Saturday 1 December 2012


#imagine you and your bestfriend harry were over at his house just chilling on a saturday. You were too lazy to do anything today so you wanted to just stay in cause its freezing out.
Harry was watching tv in the sitting room whilst you were in his dining room catching up on some homework you've missed these past weeks. Your maths and english teacher threatened you that if you dont hand in all your missed coursework first thing on monday morning then your work wont be graded and you will have no mark meaning you will have to repeat everything next year. You broke down and just threw your pen down and rested your head on the table, you couldnt take this anymore! you were at Harry's house and doing homework.. he must think you were a right geek!

your pov
'Haz!!' I shouted
Harry: 'Yeah babe?'
'Im done! I cant do this anymore, its driving me mental!'
I heard some shuffles of movement and within seconds i saw Harry come through the door and lifted me up and set me on his knee..
I smiled 'Haz what are you doing?'
Harry: 'I wanna help you with your homework!' he smiled, Harry was always like an older brother to me, he's only 1 year older but he is rather smart when he's not goofing off.
Me: 'You dont have to.. i can just fa-'
Harry '-No! im not letting you fail!'
I groaned.. 'but we'll be here for the rest of the day getting this done, i dont want to be annoying and ruin your saturday!'
Harry: 'nonsense, im with you and it wont take that long will it?' he smiled as he leaned over my body and looked at the book i was working from, his arms cradling over me and i couldnt help but look at his bisceps.. damn that boy had muscles. Why cant all boys be like Harry, why cant all boys be as perfect as him? Why do i have to have a crush on my best friend? and why don't i have to guts to tell him how i feel? oh yeah thats right Sam.. because he doesnt feel the same way and it will ruin everything!

'Sam? you there?' harry laughed as he waved his hand infront of me?
'oh sorry.. what?'
Harry: 'I was explaining how to work this out..'
'oh sorry, please explain again mr.styles!' i winked
'Okay so all you have to do is--'
he was interupted by my phone ringing i took it out of my pocket and answered it before saying to harry 'One sec'
'Hey Sam, its Nathan?'
'Hey Nate!, whats up?'
'Wanna go to the cinema or something?' I looked at Harry who looked a bit disheartened that i was talking to nathan, he knew we were close. i like him and all but not as much as Harry..
'Sorry nate, i cant, im spending the day at haz's and im doing coursework! yay!' I laughed
'What! are you serious, you're at your crush's house and your sat doing homework? on a saturday! Girllll you got it bad!'
I laughed 'shut up, its not my fault!'
'Are you alone?'
'Yeah, we have the house to ourselves! why?'
'And you arent in his bed yet! I thought u liked him!
'Shut up ok, i know i do! but i dont know..- i just know- Wait! Nathan.. are you calling me a slut?' I laughed! Nathan certainly wasnt gay.. and he certainly wasnt one of those shy guys! we always had this type of 'banter' and i loved it!
I started bursting into a fit of laughter and completely forgot about harry..
'Nate i gotta go finish my homework, harry's helping me!' i laughed 'ill call you later!'
Nathan: 'Bye babe!'
and with that i put down my phone and looked back at harry..
'okay so where were we?' i smiled
harry laughed: 'we were doing YOUR homework'
'ughhhh i couldnt be bothered haz! let's do something fun!'
Harry: 'you sure cause i dont mi-'
Me: 'Cmon...who gives a shit about homework!'
Harry: 'Woah.. we've got a badass over here!' he laughed
Me: 'you love it really!' i winked and hopped on the couch. Harry came beside me and put his arm round my neck. I got butterflies...
Me: 'What's that for?'
Harry: 'What? cant a guy be friendly to his best friend?'
Me being the flirt i am decided to make his fun..
'so... how friendly would you go?' i smirked
Harry: 'Hmmm, depends how much you want?'
'Surprise me!' I laughed, this would be fun!

Harry's Pov
What's gotten into her lately? i dont know but i love it! its like shes beggin me to make a move! Now's my chance, do not mess this up haz! Just stay calm and play along with whatever her little game is!
I know she likes me..yes my best friend actually likes me back, should i tell her i heard her conversation with Nathan earlier? she really needs to turn the volume down on her speaker! I laughed to myself and thought how i could make this flirty but also set her crazy for me..
I looked directly in her eyes.. I wanted to start off small.. then make it more sexy..

Sam's pov
he looked at me with pure lust, shit he was already turning me on.
'I'm waiting harold!' I laughed to see what'd be his first move, god how i loved a bit of flirty banter.. i guess nathan taught me well?
Harry: 'You know sam.. you should really turn the volume down on your phone when your talking to someone..' he said slowly and deeply as he winked and hovered over me licking his lips..
my heart sank... he heard my convo with Nathan?
oh what the hell.. 'Just shut up and kiss me you goof!' I smirked and placed my hand on his curls and pushed his lips to mine, our lips connected and i immediately felt sparks.. the adrenaline rushed up and down my body along with the shivers of his body on mine. He forced the kiss to go deeper, lightly licking my bottom lip and forcing his tongue into my mouth, not an area going unexplored. he stood me up, our lips not separeting and his hand went slowly up my top..
he whispered in my ear.. 'let's go to my bed..make this more fun babe!?'
I giggled as he picked me up and my legs automatically wrapped around his torso.. he carried me up stairs, not breaking our make out session with ease and he dropped me onto his bed as he sat up and looked hungriy at me.
Me: 'Your definition of 'friendly' was not what i was expecting..' I winked and locked our lips together perfectly like puzzle pieces. Harry's hands were all over my body as his tongue explored every part of my mouth. I pulled at his top telling him i wanted it off and he fell back and let me pull it off for him.. my mouth shaped into an 'o' when his top was off as i was left to stare at his perfectly toned abs and biceps that i saw earlier.
'like what you see!?'
'i always have'
'C'mere..' he instructed as he pulled me down on top of him and once again let out lips move in sync with eachother..
'Sam?' Harry asked pulling us apart..
'Yeah haz?'
'Be mine!'
'I already am!'

 Hope you liked it! :D

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