Sunday 27 May 2012


#imagine You felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Girls all over the world waking up seeing their 1D posters on their walls..You woke up by the noise of your phone vibrating every morning to find a new text from one of the boys..Yes thats right! you and the boys were best friends, well to start with it was just you and Niall! you met him at school, he was in your class and you became best friends from day 1. Then he introduced you to the rest of the boys..and well youve been best friends ever since.
You loved them all..and they loved you! they always treated you so nicely, although Harry and louis would always gang up on you and tease you about Niall cause they knew you liked him, they were the only ones that knew..well they guessed it ages ago! You told them not to tell anyone especially not niall..they said they wouldnt but you knew they probably would at some point! You really had fallen for niall, just everything about him made you feel weak at the knees, he was perfect. And such a nice guy, the only thing you hated was that he had already had a girlfriend. Her name was Vanessa and you hated her with a passion, mainly because you were jealous! Every time you were with the boys at their house and Niall and Vanessa were there, you just ignored stayed with Louis and Harry most of the time..Niall would call you over but you said you were fine! you couldnt bare see them two together..

One night you were in that exact situation. You were at the Boys apartment and they all were there, and so was Vanessa..thats what you thought anyway!
You were getting ready at your made sure you looked nice you wanted to empress! you done your hair and makeup and headed over..
You weren't expecting Vanessa to be there, you arrived and knocked the door. Louis answered.
Louis: 'Hey babe! come on in!' he said hugging you
You: 'Hey lou! thanks..wheres niall?' you ask
Louis: 'Oh..didnt he tell you? him and Vanessa went out for dinner..they shouldnt be much longer!'
- You felt as if your heart was broken! Niall always told you where he was going and who with! He also told you he'd be here tonight! started to feel that you and Niall have slowly drifted apart..
You: 'Oh..well i guess i better go sure yous dont want me here!' you said be honest you only came to see niall, and now that he wasnt here, you just wanted to lock yourself in your room and cry!'
You slowly started to walk back out of the apartment..not waiting for a response from Louis..
Louis grabs your arm and pulls you back in..
Louis: 'Wait [yn]! come here!' he said pulling you into a hug!
You didnt say just hugged louis, you wanted Niall so much! you were trying your best to hold in the tears
Louis could tell you were upset..
Louis: 'Please stay babe! we do want you here..its boring without you! come on..lets go into the other boys! and we can talk about this!'
You: 'Thanks lou! youre a good friend!' you smiled and hugged him again
you and louis went into the sitting room and the rest boys were there playing xbox and laughing and joking..
Harry: Heya [yn]!'
Zayn: 'Hi babe! you alright!?' he said hugging you..
Liam: 'You ok [yn]? you look a bit down tonight?'
You looked at louis..
You: ' fine, just a bit down, thats all! dont worry about me!' you showed a fake smile
Harry: 'Youre not seriously whats up?' he said as he turned off the xbox and all the boys turned around to face you as you and louis sat on the couch.
Zayn: 'You know you can tell us anything babe! dont forget that!' he smiled trying to make you feel better but it wasnt really working.
You looked at the ground sadly.
Louis put his arms round you to comfort you..he was such a understanding guy..all the boys were.
You: 'I-I-I love niall ok!'
Harry: 'Tell us something we dont know babe!' he laughed
Louis threw a cushion at harry indicating him to shut up!
Liam: 'I didnt know that!' he said in shock
Zayn: 'Me either! since when?'
You: 'Ive always liked him zayn! ive just kept it a secret..then louis and harry found out and i told them not to tell anyone, especially not niall! sorry i didnt tell you! what am i going to do?'
Zayn: 'Aww babe! its going to be us!' he smiled
Harry: 'hes right!' he winked
You: 'How do you know! hes too busy with vanessa now..shes changed him, he didnt even text me to tell me he wouldnt be here!'
Harry laughed...
You: 'What are you laughing at now curly?'
Harry: 'Niall doesnt even like Vanessa anymore!..he told me and lou last week!'
You looked at lou confused..why didnt he tell you this!'
Liam: 'He told me and Zayn that too!..he also told me something else!'
You: 'WHAT!? how come hes out with her then! why didnt you tell me?'
Suddenly you heard a large bang from the front was Niall back alone!
He came into yous, interrupting your conversation. He looked really upset for some reason.. all the boys seemed to know why but you hadnt a clue.
Liam: 'Howd it go nialler?'
Zayn: 'How did she take it?'
Louis: 'Its going to be ok mate!'
You: 'Ok! What is going on?' you laughed
Niall looked at you.. then back at the boys..
Niall: 'Umm..i just broke up with Vanessa...'
You: 'Aw sorry! you'll get over it!' you hugged him but he wasnt the same...he would usually pull you in really tight and bear hug you when you two hugged. But tonight he wasnt his usual self..You thought about it for a moment and actually niall hasnt been acting the same round you for the past few have no idea why! why wouldnt he be happy, he has Vanessa, well had.
Niall: 'Im going to go up to my room. I need to be alone!' he said as he stormed up to his room
'what on earth was going on..why is niall so upset!? yea hes broken up with his girl friend! but still..hes acting so weird around me!?' you said to yourself
You: 'NIALL! WAIT!' you shouted up to him
Niall: 'Leave me alone [yn]!.ill see you around!!' he shouted back
You: 'No you wont see me around!..i never wanna see you again!' you shout
You felt so un-wanted, you just wanted to cry a river and face the fact that niall hates you now..but you have no idea why!
You ran out of the boys apartment and went home, slamming the door behind you..
you could hear Louis and Harry shouting at you to come back! you just ignored decided to give the boys space for a couple of days. you didnt want to see them for a while! you were too upset about niall to even think straight. You couldnt believe it..he was your bestfriend! Now everythings and him will never be the same again..

