me and bit his lip! God! he was such a tease..
Louis: 'Well we better go haz, Niall is waiting for us at the gate!'
You: 'Niall? your other friend?..Oh I want to meet him!' I said with excitement, maybe too much excitement as Harry looked at me funny and smiled to was so cute!
Then I heard Kirsty shout my name from a distance..
Kirtsy: '[YN]! Wait up..I'm coming to yours remember?' she laughed
You: 'I'll guess i'll just meet your friends tonight then?' I giggled to Louis and Harry
Louis: 'No problem babe! See you!' He hugged me..then Kirtsy!'
Me: 'Bye Lou!'
Harry went and hugged kirsty as I hugged Louis then we switched..I dont know why but when it was Harry's turned to hug me I got lots and lots of butterflies in my stomach, as weird as it was, it felt nice!'
Harry hugged me tight and whispered into my ear..'I cant wait for tonight babe! its going to be fun!' he smiled, his warm breath tickling my neck, making it so hard for me not to plant my lips on his..
You: 'Bye Harry!' I said as I hugged him back..and I was sure our hug was longer than the hug he had kirsty..
The boys left and it was just me and Kirsty, we started to leave school! Thank god! No school for a whole 2 months!

Walking Home*
We were walking home and talking about how much fun tonight is going to be..and Harry and Louis came into the conversation pretty quickly as she seen I blushed a bit when she talked about Harry..she started teasing me..
Kirtsy: 'Okay..tell me you don't fancy the pants off of him!' she laughed in a sarcastic way..
You: 'Kirsty, he is amazing though! like seriously, everytime im around him i get butterflies. No guy has ever made me feel like this..I think ive fallen for him!'
Kirsty: 'Awwww! I think he likes you too!' she winked
You: 'What? no way! Harry would never like me, he could have any girl he wants!' I said looking to the ground, admitting to myself that this is all true
Kirsty: 'Aww babe, dont put yourself down, youre beautiful! why wouldnt Harry like you?' she smiled
You: 'Thanks Kirsty!'
Kirsty: 'Thats what best friends are for! now come on, lets get back to your place and decide what we're going to wear before Claire and Kelly come!'

You: 'Okay girls..How do I look?' I asked wondering if what I was wearing too much, or not enough to make Harry fall in love with me, it was only a school disco afterall.
Claire: 'You look absolutely amazing babe..Harry wont know whats hit him!'
Kirsty: 'You look stunning really do!'
You: 'Thanks girls..have to make a good impression on Harry! I really like him!' I smiled looking to the ground just praying that there was someway of me and Harry actually getting together tonight.
I wore this to the disco..
You: 'Okay girls..its nearly 8pm, we better go! I promised Harry and Louis we'd meet them there!'
Kelly: 'Oooooh!'
You: 'Shut up kelly!' I laughed
Kirsty: 'Okay then, since you cant wait to see curly again, we better go!'
Claire: 'Tonight is going to be amazing!'
You: 'You said it!'

We arrived at school, all pumped for the disco, our school discos were never lame! they were unreal! and the music they played was always awesome! We walked into the massive hall and the place was crowded, everyone was up dancing and all the most popular couples of the school were at the side being all romantic..I couldnt wait to find Harry and Louis and meet the rest of the boys..
Kirsty: 'Ohhh, hotty and 6oclock!' she winked..pointing to a guy who I must admit was not bad, but he was no Harry!
Claire: 'Youre only in here 5 minutes and youre already looking at guys!' she laughed
You: 'I wonder where Harry is?' I asked really excited but a bit nervous at the same time! It was safe to say that I really had fallen for Harry - hard! I couldnt deny it anymore! He made me feel so happy inside!
Me and the girls started to make our way further into the hall and the music was so loud, I could barely hear myself think!
You: 'I need to go find the boys!' I they wouldnt hear me with all that noise!'
Kirsty: 'Found them!..look!' Kirsty turned me around..and pointed to what made me die inside! I couldnt believe what I was seeing for my own eyes! My heart sank, I just wanted to burst out crying there and then and just skip the whole disco..I was dying inside! I was heart broken..
I saw Harry making out with another girl in the corner of the hall. I could feel a tear in my eye..I just wanted to run home and ditch this whole thing! Harry was one of the main reasons why I even went tonight, yes it would be great fun with the girls but I really, really liked Harry, I cant believe im saying this but you could say that I love him! I really do!
Claire: 'Babe? are you ok?' she said hugging me
Kirsty: 'That dare he?' she hissed
You: 'Kirsty, hes not a jerk..he can kiss whoever he wants, we're not even dating!' I said trying to keep the tears in because I didnt want my mascara running. I was heart broken! Harry was the only guy that made me feel special..that made me get butterflies in my stomach..I was so jealous of that girl, I wanted it to be me so badly!
You: 'I'm going for a walk, i'll be back in a minute!' I said rushing off the dance floor..but I felt someones arm pull be back..
Kelly: 'Babe..youre not leaving! dont let this get to you!'
Claire: 'Shes right hun, come on! lets just forget about boys for one night and have some girl fun!'
You: 'No..i want to be alone for a while..please dont worry about me! you go and enjoy your night!' I said practically in tears now as I started to walk off again, then I felt the same hand pull me back.
You: 'Girls! thank you for caring..but please! I want to be alone for a while!' I said, getting mad now cause they wouldnt let me leave, I wasnt just going to stay in here and watch harry flirt with that girl all night!
Kirsty: 'Just forget about him [yn]! hes nobody..theres plenty more fish in the sea!' she shouted
You: 'No dont get it!..I-'
Kelly: 'Come on..lets dance! and forget about boys come on!'
You: 'You dont get it..I LOVE HIM!' I shouted at the top of my voice..and at that very moment everything went silent! I felt so embarassed as everyone was looking at me..even Harry, Louis and the other boys! I couldnt believe this! I knew the girls thought I was over-reacting about this whole thing, but I didnt care what they thought! I knew I loved harry and I wanted him so much it really hurt. I burst out in tears and ran outside everyone staring at me - I thought this was supposed to be amazing!

