Saturday 16 June 2012


#imagine You were in english class, so bored. You were doing the usual - Daydreaming about boys and doodling on your notebook. You werent even paying attention to your teacher, she was blabbing on about the biggest pile of rubbih in your opinion. Finally the bell rang - Thank god.
Teacher: 'Before you go class, id like to tell you all that we will be having a new student starting our class tomorrow, so please make him feel welcome! ill see you all tomorrow!'
You: 'Did you hear that Becca? We have to make HIM feel welcome...Him? as in boy! a new boy is starting tomorrow!' you say excitedly to your best friend.
Rebecca: 'Why is it when you hear there is a new boy starting you get so excited and freaked out? I bet he's a going to be a real freak, and a nerd who loves working and studying!' she laughs
You: 'I bet he's a real fitty!' you wink
Rebecca: 'We'll see tomorrow..and if he is, I get dibs!' she winks
You: 'Naw'aw, You said he's going to be nerdy..I get him!' you wink back
Rebecca: 'Yea..yea! come on..let's get out of this dump! I wanna get home'

You and rebecca are sitting waiting patiently in class for the teacher and the new student to come in..youre praying that he's good looking - all the boys in your class are freaks!
Teacher: 'Sorry im late guys! I was getting to know are new students!'
You: 'Students? so what..theres two new guys?' you shout
Teacher: 'Yes..looks like i made a mistake, Come on in boys!'
You whisper to Rebecca: 'Oh my god! they're..they're f***ing perfect...dibs on the straight haired one!'
Rebecca: 'You got that right..they arent nerds at all! Oh my god..I get the curly haired one!' she winks
You: 'I have a feeling today will be a good one! But we need to get their attention first!'
Teacher: 'Please introduce yourselves to the class boys!'
'Hi, Im Louis' he smiles
You: 'Oh my god..his voice!' you whisper to rebecca
'Hey, Im Harry!' he smiles
Rebecca: 'How does a guy have such perfect hair!' she giggles
Teacher: 'Okay everyone, I want you to be really friendly to louis and harry, now we shall begin with the lesson..Hmm you boys can sit...?'
You&Rebecca: 'Please be beside us, please be beside us!'
Louis: 'How about beside them two lovely ladies!' he winks and points to you's.
Your face lit up and you just wanted to scream..this was amazing..he called you lovely!
Teacher: 'Okay can sit beside [yn] and Rebecca!'
You and Sophie high five under the desk and You notice Louis give harry a high five behind there backs..
You whisper to rebecca as they make their way down to you..'Oh my god..look at them, act cool!' you laugh
Louis: 'Hi girls..Im louis. and this is Harry!'
Harry: 'Hi!' he smiles
You: 'Hey! im [yn] and this is my best friend rebecca!'
Rebecca: 'Hello!' she smiles
Harry: 'Lovely to meet you, we were wondering..well we dont really know anyone here yet so would you mind if we sat with you at lunch, i mean if thats ok with you?' he smiles
You: 'Yes..of course!'
Teacher: 'Ok...i understand you are making new friends here [yn] and rebecca, but it for after my class, we need to continue!' she turns to the board and starts to write notes down..
You: 'But Miss..You said make them feel welcome..and well thats what im doing!' you shout from the back of the class
Everyone laughs
Teacher: 'Well..wait till my class is everyone open their notebooks and continue the notes from yesterday, Louis and Harry, I suggest you copy up from the girls!'
Louis: 'Jeez, whats up with her, I mean apart from her hideous outfit!' he whispers to you
You laugh..'God, he is so funny, just perfect, but what would he see in a girl like me?' you say to yourself - 'he's what i have been waiting for my whole life... '
You: 'Get used to it..she never lets us talk in class, She sent me to the principal last week for talking to rebecca..and it was a very important conversation too!' you laugh..
Louis: 'Oh really..what was it about then?' he laughs