2 days have passed now, you havent seen or spoken to the boys since that night in their apartment! your really missing them loads! but your still mad at niall for the way he treated you! really couldnt believe never saw that side to niall before, something must have been really annoying him!
You must have recieved like 10 texts from the boys this morning. You ignored them all! they rang you a bunch of times ignored them aswell. You noticed they were all from Zayn, Liam, Harry and Louis..none from niall!
It was still really early in the morning..and you were lying in bed thinking about everything that has just broke down into tears.
Suddenly your phone rang was Louis! you decided to answer it cause he was like your older brother..and you could tell him anything and he cared so much, you could tell. You just missed his company and his hugs..
You: 'Hello?' you said sniffing..
Louis: '[YN]! Are you ok babe! we've all been worried sick, especially niall! is everything ok? where are you?!'
You: 'Im ok lou..we'll actually im not! ive missed you all so much..i just needed some space!.Niall's been worried? yeah right!'
Louis: 'He has babe! ever since you left the other night...hes stayed in him room crying all the time, we've tried to cheer him up but hes just so upset..he says he really sorry for the way hes treated you!'
You: 'Well...if hes that sorry, he can say it to me in person!'
Niall: 'I am sorry [yn] so sorry for everything! ive  been such a jerk to you! you dont deserve none of it!'
You now realise that louis had the phone on loudspeaker..and niall was beside him listening the whole time..
You: 'Niall..i think you should come over..we need to talk about this!'
Niall: 'Okay..ill be over right away..
Niall leaves louis and its now just you and him..
Louis: 'You ok [yn]?
You: 'Is it on loudspeaker?'
Louis: 'Nope, just you and me babe!' he chukles
You: 'Good..and i think im ok..has niall said anything else to you?'
Louis: 'Well. he has, but ill let him tell you ok? anyway gotta go babe! Harrys calling me for something! goodluck!'
You: 'Thanks lou! bye'

Later Niall calls at your invite him in and yous go into the sitting room.
It is quite awkward between you and him..
Niall: 'listen [yn], i know youre mad at me..but im so sorry! i was just upset..and well..i need to tell you something!..i dont know how you'll take it but its been on my mind now for weeks! i have to tell you...'
You: ' not disappointed! you really upset me! i understand if you were upset about leaving Vanessa..but you didnt have to take it out on me!'
Niall: 'I wasnt mad about leaving Vanessa..if one thing I was thrilled!' he laughed
You: 'Then why on earth were you upset..?'
Niall: 'well..for the past couple of weeks now i have been feeling this...and do you know the reason why i left her?'
You: ' know you can tell me anything! you should have talked to me..i would have helped you through it! well..the boys said something about you didnt love her anymore, or something?'
Niall: 'Oh so they told you then did they?'
You: 'Told me what niall?'
Niall: 'Dont act innocent..i know they told you!' he started to blush
You: 'Niall...told me what?'
Niall: 'They told you i love you!' he shouted
Your face went into shocked mode.. did he actually just say that!?
You: 'You what?'
Niall: 'I love you [yn]! i have fallen in love with my bestfriend..shes amazing, wonderful, beautiful and stunning! and i know i dont deserve you! i just couldnt keep it from you any longer'
You: 'I love you too nialler!' you smiled and hugged him...
Niall: '[yn] im so sorry about everything..i feel terrible, im sorry i treated you the way i did-
You: 'Stop apologising and just kiss me already!' you winked
Niall: 'Yes ma'am!'
You and niall kissed and it was amazing! were so happy now! everything was perfect!
You, Niall and the boys! Just perfect.

