Saturday 18 August 2012


#Imagine You and Harry are really close. Yous hang around with eachother 24/7, yous tell eachother everything, do everything together and always get into trouble together, You could say Harry was like your big brother - only closer.

Harry is coming over later on today, he asked me to come to the gym with him, I could use the exercise too I guess. Harry always comes to my netball games so I should give something back and go to the gym with him - how can I not go? Harry at the gym, lifting weights, getting smokin' hot leads to a fit, curly haired, topless boy! I hate to admit it, because we've been friends forever but I have a massive crush on Harry, I always have! I mean who wouldnt? he's flawless. I hate telling myself it because it kills me inside when reality is, he will never like me back. But weirdly as it is, at the same time I dont think I would be able to be in a relationship with Harry! thats only if it ever came to that point, which it never will but a girl can be imaginative right? Anyway, if it ever came to the situation, I dont know if I could be Harry's girlfriend, I wouldnt want anything to happen to our friendship that has been so strong over the past years - I just couldnt let go of him, I'd rather hide my feelings and be Harrys friend than be together and it not work out and coming to the situation of losing a life long friend and brother.
    I dont know how I'm going to be able to breath when I see Harry at the gym, working out getting all hot - i'll probably pass out! He is amazing though, everything about him is just perfection. His amazing curly, chocolate brown hair that always sits perfectly on his head. His lushious green eyes that I always get lost in. His crooked smile that makes me feel weak at the kness everytime he shows his perfectly straight teeth. God! if only that boy knew what he does to me, he seriously sets me crazy and to be honest, I wouldnt be surprised if he already knew how I felt about him - i know i try my best to hide my feelings when im around him, but sometimes I cant help it. I hope to God that he doesnt know cause if he does know, he'll tell the boys and Louis especially will annoy me like hell and as I said before, I dont want our friendship at risk.

'Okay boys, I'm going to pick [yn] up now, I'll see you later!' I said as I went to pick up my gym bag from my room..
Louis: 'Oh you have fun! are you going to tell her atleast!' he smirked making me feel a light butterfly in my stomach..
I sighed for a moment, thinking about my response to lou's question.. before letting out a breath I felt confident about this whole thing.. 'You know lou, I think I will tell her how I feel, I cant keep it in anymore!' I laughed, then I saw niall rush down the stairs like a parading elephant with a tub of pringles in one hand and a bag of nuts in the other, making me laugh again..
Niall: 'So youre finally going to tell her then? it's about time haz!' he laughed
Harry: 'Yeah, I think its time - shes my best friend and she deserves to know!'
Louis: 'Ehheeem!'
Harry: 'What?' I laughed
Louis: 'shes your best friend?' he raised an eye brow.. 'And what am I? a sack of potatoes!?'
I laughed..
Harry: 'Well..shes my closest girl/friend! dont worry lou, you'll always be my number 1!' I winked trying to shut him up by lying to him to make him happy!
Louis: 'I know when youre lying haz, you idiot!'
Harry: 'Yea well I better go!'
Louis: 'We all know she likes you back!' he shouted from behind me as I was making my way through the front door.
I turned around and gave him a cheeky smirk 'Yea, yea yea! we'll see!' I smiled
Zayn: 'Good luck!'
Harry: 'Thanks guys, bye!'

Okay i'm all ready, just need to grab my ipod and gym bag. Harry will be over soon to pick me up..I have to say im a little nervous about this whole thing, i honestly dont know why! Me and harry have been doing stuff together for years and ive never felt this nervous. Im not that confident around guys, but with Harry its completely different, I can be my normal self around him and he can too. I just really enjoy his company..