You: 'Oh just girl stuff!' you wink
Louis: 'Oh ok then..whatever you say!' he laughs and winks
You: ' can take my notebook and copy the notes, well actually, I havent got them either, I wasnt listening in class yesterday..come to think of it, I never do!' you laugh
Louis laughs too!
Louis: 'Looks like we have something in common then' he winks
You: 'I guess so!' you laugh
You turn back to Rebecca who is sitting chatting away to Harry..
You: 'So..Where abouts in town did you's move to guys?'
Harry: 'We live in House Avenue Street, about 10 minutes from this school!'
You: 'Awesome..Thats where I live! we probably live a few doors down from eachother!' you smile
Louis: Thats so cool, What a coincidence!'
Harry: 'What about you Rebecca?'
Rebecca: 'I live in the estate next to yours..So its only a few minutes walk!'
Harry: 'Cool! maybe we could all meet after school or something!'
You: 'Yeah..that would be great! What you think becca?'
Rebecca: 'I'd love to but I have a math exam to study for and some other family stuff! maybe another time..yeah?'
Louis: 'Sure!
Harry: 'So have you girls got any other know as in boy friends?' he winks
You: 'Nope we're both single, all the guys around this place are freaks...well until today!' you smile
Louis looks at Harry and winks..
Teacher: 'Is that you talking again Rebecca and [yn]!..This is your last warning girls..please keep quiet and save it for after class!'
You: 'Yes Miss!' you roll your eyes
Harry: 'Ehm sorry miss, but dont blame rebecca and [yn], it was my fault. I was asking them questions about the timetable!' he winks at you
Teacher: 'Oh ok, sorry then! If you have anymore questions feel free to ask the girls ok boys!'
Harry: 'Thanks Miss!'
You: 'Okay..that teacher officially hates me!' you whisper
Louis: 'How could anyone hate you love, besides, Harry has a way with older women! aint that right haz!?' he winks
Harry: 'Shut up lou!..but yea I do!' he winks
You and Rebecca both laugh..
The bell rings for lunchtime...
You: 'Finallyyy!' you laugh
Louis: 'So its lunchtime now yea?'
Rebecca: 'yep! I need to go to the bathroom first though!' she laughs
You: 'Me too! do you guys wanna wait at the lockers for us and we can all go down to the cafeteria together?'
Harry: 'Sure thing!'
You: 'Okay! we'll meet you there then!'
Louis: 'Okay!'
You: 'Oh my god...'
Rebecca: 'I know right!'
You: 'They are perfect, I mean wow! I love them so much! and we've only known them for an hour'
Rebecca: 'Yeah..looks like you and louis we're getting to know eachother!' she winks
You: 'Yea, we were! hes so nice, caring, and hilarious!..Rebecca?'
Rebecca: 'Yea?'
You: 'I think ive fallen for him!' you giggle
Rebecca: 'Aww..get in! can do it!' she winks
You: 'How can I? theres no way a guy like louis would like me? Hes flawless and im just your average girl!'
Rebecca; 'Dont say that hun! your beautiful, He so likes you, I could tell! yous would be perfect together!' she smiles
You: 'Thanks but wait?..we never found out if they have girlfriends?'
Rebecca: 'I think they would have mentioned that by now...and why would they ask us if we had boyfriends if they were taken?' she winks
You: 'Come on..we better go back and meet them!'
Harry: 'You are so in there mate!' he winks
Me: 'Shes so beautiful though haz, shes funny - she can make me laugh! and shes up for a good time! shes just so full of life! shes my perfect girl!'
Harry 'Someone's in loveee!' he winks
Me: 'I know ive only met her, but if feels like ive known her all my life, there was connection between us, She is the one!'
Harry: 'Tell her how you feel then!'
Me: 'No! I cant say anything yet..we've only just met! I'll wait till after lunch, she might not feel the same!'
Harry: 'She so does man! I could tell, you's two were flirting away like there was no tomorrow!' he winks
Me: 'Look there theyre coming! Look at her, her hair, her eyes..and that smile! shes perfect'