Kirsty's POV
Louis: 'What just happened? Where has [yn] gone? and why was she crying!?'
Claire: 'Because, your friend broke her heart just then!'
Louis: 'What..?'
Kelly: 'She saw Harry and that girl you know..'
Louis: 'So she just ran out crying? why?'
Kirsty: 'She loves him louis..more than anything!'
Then Louis' friends joined..
Zayn: 'Vas Happenin Lou! Awesome disco right?'
Claire: 'Well Hello to you too!' she winks
Kelly: 'Claire..shut up!' she laughs
Niall: 'Hey guys! whats happening here then?'
Louis: 'Oh this is Niall and Zayn! they are my other friends I was telling [yn] about! Niall and Zayn this is Kelly, Kirsty and Claire, theyre friends of [yn], you know, the girl Harry likes..
Kirsty: 'Wait What? Harry likes [yn]!?'
Liam: 'Hey guys! Whats going on?'
Louis: 'Why do you always have to interupt everything Liam?'
Kelly: 'No its okay..its reallllly ok! Im Kelly!' she smiled
Kirsty: 'Kelly!'
The boys laughed
Louis: 'Guys! this is Kirsty, Kelly and I said before liam came, They are [yn]'s friends!'
Liam: 'Isnt [yn] the girl Harry hasnt stopped talking about? Where is she then? I want to meet this so called beautiful girl!' he laughs
Kelly: 'Wait, Hold on a second..So Harry likes [yn]? Why would he kiss that other girl then?'
The boys laughed..
Niall: 'Likes?..Who an I kidding, hes crazy about her! He hasnt shut up about her!'
Louis: 'Its true..He really likes that girl!'
Zayn: 'He only kissed her because that girl threw herself at him, he tried to pull away but her friends wouldnt let him! they were just mucking around! you know what theyre like!' he laughs
Claire: 'What the hell? You do realise she is outside balling her eyes out! shes heartbroken, thinking that Harry doesnt even know she exists anymore..'
Louis: ' what are we going to do..We HAVE to get these two love birds together by the end of the night..they are perfect for eachother!'
Suddenly Harry comes up..
Harry: 'Hey everyone..hey girls! wheres [yn]? ive been looking for her everywhere!'
Claire: 'Even when you were kissing that know she saw that right?'
Harrys face dropped..
Harry: 'She did? Oh shit! I didnt want her to see that! Shit! Where is she now?'
Kirsty: 'Youre guess is as good as mine..I dont know! She ran out crying!'
Harry: 'Wait..she cried? really? Why did she cry?' he said sadly
Louis: 'I think you should go find her mate..good luck!' He patted Harry on the back and all the boys and us girls left with them..we all went to the dance floor and danced like crazy as our favorite song came on! Maybe this night has a good side afterall!