*knock knock*
I knew that was Harry, just by the way he knocks my door I can tell its him. I laughed to myself, excited but also nervous as I answered the door. When I saw his shadow through the glass I felt my heart flutter like crazy.. god calm down [yn]! he's just a friend..
You: 'Hey haz!' I smiled as I stood in shock, he was looking flawless. He sported a pair of dark jeans, and his plain white tshirt that he looked amazing in and my favorite beanie of his..
Harry: 'Hey [yn] you look nice!' he showed me his cute, crooked smile only showing 1 dimple
I could feel myself going a slight pink colour.. oh my god [yn]! calm down.
You: 'Thanks, you too!' I smiled as he pulled me in for a hug, giving me the chance to inhale his scent that ive come to absolutely adore. God I just wanted to crash my lips onto his there and then, he looked amazing, but somehow I knew he wasnt feeling the same towards me..
You: 'Oh! turn it up!' I shouted as one of my favorite songs came on The wanted, chasing the sun
Harry shook his head and laughed.. 'I still don't get why you like them babe!' he rolled his eyes
You: 'Are you kidding.. they are fit!' I shouted.. but then paused and realised what I just said 'did I say that out loud?' I froze and looked down, trying to stop the smile across my face
Harry: 'Yep you did! and theyre not that good..ehmm ehmm' he hinted
You: 'Oh sorry haz..One Direction are way better!' I winked
Harry: 'By better do you mean we're fitter..?' he winked, being his cheeky self
You:'You know what I mean focus on your driving!' I nudged him.. we both laughed and as the car went into silence for a moment I thought about it, actually the boys were indeed way fitter than the Wanted. I smiled at the thought without realizing and Harry stared at me..
Harry: 'What you smiling at then eh?'
You: 'That would be telling!' I winked
Harry: 'So..any boyfriends at the minute?' he smirked, but I had a feeling he was trying to hide a nervous/worried expression forming on his face. Why would he be worried if I had a boyfriend or not?
and why did he have to bring this up, he already knows I dont have a boyfriend, i mean I want one really bad but its awkward cause i want it to be him..
You: 'Not at the minute..why?' I kind of blushed
Harry: 'You obviously like someone..your blushing!' he winked
You: 'Shut up, I do not!' I laughed putting my head in my hands trying to cover up the fact that I was probably a tomato by now.
Harry: 'You know, if you wanna talk about anything, im here!' he smiled
You: 'I know, youre my best friend for crying out loud!' I smiled.. 'So, what about you Harold? any girlfriends?' I asked nervously, praying he would say no
Harry: 'Nope, but there is someone..' he smiled
I think I nearly died inside.. i wonder who he likes.
You: 'Oh..well come on, spill!' I nudged him
Harry shook his head..'she doesnt like me back though, thats the problem!' Oh my god, how can anyone not like him back, what the hell! if he liked me Id probably through myself at him I laughed to myself
You: 'Im sure thats not the case haz..whats not to like!' I smiled 'just talk to her!'
Harry: 'You think I should?'
I nodded..'yeah, im sure she does like you too and maybe shes just a bit shy to let her feelings out, maybe she's waiting for you to make the first move or doesnt want to ruin anything you two have..' I spilled out, basically telling him my whole situation without making him realize.
Harry: 'Woah [yn], you sound like this is how you feel for someone..'
'Just talk to her Harry!' I fake smiled, putting my hand on his knee, trying to not feel like crap that he likes someone else, trying to at least be happy and supportive for him even though I was so jealous of this girl and was desperate to find out who she was to see what she has that I dont...
I felt harry tense up a bit as I put my hand on his knee..why was that I wonder..I always do that and he never reacts the way he just did..maybe just wasnt paying attention to me, probably just thinking about her..
I looked out the window, resting my head against the glass.. trying not to think about Harry I closed my eyes and got all images out of my head. Then I suddenly felt a warm hand creep around my waist as the car came to a stop. I jumped and shivers went up and down my spine..
Harry: 'Easy jumpy..we're here!' he smiled
You: 'Jesus scared the shit outta me!'
Harry: 'Not my fault you look cute when youre thinking..'
I paused.. 'What did you just say?' did he just call me cute.. what?
Harry: 'Erm..nothing, I said nothing!' he looked down flipping his curls..he always does that when he's nervous, what is going on!? I decided to ignore the compliement for now and hopped out of the car. He followed me and casually draped his arm round my shoulder as we made are way into the gym..