You: 'Okay so we have about 10 minutes left of lunch..what you wanna do guys?'
Louis: 'What do you's normally do?'
Rebecca: 'We usually just go outside and sit on the grass..just chill!' she laughs
Louis: 'Lets go then, you coming haz!'
Harry: 'Ive some books to get from my locker, ill meet yous in class, you wanna come rebecca?' he winks indicating to leave you and louis alone
Rebecca: 'Yeah sure..ill see you later [yn]!'
You: 'Okay see ya!'
Louis: 'You coming or what?' he shouts to you halfway outside
You: 'Oi! wait for me!' you laugh running after him
You: 'So how long have you and Harry known eachother?'
Louis: 'We've been best friends since we can remember!'
You: 'So have becca and me!' you smile
Louis: 'So you like this school then!?'
You: 'Well now that ive met you guys, yes! i love it!' you laugh
Louis: 'Yeah..I wanna say thanks for making us feel so welcome! you's two are the best!' he hugs you
'Oh my god, he hugged me! eeeeep he hugged me!!! I wonder does he like me back? omg, he smells so good!..Calm [yn] stay calm!'
You: Aww, no probs lou!' you laugh
Suddenly one of the girls in your year comes up to you and louis
Katie: 'Are yous two going out?'
You look at louis..this is awkward....
You: 'Um, no were not why?'
Katie: 'Oh..I just thought you's were! You's should, you would be so cute!..bye!'
She leaves
You laugh..'that was awkward!'
Louis: 'Would it be awkward if I do this?' he leans in closer, your noses touching, you can feel his warm breath tingle against your skin.
You smile and bite your look to the ground
Louis lifts your chin with his finger so your eyes are gazed in his..
Louis: 'I know I have only known you for a couple of hours [yn]! but it feels like forever, you are perfect! From the first moment i stepped into that classsroom, and looked at the back of the room and saw your beautiful smile light up - i knew you would be the one for me!'
You: 'Are you gonna kiss me now or what?' you wink
Louis: 'I love you [yn]!' he leans in and kisses you passionately
Harry and Rebecca: 'Awwwww!'
You pull away and notice Harry and Rebecca standing there high fiving!'
You: 'You guys!...'
Rebecca: 'You and louis are so perfect together! we had to!' she smiles
The bell rings..
You: 'Come on we better get to class..!'
Louis: 'This has been the best first day ever..I love you [yn]!'
You: 'I love you too lou!
You and louis walk to class hand in hand down the corridor..who says school can't be fun ;)

Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it!
Feedback appreciated! :)
Much love xxx

Sunday 10 June 2012


Liams POV
We are best friends...well we were best friends, some how and some way we have slowly drifted apart..we were so close! we told eachother everything..i loved her, i never told her though...i couldnt risk it! She was the best thing to ever happen to me, i hate having her not around, i miss her and i need her back.. Ever since we got put into different classes, shes changed and shes got herself a boy friend, i hate him. It should be me she should be with, i love her so much and i would treat her right. I was waiting at the school gate for her, we always walked home together no matter what. Then i spotted her, she looked beautiful, she always did! that gorgeous silky brown hair sitting perfectly on her shoulders, he bright shining eyes and her smile. I waved at her. She didnt wave back though, like she normally would..she just gave me a fake smile, i could tell it was fake because we were best friends, i knew everything and anything about i wasnt so sure...

Liam: 'Hey [yn]!'
You: 'Hi Liam!'
Liam: 'You ready to go then?'
- she looked at me funny
You: 'Well..the thing is, me and Becky are going shopping now, then im meeting Steven! i hope you dont mind, ill see you tomorrow sometime yea?'
Liam: 'Oh ok then you have fun! ill see you soon!'
You: 'Bye Liam!'
- she left and i was heart broken..we always walked home together! and i had a feeling that i wouldnt see her tomorrow, or the next day! I knew that i would never get my best friend back!..worst of all, it was now summer! when would i get to spend time with her ever again?