Thanks for reading! Feedback would be appreciated! :D
Much love xx


#imagine your at home getting ready for school in your bedroom, your just putting on some make up and doing your hair when your phone rings..
Its your best friend Harry. You and him have been best friends forever, words cant describe how close you are! hes a year older than you and he always cares and looks after you. You used to really really like Harry, more than you should have, that was a while ago and you have kind of faced the fact that you two could never be together...but deep deep down you still love him. You would never tell him though, you wouldnt want to ruin your friendship, you would rather have him as a friend than not have him at all! you couldnt risk it!
You answer your phone..
You: 'Hey Haz, whats up?'
Harry: 'Just wanted to let you know that im about to arrive at your house, you nearly ready for school!?'
You: 'Yea..nearly finished! wont be long, see you soon curly!'
Harry: 'You know i dont like waiting!'
You: 'yea, yea, yea! now maybe if you let me go i can get ready?' you laugh
Harry: 'Awwh and ruin our conversation!'
You: 'Bye Harry!' you laugh as you put down the phone and hang up!
-- Every time you talked to get butterflies! you dont know why though because you have gotten over him..well..thats what you think!
Suddenly your older brother walks in your room..
Brother: 'Who were you talking to?'
You: 'Whats it to you?'
Bro: 'It was Harry again wasnt it!' he laughs
You: 'So what if it was..its none of your business!'
Bro: 'You obviously like him [yn]! just say something!' he comes as he sits down beside you
You: 'I dont like that way! NOW GET OUT!'
Bro: 'Yes you do..youre always talking to him and spending time with him..! You love him just admit it already! I know you do..' he laughs
Matthew: 'Fine then..but just get together with him already..jeez!'
Matthew finally admit it you do still love harry! everytime hes mentioned you get butterlfies and you feel yourself blush and burn up! But hes Harry Styles! he could get any girl he wanted! You know he doesnt like you in that way..
Youre all depressed when you hear the doorbell ring, its Harry, here so you can walk to school together, like you do every morning!

You answer the door. and you immediately die inside. There he is, his beautiful brown curls sitting perfectly, the two top buttons of his white shirt un-done making you feel weak at the knees, his gorgeous dimples and his bright green eyes staring at you..'God, he is flawless!' you say to yourself
Harry: 'Morning beautiful!
'Omg he just called me beautiful..wait! he always calls me that! why am i freaking out like this?' you say to yourself
You: 'Heey!'
Harry: 'You ready then?'
You: 'Yup..let's go!..Im going now Matthew!' you shout up the stairs..
Matthew: 'Okay bye..oh and just go for it!' he shouts back
You go red.. and Harry looks at you weird
Harry: 'What was that about?' he laughs
You: 'Never mind him..hes an IDIOT!' You shout making sure Matthew can hear you.
Matthew: 'Love you too sis!' he shouts down

You and Harry arrive at is going to be fun cause its your sports you and Harry and the rest of your friends can spend the whole day together and do whatever you want!'
Harry: 'So what we taking part in?' he asks
You: 'I wanna play some rounders!' you smile
Harry: 'Sounds good! hopefully we're in the same team!' he smiles
You: 'I hope so! You're amazing at rounders..who wouldnt want you in their team!' you laugh

You go off and get your sports kit on, when you come back Harry is waiting outside the boys locker rooms waiting for you. When you walk over to him, you hear all of Harry's mates whistling at you... you giggle and Harry pulls you in close for a hug
Harry: 'Sorry boys! shes all mine!' he shouts
you look at Harry confused..why on earth did he just say that! maybe he does like me! wait no..what would he see in a girl like me, he was just backing me up! thats all..'
You: 'Harry! you can let me go now you know!' you laugh.. Inside you never wanted him to let go..this was perfect and he smelt so good.
Harry lets go of the hug and you stare into each others eyes for what feels like hours..
You break the silence by saying..'Come on haz! we're about to start!'
He smiles and follows you outside..