Ive finished up for the day.. Harry is still working out of there somewhere and I have the perfect view as I sit on my iphone on twitter being the lazy person I am.. I get to watch Harry! oh my god and he is smoking! but I still cant get that comment he made out of my head.. 'not my fault you look cute when youre thinking' it just replays over and over again in my head, although he probably didnt mean anything by it, it still makes my heart flutter.
I look over at him and he's talking to a group of girls..typical! im nothing compared to them and he's totally flirting with them. I hate admitting it but i am so jealous right now, ill never have him all to myself. At that thought I get up and get a bottle of water where there are a few fit guys by the door.. as I walk past they pass me a smile.. as I go to pay for my water a warm hand brushes past mine
Guy: 'Ive got this love..' he smiles
You: 'Uhmm thanks!, but its okay ive-'
Guy: 'I want to!' he smiles again
You: 'Thank you, but I didnt quite get your name!'
Guy: 'Oh, im Luke!'
You: '[yn]!' I smile
Luke: 'Nice name!'
You: 'Thank you, well i should really be getting back to my friend-'
Luke: 'boyfriend?'
You: 'Well not exactly, I wish!' I laugh
Luke: 'You like him?'
I nod, 'yeah, he's amazing! ive kinda had a crush on him for years now, he doesnt know and probably never will!, its hard but yeah..-' I laugh.. 'oh what am I going on for..i dont even know you and im telling you my life story!'
Luke: 'No, its okay! I get it!' he smiles
You: 'Well thanks for the water, i should really be getting back!' I smile and he hugs me
Luke: 'No problem, anytime! good luck with umm-'
You: 'Harry!' I smile just saying his name to a complete stranger brings a huge smile across my face
Luke: 'He's a lucky guy!'
I smile and make my way back...

Harry: 'Hey there!' he stood wth a huge smirk on his face..
'Fuck!' I whisper, did he hear everything I just said..
You: 'Hey, you ready to go?' I brush of the topic trying to make sure he didnt hear me talking to Luke about him
He smiled 'Yup, ready when you are..lets go!'

Harry's pov
I was going to look for [yn] and when I went round the corner I saw her talking to some guy... didnt know who he was and didnt want to know either! he was all over her by the looks of things.. I decided to listen in and boy was I glad I did! I heard everything, she just confessed her feeling to him about me! I smiled hugely as she said she's had a crush on me for years and all this time I hadnt a clue, well i kinda suspected something in the car when she blushed a bit! but now I finally know and I couldnt be happier..
then she came around the corner and I heard her whisper a few colourful words under her breath as I think she realised that I might have heard her.. I pushed the thought aside and continued as normal.. as we made our way back to the car I couldnt help but smile big! I felt a slight butterfly sensation fill up in my stomach even though i was trying to pretend I heard nothing.. Now all i need to do is figure out a way to tell her I feel the same, god this is killing me that its killing her to keep her feelings in, all this time she liked me when i liked her and we both never knew or suspected a thing!