A week has gone now and I havent heard from her..maybe something has happened? OR maybe shes completely forgot i even exist! I miss her so much, yea ive got the lads but i need her! I love her.
Harry: 'Liam we're going out clubbing tonight, me and all the coming?'
Louis: 'Whats happening?' - louis joins the convo
Harry: 'Im telling Liam that we're all going out tonight!'
Liam: 'You go and enjoy yourselves! i dont really wanna go!'
Louis: 'Liam! you have to come out cant stay in for the rest of your life thinking about her!'
Liam: 'You dont get it Lou! I miss her so much..i cant sleep at night, i love her, i just want her back!'
Harry: 'Aw mate, dont worry! she will come back trust me! she doesnt realise it..but she needs you too!'
Louis: 'Yes, she will come back! you coming tonight then?'
Liam: 'No thanks! I dont want to watch you lot get drunk and make idiots of yourselves!' he laughs
Harry: 'Thats why you are take care of us!' he smiles
Liam: 'I'll think ill pass thanks haz! you go an enjoy yourselves!'
Louis: 'Okay then..bye! we'll see you later!'
Liam: 'Bye guys!'

Liam was lying up watching a movie..when the door knocked.
Liam answered the door..and you were there at the front in tears..
Liam: '[yn]!? what are you doing here?'
You: 'Oh..sorry i'll go!'
Liam: 'No, no, no dont go babe! come on in..and you can tell me whats wrong!'
You and Liam go into the room and sit on the couch and you break down in tears..
You: 'Liam! Im so sorry! for everything..i should have never left you the way i did! im so sorry! i was so stupid! what was i thinking!' you cry
Liam: 'Shh babe! its alright, now do you wanna tell me what this is about?' he pulls you into a tight hug

Your pov
Why did i ever do this to Liam, he was my bestfriend i was the luckiest girl in the world to have him...Ive missed him loads! Ive only just realised how much i love him...Wait! No! Liam is my my friend, nothing else! I know he doesnt feel the same...He'll probably never forgive me! I think ive fallen for Liam..

You: 'Steven broke up with me...he thought i was cheating!' you cried as you covered your wrists by putting a cushion over them
Liam: 'And where you?...cheating on him?'
You: 'No..'
Liam: 'Im so sorry babe..but why are you hiding your wrists under that cushion!' he says pulling the cushion away from you
You: 'No..Liam dont please! its nothing!...' you say pulling it back
Liam: 'Let me see!' he eventually pulls the cushion off you but he lands on top of you..
You: 'OUCH!' you cry in pain
Liam: ' seriously what is wrong! please tell me [yn]! what has happened!'
You cry onto Liams shoulder...Liam wraps his arm round you.
You: 'Okay..ill show you but please dont get angry..' you cry
Liam: 'Okay..'
You cry as you pull up your top to show Liam the bruises and scratches..
Liam: 'Oh my god! did he do this to you?' he shouts
You: 'You said you wouldnt get angry!'
Liam: 'How can I not get angry...I'll kill him!'
You: 'Liam..please leave it!'
Liam: 'No! How can someone ever do this to you babe! its not right..he should be locked up for treating you like didnt deserve none if it!'
You: 'Its all my fault..i should have never left you sorry!' you cry
Liam: 'Sh babe..its not your fault!' he hugs you..
You and Liam lie on the cuddle up to his chest
this is nice.
You: 'Liam?'
Liam: 'Yes babe?'
You: 'Im so sorry.'
Liam: 'Will you quit come here!' he hugs you.
You: 'Ive missed your hugs!' you giggle
Liam: 'So have I!' he smiles
You: 'Where are the other boys?'
Liam: 'They went out to a club! they wanted me to come..but I couldnt have been bothered!' he laughs
You: 'Aww youre so sensible!' you giggle
Liam: 'Am i sensible now?'
You: 'Wha-' Suddenly you feel Liams soft lips crash onto kiss him back! youve wanted this for so long..youve only realised it now!
Liam pulls away and you feel yourself blush slightly, you did not expect this!
You: 'Liam I-'
Liam: Shh! before you say anything i need to say that I love you so much [yn]! I always have! you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met! i never want to be apart from you ever..i need you!'
You: 'Liam..I was going to say I love you too!' you giggle
Liam: 'Oh..well thats good then!' he smiles and kisses your nose
You: 'yes, yes it is!' you smile
You and Liam cuddle up on the Sofa..and you eventually fall asleep on his chest..
It is really late now, and Liam is still awake watching tv while you are asleeep on his chest..he hears someone come in through the door..
Harry: 'That was a great night lads..Liam you had to be there!' he shouted from outside of the room..
Louis: 'Liam! Where are you mate?'
Liam: Im in the front room..come on through!'
Niall: 'What you watching..wait what? that who i think it is!?'
Liam smiles and nods
Harry: 'Awwwwww!'
Zayn: 'That is so cute!'
Louis: 'We told you she'd come back...'