You and Harry and the rest of your year are playing rounders was such a hot day, one of the hottest yet! All the guys are playing topless, but your too busy trying not to stare at Harry's toned were sooo tempted to look, but you didnt want him notcing!
You and harry werent in the same was your turn to bat and Harry was standing at the second post ready to field the ball! the ball was thrown at your bat and you hit the all really were so proud of yourself. You started to sprint round all four postds trying to get a rounder..when you came to the second post Harry was about to catch the ball.. he caught it, but then instead of trying to get you out he deliberately dropped it and took his time to pick it up so you could run on and get back home to your team! You knew Harry just done it to let you win, hes an amazing catcher and would never have dropped that ball!
When you got home all the people on Harry's team shouted at him for dropping the ball..and everyone on your team was cheering for you!
Harry could see that you were happy and he shouted
'Nice one babe!' at you
You smiled back and shouted 'Thanks haz!'
You kept staring at Harry and then you noticed him talking to one of his mates.. it seemed serious
'I wonder what they're talking about?' you asked yourself

**Harrys&Gregs conversation**
Greg: 'I know what that was all about haz! we all do!' he laughs
Harry: 'What?'
Greg: 'Oh come on! just tell her already!'
Harry: 'What are you going on about greg?'
Greg: 'Look Harry..i know you! and i know that youre in love with that girl, just tell her!'
Harry: 'ok..ok i do love her! but shhh..dont dare tell her i told you. She doesnt feel the same it will never work!'
Greg: 'how do you know?'
Harry: 'Shes my best friend, we have been all our lives! If i tell her how i feel it would ruin everything!'
Greg: 'Haz! just tell her trust me, it will all work out!'
Harry: 'Just look at her...shes beautiful, and looks fit in them shorts!'
Greg: 'She is stunning! if you dont..i will!' he winks
Harry: 'Stay away from her ok?' he laughs
Greg: 'Look..there shes coming over! goodluck!'
Harry: 'Cheers greg!'
You: 'Hey greg!'
Greg: 'Alright babe?' he says as he hugs you
You: 'Im great thanks!'
Greg: 'Well..i better be going, Harry has something he wants to tell you..isnt that right haz?' he winks
Harry: 'BYE GREG!'
Greg: 'See ya mate..bye [yn]
Greg leaves laughing
You: 'We won! We won!' you cheer in Harrys face
Harry: 'yea yea yea!'
You: 'Oh and thanks for letting me get home on my turn!'
Harry: 'I didnt..i really did miss that catch!' he winks
You: 'yeah right!...anyway, what was all that about with greg? what do you want to tell me!'
Harry: 'Oh..its nothing important ill tell you later!'
You: 'No! tell me now!' you smile
Harry: 'No [yn]! please! ill tell you later yea?'
You: 'Why cant you tell me now?' you laugh
Harry: 'Okay ill tell you...'
Harry runs away and you chase after him..
You: 'Im gonna get you hazza!' you shout after him
Minutes later after running after harry you catch up on him and you hop on his back and you both fall over.. yous are on the football pitch but theres only a few people outside..
You and Harry are both laying down, Harry on top of you and your heads almost touching..
'just kiss me already!' you say to yourself.
You: 'Harry just tell me pleasee!' you smile
Harry: 'You really want to know?'
You: 'Yes!'
Harry: 'Okay, close your eyes..'
You close your eyes then you immediately feel Harry's soft lips on cant believe it!!
Harry pulls back from the kiss and you smile at him
Harry: 'I love you [yn]!'
You: 'I love you too haz!'
You kiss again, but this time you hear greg and all of Harrys friends cheering and whistling in the backround, You can feel harry smile as he lifts you up and spins you around...

You and Harry are walking home now, his arm round your waist! This is what youve been waiting for, forever! When you get to your house you and Harry say goodbye and kiss again on your doorstep, this time more passionate! when you pull away you give him one last hug and he kisses your nose! As he does this Matthew happens to be looking out his window at this point, and sees you and Harry hug..
You walk into your house and Matthew rushes downstairs to meet you..
Matthew: 'So..have you snogged him yet or what?' he winks....

Hope you liked it :)
tell me what you thought! more long imagines coming up! :D
Much love xx

Sunday 13 May 2012

Long Louis #imagine  You and your best friend Rebecca are going to a One Direction concert. You are totally in love with them boys, everything you two do involves One Direction! They are your life. You have a soft spot for Louis though..he is perfect! and has a body to die for, his hair, his eyes and his smile; just perfection. Your friend Rebecca loved Harry more than words can describe! This was the first ever concert you have been to and you were pumped! You and your best friend going to see your idols together.