Your pov
we were driving home in the car and Harry had a massive smile on his face.. i knew rightly he heard me but he was pretending to keep it to himself..
I tried breaking the awkward silence building up in his car
You: 'Soo, looks like you were having fun today?'
Harry: 'What you mean?'
You: 'Well, im surprised you even got to work out with all them girls around you..'
Harry laughed
Harry: 'And what about that guy you were with, you have fun with him?'
You: 'Whats that supposed to mean?' I snapped
Harry: 'It means youre totally jealous cause I was with them girls today!'
You: 'I was not jealous! why would I be!'
Harry: 'So what were yous talking about!?'
I rolled my eyes..he's practically waiting for me to spill it to him..
You: 'None of your business!' I stuck my tongue out
Then Harry started pulling over on the side of the street..then completely stopped the engine
You: 'What is up with you?'
Harry: 'I'll start the car again when you tell me what you's were talking about!'
Harry: 'I just do! and no need to get all grumpy'
I sighed and crossed my arms, laying back in the passengers seat, the car went silent for what felt like hours. Harry started tapping a tune onto the steering wheel, leaving me to think about what is gonna happen between us, he obviously knows I like him and hes waiting for me to admit it so I guess nows the time to..
I decided to break I silence..Harry jumped at the sound of my voice as he turned to face me, my eyes meeting his.
You: 'Do you have any idea what it feels like to love someone but they don't love you back, just a general question is all?'
Harry: 'I thought I did..but now I dont need to feel like that anymore!'
I sighed again.. god, he waas making this so difficult for me 'and whys that!?' I asked calmly pretending to not give two shits.
Harry: 'because now I know that the person I like, likes me back!' he smiled
I paused..'So im taking one of them girls you were with at the gym today is the girl you like, the girl you were telling me about! so she likes you back? wow, and i thought she'd be 32 or something, nice one haz! even for you' I sighed looking out the window.. Harry pulled at my arm and turned me to face him
Harry: 'Will you calm down [yn]! jesus!'
I kept silent, the only thing I could here was my nervous breathing, I just wanted to get out of this car and run home and cry into my pillow..
You: 'So, you going to see this girl tonight..whats her name anyway?'
Harry: 'Youre so jealous!' he laughed
Harry: '[yn]..I-'
You: '-look, i know you heard me talking to that guy, I know you know okay! so can you please just bring me home! before things get more awkward!'
Harry: 'Not until you do one thing?'
You: 'What?'
Harry: 'Kiss me!'
You: 'Yeah right!' I turned away, pretending I didnt want to kiss him when thats what ive wanted for years now! but before I could focus on a place to stare at through the window harry turned me round to face him
he brushed a lose strand of my hair behind my ear and in no time he started to lean in.. what..omg he is not going to kiss me! is he?
You: 'Harry, don't! what about this other girl?' i said, my voice becoming more silent and softer.. this was boy driving me crazy and the butterflies were throwing a party in my stomach from what was happening, he was actually going to kiss me! but why? i thought he liked this other girl..
Harry: 'What other girl?' he asked, the sarcasm in his voice was killing me
You: 'Fuck Harry, why do you do this to me?' I sighed
Harry: 'you know, that 'other' girl is closer than you think', he paused to look at me 'infact - im actually confessing my feelings to her right now..' he smirked
I turned around to face him.. what did he just say? 'im actually confessing my feelings to her right now' his voice replaying in my head.. what is he trying to say.?
You: 'Harry I-'
Before I could finish my sentence, i felt both of Harry's warm hands on my cheeks and in no time at all his lips crashed onto mine.. he was kissing me! all emotions in my mind were gone, it was just harry and I. The kiss started of soft and gentle, his soft, moist lips felt perfect against mine like they were made to fit together. As his hands fell slowly onto my waist as he pulled me up onto his knee and I wrapped my arms round his neck, then fiddling with his soft curls as I interwined my fingers with them, something ive always been craving to do. His curls were magical and felt amazing against my fingertips. the kiss deepened as I felt his tongue slide along my bottom lips demanding entrance. I opened my mouth and as our tongues got tangled, the butterflys in my stomach were doing sommersaults, something I never wanted to end but I could feel myself get short of breath, we were now full on snogging and my heart was fluttering like crazy. I brought my hands down to his chest and working my way to his toned abs as I felt him pull away. Both of us smiled as all you could hear was our heavy breathing.
You: 'Damn' I whispered as I looked into his gorgeous green eyes, which seemed even more sparkling than usual. Somehow I could tell he was thinking the exact same thing as his expression was something Ive never witnessed. as I sat on his knee, both of us looking into eachothers eyes, he leaned his forehead on mine and smirked cheekily..
Harry: 'You have no idea how long ive been craving that moment!' he whispered
I bit my lips softly trying to hide the smile as I looked down at his soft moist lips craving them on mine again..
You: 'You'd be surprised..' I smiled as I leaned in and kissed him again, teasing the hell out of me he turned away just as my lips were about to crash onto his.. he smirked cheekily as I rolled my eyes and placed my hands on his face and kissed him again. his hands meeting mine as he intewined our fingers, it felt perfect. We were perfect.

Thanks for reading! :) Please tell me what you thought! :)