Thanks for reading! Hope you liked that one! Please tell me what you thought! :D
Much Love xxx

Sunday 3 June 2012

#imagine you were best friends with the boys, well you were more than best friends - they were like your brothers you never had! You loved them to pieces. You could tell them anything and vice versa. And even better, you were all in the same class at school! youve been crushing on a guy in your class for months now, his name was Alex. All the boys knew you liked him, Lou and Harry would always tease you, and annoy you about him, especially when you had to sit beside him in class.
One day you were coming out of art class with the boys, yous were messing about, and louis was getting into trouble as usual with the teacher..yous made your way down the corridor when you saw Alex coming your way.
You: 'Omg, he's coming over guys...omg how does my hair look?' you giggle with excitement
Louis: 'You look great babe! doesnt she boys?'
Niall: 'Gorgeous babe!'
You: 'What should i say to him..omg why am i getting so worked up about this..' you laugh
Louis:'Its ok babe..harry always gets like this when he sees Rebecca..dont you harry?' he winks
Harry: 'Ssssh you werent supposed to tell anyone lou!' he laughs
Liam: 'Just be yourself [yn]!'
Alex: 'Hey guys..hi [yn]!'
The boys: 'Hey man! whats up?' they say as they push you over towards blush and look evily at them!
they give you the thumbs up..and a cheeky smile
You: 'Hey!' you smile
Alex: 'So, uhm i was wondering if you would like to come out with me tomorrow night, to a club? what you think [yn]?'
Inside your dying, of course you wanted to go and you could hear all the boys whisper 'go for it!' behind you..
You: 'Yea sure, id love to go alex!' you smile
Alex: 'Great! ill pick you up at 8 then! see ya!'
You: 'Bye!'
Alex: 'Bye guys!' he says to the boys
Louis: 'You look after her yea?'
Alex: 'Of course..bye!'
Harry: 'Bye!
Liam: 'Theres something funny about him..and i dont like it!'
Niall: 'Liam! shut up! if [yn] likes him..then we should give him a chance!'
Louis: 'Yea..he seems like a nice guy!'
Harry: 'I agree!'
You: 'Thanks boys...omg..ive just realised..Im going out with Alex! omg aahhhhh!' you scream with excitement
Harry: 'He so likes you babe..we can tell!' he winks
Niall: 'Yea, why wouldnt he like you!..isnt that right Zayn!?'
Zayn: 'Yep!' he says sadly as he looks at the ground
'I wonder whats wrong with Zayn..hes been so quiet towards me lately and he looks upset..i wonder whats up?' you ask yourself
Louis: 'Whats wrong Zayn? you alright bro?' he asks
Zayn: 'Im fine..its nothing!' he puts on a fake smile, but you and the boys both know that somethings wrong with Zayn..and you want to figure it out

Youve now arrived home..the boys walked you home. you said goodbye and they said that they will be over tomorrow before alex picks you up.