The night of the concert came and yous were shaking with and rebecca had front row tickets, yous made the most colourful and creative banners ever so the boys would notice you both.
The concert was starting now and the arena was packed and full of screaming girls just like couldnt hear yourself think it was that loud!
The boys came on stage and everyone went crazy, especially you because you saw Louis look straight at you and gave you a thought it was just a coincidence so you didnt think anything of it, you smiled back.
The boys sang their first few songs..More Than This and Stole My Heart. Then when it came to the twitter questions everyone was shouting the boys names..trying to get their attention. You couldnt stop staring at Louis...he was perfect in every way, all the boys were, there was just something special about Louis that you wanted. The boys all sat on the couch on stage and you noticed Louis whisper to Harry then he pointed in your direction, you swore that he was pointing at you telling Harry to look at you..but you thought that you were just being paranoid. Then Harry looked over at you and gave a cheeky wink!
You immediately got butterflies in your stomach..and turned to your friend who was giggling..
Rebecca: 'Louis is so checking you out!' she winked
You: 'No hes not...hes just being friendly!' you laughed
Rebecca: 'Ok! whatever you say..but Louis doesnt make that look at just anyone!'
You: 'How do you know!?' you laughed
Rebecca: 'Just trust me!' she winked
You continued to enjoy the concert and when you looked up at Louis, you noticed him staring right at you again! you smiled back and he winked.
You: 'This cant be happening?' you said to yourself wondering whats going to happen...'Does he really like me? or is he just being friendly?' you kept saying to yourself..
One of the twitter questions someone had sent in had came on the big board and it said.. 'Describe your perfect girl! xx'
All the boys started thinking and Louis was the first one to answer... He once again looked straight into your eyes from the stage and started describing his perfect girl..
Louis: 'Well my perfect girl would have to have a good personality, make me laugh!  doesnt take life seriously and is up for a good time, have a beautiful smile.'
You turned to rebecca who had her mouth wide open with amazement.
You: 'What?' you asked laughing
Rebecca; 'Omg! Louis just described you..your all them things he said! he so likes you...'
You: 'Hes just being friendly...he doesnt even know me!' you laughed
Rebecca: 'He likes you [yn]! I dont care what you can tell by the way hes looking at you..ever since the concert started he hasnt taken his eyes off you!'

The concert was coming to an end now and the boys started saying their thank yous and said goodbye to the crowd..
Louis took one final look at you and smiled as he and the boys walked off stage!
Everyone started to make their way out of the arena..
You: 'We're not leaving yet...the boys could come back out for all we know! we cant miss an opportunity to meet them! we may never be able to do this again!'
Rebecca: 'Theres no way that they will come back out! come on, lets go!'
You: 'No way..I dont care how long it takes, they're bound to come back out!'
Rebecca: 'Fine! i'll stay..but just for a while...'

A while had turn into an and rebecca were still in the arena sitting up at the back. Patiently waiting.
Rebecca: 'Come on [yn] lets go! theyve probably left by now anyway...we're not going to meet them!
You: 'Rebecca please...Lets just stay a little while longer..please! if they dont come out in the next 20 minutes we can leave! ok?'
Rebecca: 'Ok then! but they wont come out..I know they wont!'
You and rebecca are still sitting at the back and inside your praying for them to come out! your life would be complete if you met these boys! its all you ever dreamed of!

15 minutes later..
Rebecca: 'Right thats it! I know how we can get their attention!' she said as she ran down to the front of the stage and climbed up and started dancing stupidly on stage
You laughed
You: 'Rebecca! get down!' you said trying to stop your laughing
 Suddenly you heard Rebecca scream with excitement
You shot up from the ground where you were lying and you saw Liam and Louis walk onto the side of the stage..
Rebecca: 'Oh my God! Its One Direction!' she screamed
Liam and Louis started laughing as Harry, Niall and Zayn joined them on stage...Paul following them from behind!
You: 'Rebecca! get off that stage! give the boys some space!' You shouted from the back laughing..
Liam: 'Hi love! what are you still doing here?'
Rebecca: 'Hi! its amazing to meet you all! I love you so much! and so does my friend [yn]!' she said pointing down towards you..
Zayn: 'Thanks babe! but that still doesnt answer Liam's question!' he laughed
Rebecca; 'Oh sorry, well [yn] wanted to stay on for a while to see if you would come out! I didnt think you as we were about to leave I came onto this stage and started...well, I guess embarassing myself!' she laughed
Harry: 'Louis! thats the girl you showed me during the concert!' he whispered as Harry pointed down to you...
You started to blush at the fact that all the boys looked down at you and waved! you went into shy mode and just smiled back..
You couldnt believe were still sitting at the back of the concert just watching the boys talk to Rebecca! you were actually shocked and excited that they came out! Its a good job you didnt leave.