Your Pov
I was sitting outside on the wall beside our front entrance, I tried so hard to stop the tears streaming down my face, but I couldnt, Why would Harry do this to me, I know he doesnt know that I like him, and he can kiss whoever he wants, but it really hurt me - it still is! I think I might just head home, the girls wont notice im gone and neither will louis!......Oh shit, here comes kevin! I really dont need this right now!
Kevin: 'Are you ok [yn]!?' he said as he sat beside me, I immediately felt myself shuffle over a bit, to get away from his presense.
You: 'Im fine!' I said shaking my head, I wasnt one bit fine, I just needed to act brave, so maybe kevin would leave
Kevin: 'Youre not fine love, come here!' he said as he pulled me in for a hug..He was being so nice to me, but i knew there was no way i could fall for him or like him in anyway..i guess it just felt nice to have someone caring about me..
You: 'Kevin you should be inside enjoying your night, dont worry about me! please go and have some fun!'
Kevin: '[yn]! I want to take care of you, youre obviously upset..I want to put it right!'
You: 'Thats sweet, kevin but seriously just go back inside and have some fun!'
Then I felt Kevin crash his lips into mine...What the hell did he think he was doing! I dont even like the guy, when will he get that into his head..I had to pull away..and when I did I saw a familiar curly haired guy standing at the door, watching everything that just happened.oh no! this isnt good!
You: 'Kevin! What the hell?' I shouted
Kevin: 'I really like you [yn]!'
You: 'Well im flattered and everything but I dont feel the same way..I love someone else!' I shouted, did I really just say that out loud, well I guess the whole school knows that I love someone since I just shouted it out in the hall a few minutes ago...
Kevin: 'But!-'
You: 'Kevin! Just go..I love Harry ok, not you!' I shouted back, then I felt bad because he walked away looking really sad, I couldnt stop myself from shouting at him, I really didnt need this now! I just wanted Harry! He'd soon get over me sooner or later, since it was now summer and I wont see him!'
I just sat there, outside and it was starting to get really cold, I started shivering and couldnt stop! I must have sat there for another 5 minutes..Was Harry still stood behind me at the door watching me, I wanted to turn around but then I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, then the person sat down beside me. I knew immedaitely who it was by his aftershave..the boy that caused all this pain, the guy that I loved, I guy that I ony just started to get friendly with but it feels like we've been friends forever.
Harry: 'Do you really mean all those things you said babe?' he asked putting his arm round my neck to keep me warm as he saw I was shivering..
You: 'Well, I thought I did, but now Im not sure!' I said looking to the ground..I felt Harrys finger lift my chin up so I looked directly in his eyes..
Harry: 'Well you should know that im glad you said what you said, because I feel the exact same way about you [yn]!'
You: 'What? you dont! Why did I see you kissing that girl earlier?' I shouted
Harry: 'Babe, of course I do! The only reason why I kissed her was because she came onto me, it was a dare by her friends, I tried to pull away but her friends were behind me stopping me..I couldnt do anything about it, and trust me, I really wanted to!'
Was Harry actually saying all this stuff to me, how could i not forgive him, I felt myself smile big and bite my lip trying to stop myself from smiling so big..
You:'Harry? do you really mean that?'
Harry: 'Of course I do babe..I love you so much!' he said as he pulled me in closer for a hug.
You: 'I love you too Harry!' I smiled and at that very moment Harry lifted me up and put me on his knee so I was facing his gorgeous face, his amazing eyes that I kept getting lost in, his cute dimples and the most perfect smile I have ever seen...
Harry leaned in and I closed my eyes and I felt his lips crash onto mine, our lips moved in sync again as he slid his hands down my back so the sat above me bum..I started ruffling his curls as his tongue escaped into my mouth. I smiled as the butterflies in my stomach felt amazing and both our tongues dancing together. I swear I thought I was in heaven!
Our kiss ended and I ended up smiling like an idiot I was just do happy...Harry was smiling too so I didnt feel that stupid. We both got up and he hugged me one last time before we walked back into the hall to the disco hand in hand..

We entered the hall now Harry's arm was round my waist and The first thing I could see was all the girls, and Harry's friends! we walked up to them and they immediately saw me and Harry and their reaction was priceless.
You: 'Hey guys!..great disco eh?' I winked
Kirsty: 'Finally...Finally yous two are together!' She hugged me..
Louis: 'I knew, you's would sort this out! Congrats mate!'
Niall: 'So this is the girl youve been telling us about!..great choice haz!' he winked 'Hey im Niall!' he smiled and hugged me
Then Zayn and Liam came up to me and hugged me too..I felt so loved!'
You: 'So nice to meet you..!' I smiled, really excited to spend the rest of my night with everyone, especially Harry..
Suddenly we heard me and Kirsty's favorite song come on...Chris Brown - Dont wake me up..
I looked and Kirsty and winked at her ...
You: 'LETS PARTY!' I shouted as the music was so loud I could barely hear myself..
Everyone laughed and cheered as we all ran to the middle of the floor and danced like crazy..
Everyone was having an amazing time..definately the best disco ever!
Me and Harry were dancing together..occasionally sharing sweet kisses as we danced together under the laser lights..
Finally I was with the most amazing guys ever..the guy I fell in love with only a few days ago, the guy with the most perfect smile, eyes and hair. The guy with the most amazing body and personality..I finally had Harry all to myself and I loved him and I am so happy that I now know that he loves me too!

Thanks for reading, please tell me what you think & read my other imagines :D