Sunday 16 December 2012

Niall imagine
You were on a date with your boyfriend Tyler, things just havent been the same between you too lately.. Tyler was a shit boyfriend, he basically only wanted you for sex but you couldnt break up with him because youre scared what he'll do to you.. he was the abusive type. You havent done it with him yet but you knew that he was going to force you any day now because he' been at you for ages and you keep putting it off.. for a couple of main reasons..
1) you're a virgin
2) you're scared
3) you dont even like him anymore never mind love and you want your first time to be special, to be with someone special some like.. like Niall
your pov
Yes, Niall horan, my best friend i know its wrong but Niall is the only one i can trust with all this. He knows about me and Tyler but he doesnt know that he is 'as' abusive as he is.. I say 'as' because niall knows he's a jerk but he doesnt know about the whole 'pushing me into sex thing'
I just wish i could spend all my time with niall instead of that dick head tyler..

Tyler: 'Come on babe.. why do you always gotta ruin it!' he whinned as he pulled me down on the sofa and covered me in slobbery wet kisses.. I think i was about to throw up
I pushed him off of me and got up from the sofa 'Ty, now isnt the right time ok..'
'Ugh ive had enough of you.. we're done Tyler!' I stormed out of the room but i quickly felt a large hand grab into my wrist pulling me back..
Tyler: 'Aw baby i didnt mean that.. come on you know i was only joking right..' he whispered as he leaned in to kiss my neck.. I shoved him off and was reaally pissed off now..
'No! no no no always say that and im fed up! you treat me like shit, go find yourself someone better! I-i dont even love you anymore..'
Tyler: 'You didnt mean that babygirl.. now come on, lets go to the bedroom!' He harshly spat at me and pratically pushed me upstairs with a firm grip on my hips.
When we got to his room he fired me onto his bed and started to undress me..I was screaming so loud that my throat was hurting..
'Tyler no!!! Please get off me!' I shouted as I punched his back
He wouldnt listen.. he only laughed at how pathetic i was being.. I didnt care..there was no way in hell i was going to lose my virginity to this prick..
I found the energy to fight him off  and kicked him in the balls.. he fell in pain and i rushed out of his room and sprinted downstairs and out the door as fast as i could.. I could hear shouting after me but i kept running, tears streaming down my face, i could hardly run my legs were shaking! I was a mess, my mascara was everywhere and i was freezing as I ran through the streets and went to the only place i could go.. Niall's house
I finally got to his door and was hesitant before finally getting the courage to faintly knock.. I knew he would just laugh in my face and say 'i told you so' but i needed my best friend more than ever now.. i could trust Nialler right?
My heart froze as i saw a blond head pop up and open to door.. god he was looking so fit in them joggers and he had no top on..
Niall: 'Saz? babe? what happened..'
I didnt say anything.. I just walked right into his chest and cried.. cried my eyes out, all my feelings! I just let everything out into Nialls bare chest as he leaded me upstairs to his bedroom
He sat me down and whiped all my tears away and threw the bed cover over us.. his bed was so warm, already making me feel better.
Niall: 'What did he do to you babe?' he asked a stutter in his voice, obviously refering to now ex boyfriend.
I froze..'He..uhm..uh I-i cant'
Niall: 'Shhh baby girl..take your time, you can tell me!' He reassured me as he stroke my hair and made little circle patterns on my arms to calm me down
'I hate him so fucking much!' I cried again
'hey! you and me both!' he laughed, trying to lighten the mood and i managed to let out a little giggle
'We're over niall..i ended it.. cause he um..he tried to-'
Niall: 'please babe, don't say it-' he scrunched his eyes, afraid to hear what i was about to say..
'He basically tried to rape me Niall..he forced me into having sex then i said no and it was all hectic from there-i-im sorry'
Niall shivered... and pulled me in so tight to his chest i could hardly breath..
I heard him whisper the words 'fucking bastard' into himself but i ignored it and cried a little more into his chest
Niall: 'Dont apologize honey.. non of this is your fault..he is a f-'
I laughed a little: 'I know dont have to say it!'
Niall smiled: 'Feeling a little better already are we?'
I smiled: 'a bit i guess.. I mean it was for the best and i was going to leave him'
Niall: 'You deserve so much better.. i just want to go over there and kick his balls in..does he not know how to treat a princess..-'
I blushed and looked down..feeling more tears escape my eyes..oh my god i was an emotional wreck!
Niall: 'hey babe, please dont cry..again, i cant take it when youre upset!' he lifted my chin.
'Can i stay here tonight nialler?'
'Of course babe..!'
'Thank you, ill just go down to the couch..and-' I was about to get up but i was pulled back down at the waist by Niall..his touch was so much different to tylers..Tyler was forceful and strong but Niall was gentle and soft..
I smiled 'what?'
'You're taking my bed!..i'll take the couch!'
'On one condition!'
'ok! what?' he asked smiling into my eyes..
'You stay with me!? I dont wanna be alone'
Niall chuckled lightly..'of course!'

We spent the rest of the night in Niall's bed and i snuggled into his chest while we watched a disney film and ate lots of chocolate.. Niall never let me away from his side the whole time.. well apart from the times he went down to the fridge for more food..
Niall: 'You deserve so much better you know Sarah'
'I already have someone in mind!' I smiled 'Niall?'
'Can i tell you something!?'
he nodded as he turned his complete focus to my eyes..'I only dated tyler cause i wanted to try and forget about you..'
Niall: 'What?'
I laughed 'I know its stupid..i just used to have a major crush on you and i knew you didnt like me back so i had to move on.. and then i met Tyler and thought.. perfect way to get him off my mind!'
Niall: 'You 'used' to have a crush on me? so you dont now?'
I shook my head..and looked down
'I dont have a crush on you now Niall'
Niall: 'You don't?' he said shakingly.. wow was he upset or something?
I shook my head: 'I dont have a crush on you.. I'm still in love with you'
The room went silent.. you could hear a drop of water fall it was that quiet.
'wow!' he breathed
I stayed silent.. i just admitted what i had been keeping in for the last 2 years.. that felt good but now it feels like someone stabbed a knife through my heart cause niall doesnt love me back..
Niall: 'Sarah i-i had no idea you felt like that!'
I nodded: 'yeah well its hard keeping in something thats dying to come out!'
Niall: 'I know..and thats why im gonna say something ive also been keeping in..'
'Sarah..I-i think i love you too!' he smiled as he lifted my chin and our lips connected for the first time..

Yay hope you liked it! :)
follow me twitter @kenzeyy1D_x

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