  All the boys and Rebecca made there way down to you and took a seat..
You were still standing a couple of rows behind..still shocked at what is happening..
Niall: Come on and sit down love!' he said indicating you to come over
you walked over to where everyone is sitting and you sat beside Louis and Liam.
Harry: 'So youre [yn]? nice to meet you beautiful!'
Louis: 'Its nice to finally meet you in person love!' he smiled
You: 'Hi! Um..Can I just say that its amazing to meet you all..I love you so much, you are my heroes..youve made my dreams come true!' you laughed
Liam: 'Aw thank you babe!'
Louis: 'We love you too!' he winked
Zayn: 'So.. how long have you two been friends?'
You: 'Forever!' you smile
Harry: 'aww! have you any hobbies?' he asked
Rebecca: 'We dance!'
Louis: 'What kind of dancing do you do?'
You: 'Highland! Niall, you would be good at it actually! wouldnt he becca?' you laughed
Rebecca: 'Yea..totally!'
Louis: 'Well go on us a step!' he laughed
Niall: Yea!
You: 'Well..ok then if you want!' you laughed
you and rebecca made you way to the small space outside the seats..
Harry: 'Nope! not there..go on stage and show us!'
You and rebecca giggled as you ran up onto stage..
You: 'ill do a step..then you do a step yea?' you whispered to rebecca
Rebecca: 'Okay..make it look energetic though..we want to impress them!' she giggled
You; 'Yous ready then?' you shouted to the boys
Louis: 'Yeah! whenever youre ready!' he shouted

You and rebecca began to dance and you done a step that had lots of leaps and jumps in the air...
as you finished you saw all the boys on their feet cheering..
You and rebecca ran back down to them and they gave yous a hug..
Zayn: 'Wow! that was so amazing girls!'
Niall: 'I could do that!' he laughed
You: 'Care to put your money where your mouth is!' you laugh
Harry: 'ohh competition!'
Louis: 'Go on then Nialler! we're waiting!' he laughed
Niall went out and failed at your dance..
You all laughed as Niall came and sat back down
Niall: I smashed that! he winked
Rebecca: 'Yea..totally!' she winked
Louis: 'Listen! me and the boys are staying here for  a while, would you girls like to hang out backstage with us for a bit?'
You: 'You serious?'
Zayn: 'Why wouldnt we girls are the best!' he smiled
Harry: ' Louis has-'
Harry was interupted by Louis kicking him..
Louis: 'Shut up Haz!' he laughed
All the boys winked at you..
Rebecca Laughed..she knew exactly what Harry was going to say..but you didnt have a clue! so you just laughed.
The boys lead you into there dressing room..and introduced you to Paul.
You went into their dressing room and it was the size of your whole house!
You: 'Wow! this is wicked!' you smiled
Louis: 'So you like it then?' he smiled
You: 'Yeah of course its amazing!'
Harry: 'Thats good because..we were wondering if you wanted to do a twitcam with us!? do you wanna?'
Rebecca: 'Yes yes yes! sounds amazing! you guys are the best! this is the best night ever!' she laughed
Niall: Aww thank you hun!'
Liam: 'ill get the laptop ready, Zayn come with me!'
Rebecca; 'oooh i see some Ziam right there!' she winked
All the boys laughed..

You, Rebecca, Harry, Louis and Niall sat on the couch and just talk and laugh for a bit as you wait for liam to come back with the laptop.
You and Louis are having your own conversations and you feel as if youve become best friends in the matter of half and hour, you discover yous have so much in common. you wish it was more though..who wouldnt want Louis Tomlinson all to themselves..
Liam and Zayn come back with the laptop and set in down on the table opposite you all..
You: Whos account are we doing it from!?' you ask
Louis: 'Yours silly!' he smiled
You: 'But wait! we cant do it from mine...noone will watch! ive hardly any followers compared to you guys! it will be rubbish!' you laugh
Harry: 'Dont say that babe! it wont be rubbish...word will spread that we are with you and it will turn out great!'
Louis: ' its a great idea for you to gain followers!' he smiled
Liam: I agree.. It will be good fun.'
Rebecca: 'Okay! but how about me and [yn] start the twitcam and you guys wait behind the camera and then you come out and surprise everyone!'
Zayn: 'Thats a great idea!'
Louis: 'Yeah..nice thinking! you two start the twitcam whenever your ready and we will wait sit here watching you!'
You: 'Okay! But dont make too much noise!' you smile