The boys are at their apartement
The boys POV
Louis: 'Ok Zayn...Seriously whats wrong...youve been so quiet all day! whats up can tell us!'
Liam: 'Zayn please tell us..we hate seeing you like this!'
Zayn looks to the ground and puts his head in his hands
Niall: 'Aw bro..just tell us!'
Zayn: 'I-I love [yn] ok!' he shouts
Louis: 'You what?'
Zayn: 'I love her!'
Harry: 'Since when?'
Zayn: 'You dont get it..ive always loved her! ever since the day we met! i thought id get over it, but i cant...i love her so much, and its killing me inside that she doesnt like me back! Alex isnt right for her..he has a record of cheating and lying to girls..he'll break her! i would treat her right..i would give her what she deserves!..'
Niall: 'We didnt know you felt this way man!'
Liam: 'Zayn dont worry mate..everything will work out!'
Louis: 'Be patient'll be fine!'
Zayn: 'How do you know..shes too busy thinking about Alex, to even realise i exist!'
Harry: 'Thats not true Zayn, she loves us and we love her! shes our bestfriend, just talk to her!'
Zayn: 'I cant haz, not until tomorrow is over! im going to bed, im too depressed to think about anything!'
Louis: 'Night mate..and dont worry about this!'

The Next day..
Its nearly 8pm and your all ready to go.. your wearing this
youve just done your hair and makeup and your now waiting downstairs for alex to come..your really excited but nervous..
the door bell rings
you go answer it preparing yourself for alex but instead its the boys..
You laugh
You: 'Hey guys! what are you doing here?' you giggle
You just see the boys mouths in an 'O' giggle
You: 'Well..say something!'
Louis: 'You look incredible babe!'
Harry: ' look amazing!' he laughs
Niall: ' words!'
Liam: 'Arent those heels a bit too high!' he raises an eyebrow..
- there goes Liam, always being your big brother and looking out for you.
Once again you notice Zayn have no idea why though!..
You: 'Come on in guys! Alex should be here any minute!' you smile and you all make your way to the living room..
You: 'ill go get us some drinks!' you walk into the kitchen
Zayn: 'I'll help babe!'
You smile and you and Zayn go into the kitchen..
Zayn: 'You really do look beautiful tonight babe!' he smiles
You: 'Thanks Zayn..not so bad yourself!' you giggle 'Listen Zayn, is everything ok between us..its just that youve been really quiet towards me lately, has something know you can always talk to me!' you says putting your arm round his shoulder..
Zayn: 'Im fine babe honestly..dont worry about me!' he smiles
Niall: Hurry up with those drinks...and bring in some snacks!' he shouts from the living room!'
You: 'Come on lets go back in!'
You and the boys spend the next 15 minutes together then the door bell rings
You: 'Thats boys can stay here if you want! you know where everything is!' you smile
Harry: 'Thanks babe. but we're going back to mine to watch the football!'
You: 'Oh ok! well ill see you later then!'
Louis: 'Come here!' he pulls you in and gives you a big hug..'Now you be careful yea? and if you need us you know where we are?' he smiles
You: 'Yes daddy..jeez, youre becoming as bad as Liam!' you laugh
Niall: 'Right we better go..we'll leave through the back! have fun babe!'
Harry: 'And dont be up to too much badness!' he winks
Liam: 'Bye!'
You: Bye guys! c ya later!'
You go and answer the door..
You: 'Hey Alex!'
Alex: 'Hi [yn]! you look incredible!'
You; Aw thanks!'
Alex: 'You ready then?'
You: 'Yea..lets go!'
- You and Alex get to the club, you have been there for a couple of hours now..and alex is very drunk, your not so bad.
You and alex are dancing, your arms round his neck and his round your waist, you really like him.
He leans in and you kiss..
About an hour later alex has left to go to the toilet, you go looking for him cause he should be back by now, you look around a corner of the club..and what do you see? Alex and some girl kissing...
You feel your heart break..and tears already start to fall down you warm cheeks..
You run up to alex..
You: 'What the Hell?..why have you done this..I thought u liked me.?' you shout
Alex: 'I do love you babe..she came onto me! youre the one!'
You: 'Dont call me babe!..Now leave me alone!' you shout in his face
Alex: 'Aw babe..dont be like that! come back!'
You: 'I said leave me alone..i never want to see you again!'
you get a taxi home..and instead of going back to yours you go Harrys as all the boys are need someone to talk to right away..youre so upset
When you walk in you hear all the boys talking from the just listen in before you go into them in the living room..
Zayn: 'I wonder how [yn]s getting on? its quiet without her!' he smiles
Louis: 'You just miss her thats all!' he winks
Zayn rolls his eyes
Harry: 'You know youre gonna have to tell her soon!?'
Zayn: 'but how haz..shes in love with alex, not me! i love her so much, shes perfect! Alex doesnt deserve her, he'll break her heart!'
Niall: 'Just tell her how you feel, when the times right!'
Liam: 'I agree with nialler..mate, you never know she could feel the same!'