You tweet all your followers saying..'Hey and my bestfriend are going to do a twitcam! we're just back from a 1D concert! Theres a MASSIVE surprise in store! x'
You begin broadcasting and you get 50 viewers...
You: 'Hey everyone thanks for watching this! If I get to 100 viewers There will be a massive surpirse for all you directioners! so please stay dont wanna miss this!'
Rebecca starts reading out some questions..
Rebecca; 'Whats the big surpirse..and who is that in the backround..we can hear voices!?' she reads out
You: 'Well we cant tell you the surprise just yet..but we promise you, you dont want to miss this twitcam!' you respond
You read out more questions and you read..
'Who is your favourite member of 1D?' you laugh when you read this because the boys are sitting opposite you, and they laugh too!
You: ', I love them all! I dont have a favourite!' you laugh
Rebecca: 'Yea me too!'
Louis: 'But if you had to'd choose Louis Right?' he said in a really girly voice in the backround..
You laugh..
You: 'Ok, ok, if I had to choose i would say Louis!'
Louis: 'Because....?' he said again in a girly voice trying to cover up his own voice so that noone recognises his voice..
You look up at Louis and smile.. he was obviously doing this for badness
You: 'Because. hes hilarious, his personality is so funny!' smile
Rebecca: 'Thats not all!' she winked
You: 'Shut up!' you smile as you start to blush...
The boys try their best not to laugh...
Another question comes up and it says.. 'What would you do if the boys were watching your twitcam right now?'
You laugh when you read this..and it starts to sink in that the boys are sitting right infront of you, your heroes, your idols.
You: 'Well..we'd do alot of things, but firstly we would do this....Come on out guys!' you say with excitement..
The boys run and sit down beside you..Louis landing on your knees..
Louis: 'Whats up my little Carrots!?'
Harry: 'Hows it going Pussys!?'
You laugh
Rebecca: 'Its One Direction!' she shouts
Suddenly you notice that youve gained 5000+ more viewers, youve never had this many before!
Liam: 'Hey guys! its us one direction! how is everyone?'
Niall: 'Hey everyone! make sure you go follow are new friends [yn] and Rebecca! Amazing girls!'
This made you smile..Niall Horan just said that you were amazing!
Louis decides to go on his iPhone and tweets..'Hey guys! in the middle of a twitcam! follow [your twitter name] to watch! all the boys are here! having a blast! x'
Harry tweets: 'Hola everyone! All the boys and myself are doing a twitcam with are new friends [Rebeccas twitter name] and [your twitter name]! please follow them and watch us! xx'
You have now moved so your sitting on Louis' knee, you get butterflies and the scent of his aftershave sends shivers down your spine. You wish you could stay like this forever..
You: 'Burrrrr im cold!' you say shivering
Louis: 'Aww here take my hoodie babe!' he says putting his hoodie round you..
The butterflies become more intense now and the smell of Louis' hoodie is to die for! this is perfect...
You: 'Thanks Lou!' you smile
Niall starts reading some comments... nearly all the comments say..'Is [yn] and Louis dating?' or 'They're so cute!'
You start to blush...
Harry: 'awwww!'
Louis whispers in your ear.. 'youre even more beautiful when you blush!'
this making you blush even more you smile and stare straight into Louis' eyes...his beautiful eyes staring right back at you..your noses almost touching, you feel his warm breath against your skin, his soft brown hair sitting perfectly on his head, his hands placed gently on your waist. he grabs your hand and leads you to a quiet room inside their dressing room.
Rebecca: 'oooooh! she winks
Harry: 'Be careful with my man!' he laughs

You: 'Louis! what are we doing here?'
Louis: 'Can you just kiss me already? ive been waiting for this all night!' he winks
You: 'Yes boss!' you wink as you lean in and kiss louis passionately for what feels like feel as if youre in heaven, never in a million years have you thought that you would be kissing Louis Tomlinson in his dressing room..this is perfect.
Suddenly you hear someone come in..its Harry and Rebecca holding hands.
You pull away from Louis and see them two holding hands..
You: 'Awww!' you smile
Rebecca: 'I could say that exact same thing to you!'
you hug eachother and you can hear Louis and Harry high five behind you...

What would have happened if you and rebecca left the concert once it was over? What would have happened if Rebecca didnt jump on stage when she did? .....


Please Tell me what you thought! sorry it was so long! :) 
Hope you enjoyed it! :) 
Much love xx
Long Louis #imagine Part 1 You and your best friend Rebecca are going to a One Direction concert. You are totally in love with them boys, everything you two do involves One Direction! They are your life. You have a soft spot for Louis though..he is perfect! and has a body to die for, his hair, his eyes and his smile; just perfection. Your friend Rebecca loved Harry more than words can describe! This was the first ever concert you have been to and you were pumped! You and your best friend going to see your idols together.