You cant believe what your had no idea Zayn felt like this..i mean, you used to have a massive crush on him about 2 months ago..but you moved on! but deep down the feelings never really left!...your starting to think about it, and you still do love zayn, deep deep down!'
you pretend to come in by re-opening and closing the front door and you walk into the boys' living room
You: 'Hi boys!' you smile and sit down beside Louis and Harry.
Louis: 'Hey babe! wasnt expecting you home yet!'
Harry: 'We'll go on then..howd it go! tell us everything!'
you looked at Zayn and you saw him looking at the ground..he looked so cute.
You: '! uh, it wasnt great to be honest!'
Liam: 'Aw how comes babe!'
You: 'Well we danced and we hugged, and we kissed..but then he left to go to the loo, i went looking for him and then i saw him with another girl..he was all over her!'
Louis: 'Aw babe! Im so sorry..i know you really liked him!'
You: 'No-no its fine lou, i was heartbroken at first but then i realised, i never really loved alex anyway! just a silly crush!' you smile
Harry: 'Good for you babe! theres plenty more fish in the sea!' he laughs
You: 'Yea! youre right Haz, there is!' you smile to yourself thinking about Zayn, who was sitting there, in just his needed to badly, he was so gorgeous!'
Niall: 'ooooh it sounds like you like someone else!'
Harry: 'Jeez! you move on fast girl!' he laughs
You: 'Yea..i do like someone else..and this someone else, i have always really loved, deep deep down! he's very special to me and always will be!' you smile looking over in Zayns direction
the boys realise who youre talking about
Harry: 'Well we better leave you two alone for a bit!'
Niall: Bye!
Liam: have fun
Louis: but not too much fun!
the boys leave..
You go over to Zayn and sit beside him on the couch you give him a big hug..
Zayn: 'Whats this for then eh?' he laughs
You: 'Just felt like it!' you smile
Zayn: 'Im sorry about you and alex!'
You: aha its fine..i never really liked him! you laugh
Zayn: like someone else, well go on then tell me!' he winks
You: 'Well..only if you tell me who you like!' you wink
Zayn: 'Why do you wanna know that!' he blushes
You: 'Cause i wanna know the lucky girl!' you wink
Zayn: 'okay then!' he winks 'after three, 1,2,3,-
You&Zayn: 'I love you!'
Zayn smiles. 'you love me? since when!?' he laughs
You: 'Do you really want me to go through it all! when we could be doing something else!' you winks as you cuddle into Zayn's bare chest..
Zayn: 'Come here!' he winks and leans in for a passionate kiss..
You smile and kiss him back..
Suddenly you hear the door been flung open..
Louis: 'Yes! you did it man!'
Harry: 'Finally!' he shouts
Niall: 'So ive taken it that youve moved on from Alex then?' he laughs
You: 'Alex?..Alex who?' you wink as you continue to kiss Zayn..

Thanks for reading! Tell me what you thought! :) Much love xx