The night of the concert came and yous were shaking with and rebecca had front row tickets, yous made the most colourful and creative banners ever so the boys would notice you both.
The concert was starting now and the arena was packed and full of screaming girls just like couldnt hear yourself think it was that loud!
The boys came on stage and everyone went crazy, especially you because you saw Louis look straight at you and gave you a thought it was just a coincidence so you didnt think anything of it, you smiled back.
The boys sang their first few songs..More Than This and Stole My Heart. Then when it came to the twitter questions everyone was shouting the boys names..trying to get their attention. You couldnt stop staring at Louis...he was perfect in every way, all the boys were, there was just something special about Louis that you wanted. The boys all sat on the couch on stage and you noticed Louis whisper to Harry then he pointed in your direction, you swore that he was pointing at you telling Harry to look at you..but you thought that you were just being paranoid. Then Harry looked over at you and gave a cheeky wink!
You immediately got butterflies in your stomach..and turned to your friend who was giggling..
Rebecca: 'Louis is so checking you out!' she winked
You: 'No hes not...hes just being friendly!' you laughed
Rebecca: 'Ok! whatever you say..but Louis doesnt make that look at just anyone!'
You: 'How do you know!?' you laughed
Rebecca: 'Just trust me!' she winked
You continued to enjoy the concert and when you looked up at Louis, you noticed him staring right at you again! you smiled back and he winked.
You: 'This cant be happening?' you said to yourself wondering whats going to happen...'Does he really like me? or is he just being friendly?' you kept saying to yourself..
One of the twitter questions someone had sent in had came on the big board and it said.. 'Describe your perfect girl! xx'
All the boys started thinking and Louis was the first one to answer... He once again looked straight into your eyes from the stage and started describing his perfect girl..
Louis: 'Well my perfect girl would have to have a good personality, make me laugh!  doesnt take life seriously and is up for a good time, have a beautiful smile.'
You turned to rebecca who had her mouth wide open with amazement.
You: 'What?' you asked laughing
Rebecca; 'Omg! Louis just described you..your all them things he said! he so likes you...'
You: 'Hes just being friendly...he doesnt even know me!' you laughed
Rebecca: 'He likes you [yn]! I dont care what you can tell by the way hes looking at you..ever since the concert started he hasnt taken his eyes off you!'

The concert was coming to an end now and the boys started saying their thank yous and said goodbye to the crowd..
Louis took one final look at you and smiled as he and the boys walked off stage!
Everyone started to make their way out of the arena..
You: 'We're not leaving yet...the boys could come back out for all we know! we cant miss an opportunity to meet them! we may never be able to do this again!'
Rebecca: 'Theres no way that they will come back out! come on, lets go!'
You: 'No way..I dont care how long it takes, they're bound to come back out!'
Rebecca: 'Fine! i'll stay..but just for a while...'

A while had turn into an and rebecca were still in the arena sitting up at the back. Patiently waiting.
Rebecca: 'Come on [yn] lets go! theyve probably left by now anyway...we're not going to meet them!
You: 'Rebecca please...Lets just stay a little while longer..please! if they dont come out in the next 20 minutes we can leave! ok?'
Rebecca: 'Ok then! but they wont come out..I know they wont!'
You and rebecca are still sitting at the back and inside your praying for them to come out! your life would be complete if you met these boys! its all you ever dreamed of!

15 minutes later..
Rebecca: 'Right thats it! I know how we can get their attention!' she said as she ran down to the front of the stage and climbed up and started dancing stupidly on stage
You laughed
You: 'Rebecca! get down!' you said trying to stop your laughing
 Suddenly you heard Rebecca scream with excitement
You shot up from the ground where you were lying and you saw Liam and Louis walk onto the side of the stage..
Rebecca: 'Oh my God! Its One Direction!' she screamed
Liam and Louis started laughing as Harry, Niall and Zayn joined them on stage...Paul following them from behind!
You: 'Rebecca! get off that stage! give the boys some space!' You shouted from the back laughing..
Liam: 'Hi love! what are you still doing here?'
Rebecca: 'Hi! its amazing to meet you all! I love you so much! and so does my friend [yn]!' she said pointing down towards you..
Zayn: 'Thanks babe! but that still doesnt answer Liam's question!' he laughed
Rebecca; 'Oh sorry, well [yn] wanted to stay on for a while to see if you would come out! I didnt think you as we were about to leave I came onto this stage and started...well, I guess embarassing myself!' she laughed
Harry: 'Louis! thats the girl you showed me during the concert!' he whispered as Harry pointed down to you...
You started to blush at the fact that all the boys looked down at you and waved! you went into shy mode and just smiled back..
You couldnt believe were still sitting at the back of the concert just watching the boys talk to Rebecca! you were actually shocked and excited that they came out! Its a good job you didnt leave.

Part 2 will be up right away! tell me what you thought! :D

Saturday 12 May 2012

Hey everyone! I will start posting One Direction #imagines tomorrow :D